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Hey OFC got a few concerns about this great place. First off I know it's winter and times are slow right now on the board but I keep seeing reports coming and going and we are only getting 10...15...somtimes only 3 or 4 reply's to a report. I love to share reports and put a short story together for members to see but it seems nobody is really taking the time to post and give out a "good job" anymore. I try my best to find reports and give a good job out whenever I see them and it's because this is the best part of OFC to me is to share my catches and view others.


From this comes another question, I know there are lot's of members here that are on the form and just don't post...for whatever reason though we are getting the most replys on pages that have nothing to do with Fishing. This is a great community and off fishing topics are great, but with a armm of fisherman that we have don't you think it's the fishing the members(you) would be paying attention to.



Happy Ice Season fokes, I encourage members to post reports and we all say this when we get new members but are we not giving the good gesters for the work(it's not much to upload and post) that we do for sharing our adventure.


First rant, well see where it goes.


Mike The Bass Fisher

Posted (edited)
  On 1/8/2011 at 9:01 PM, splashhopper said:

Did i miss your report of the fishing trip you won this past year ? ;)


Nope, I never got out to do it yet. Steve and I are hoping to do a Lake Trout trip on Simcoe instead of the bass. I've been bugging him on a date. Just had a busy summer out in Leeds and Thousand Islands.


Sorry Smart BEEP, you did not miss it



Edited by MikeTheBassFisher

Actually it is not a rant it is the direction that the Moderators are striving for this Community to go in. It is a monumental job because the glamor of the winternet brings an atmosphere of the train wreck syndrome. (You are afraid to look because you will see the wreck...You are afraid to not look because you will miss the wreck.)While we will attempt to continue to keep the board from offending people with its content we have allowed a lot of latitude as far as content regarding sensitive subjects. If people keep the basic rules in mind as they post we should all survive to fish the soft water season.


If you have never posted a report with photos you don't know how much effort went into the process. Your average trip down memory lane takes at least 1/2 hour and a end of the year extravaganza can be hours of their time to share the memories with you. If you enjoyed the thread a short thank you is more than enough payment and who knows your next fishing buddy just might appear.




  On 1/8/2011 at 9:09 PM, MikeTheBassFisher said:

Sorry but I knew I'll get a few punches for this haha. Just had to set ya straight...only through the keyboard tho ;)


I was just hoping to see u kick some butt in that trip is all Mike... I am pulling for YOU to beat the pro.... ice or soft water... i am pulling for the underdog. :thumbsup_anim:


Good thread Mike. I agree with you 100 percent. I dont fish hard water, but i love to see the fish pics and storeys anyways. I try my darndest to at least give a thumbsup_anim.gif , on these posts for sure.

I do however get absorbed in some of the really interesting NF threads too, and what i like most are the ones where i learn new techniques and tricks and new products.


Thanks for having the guts to post the subject.clapping.gif




Don't let it bother you Mike.. I know it's hard. I've had some threads that took me 3 hours or more to put together that got less than a dozen replies. It certainly does make you wonder why you bothered in the first place. Then some guy just finishes his drug deal I mean sandwich.. gets a gun shoved in his nose and it goes 12 pages..




I must admit that I'm guilty of replying more often to the non-fishing posts, while just trolling through people's lengthy reviews of fishing trips past. I'll see what I can do to make amends.


Thanks for the reminder.


Yes, sometimes, you will put up reports and get few responses, but you will get a couple hundred views.

Some people may or may not care for your reports or the style of fishing, or the target species. It comes with the territory. I share because I can. I just haven't had much worth starting a thread with lately.

Other times we just aren't here to reply to a thread, haven't much to say, or someone has said it for us already. Some of us have been kinda pre-occupied with some real heavy crap lately and fishing just isn't on the mind. 11 pages of music bits was a great way to forget about some of that crap.


This is not to put you down. I'd love to think of nothing but fishing all day. Unfortunately it just ain't possible.

You do put up great reports and some neat stories. Be happy that you can.

Posted (edited)

My 2010 year was pretty average for fishing. Nothing really worth while posting imo. Lots of numbers just not the size. How many pics of small to medium sized fish do I need to take a picture of, not many unless there was something special about the fish. I also fish with Cliff and he takes all the pictures and puts up the report. :good: Maybe Lincoln will put up the report from our day of bassin' but I doubt it, I just smoked him with fish after fish while he took them pics. I think he is still up set about that. :D If nothing else he should post the pic of the boat with all the crap he brought that day. :w00t:


I also think more people are protective of the locations they fish and will not post any pics. I don't blame them for that either. Others are just busy with life perhaps. I've also done up reports in the past and forgot to copy them before trying to preview or post them to have all the work disappear. To po'd to type it up again so no report.


EDIT - Hey look at that!! My propane post has 620 views and 21 replies!! :sarcasm::lol:

Edited by fishnsled

For me personally, I have zero interest in ice fishing so this time of year I very seldom even look at a fishing report let alone reply to them. Nothing personal against anyone, it's just not something that gets my attention.


As for posting fishing reports, I haven't put one up for about 3 years now mainly because I have no time for all the so called "musky experts" around here that like to disect everything and have far too many opinions for my liking, but that's just me.


I enjoy alot of the non-fishing reports and find they fill in the void until the soft water season returns :Gonefishing:


Mike I'm stupify by this rant and think it's childish..... and this is in no way disrespect to you my friend. I love your reports and think that the passion you have for fishing reflects the detail you put into them :thumbsup_anim:


The board has not change one bit. It's been the same since the day I've joined back in 2008. I've posted a lot of reports since then and some get replies and some not as much, I'm fine with that. The control you have when posting is when you press the submit button but the reply button is another story, you don't. I could name a few members that post regularly and don't get replies for it and that's fishing and non fishing reports <_<


I understand your frustration not getting the replies to the reports you post to share but you can't expect every member browsing at the time to drop in and reply. I for myself, this past Friday celebrated my dad's birthday without him (past away a couple of years ago) and was in no mood to chime in / in any of the threads being posted


Hope this was not to harsh on you but is what I think of this rant :)

Keep doing what you enjoy doing, go fishing and post reports!!!

Tight lines



Jacque brings up some good points.. and you know I've also found that the ones that rant the most about nobody replying to their threads... rarely reply to other members threads! It's called retribution.


I try and throw one of those happy face things in to acknowledge i've read the thread, sometime it's just easier than writing a comment, at least it is for the one's that type with one digit.

  On 1/8/2011 at 11:34 PM, Terry said:

it has been the same for many many years


and it some ways it's what makes it great/different/number one


You got that right Terry !!! This is the best all round fishing forum i have seen.Joined a couple last summer, one was full to the brim with "PRO" anglers, and when i posted a question it was like being solicitated to buy every brand name lure and rod in the worldblink.gif The other was full of teeny bopper kids more interested in cruiseing and hacking than fishing. When i saw the name Ontario Fishing Community,i wasnt sure, I live in Quebec, if i was allowed to join.But i applied, and was surprised to see other quebecers in here too.

When new to a forum, its hard to get accepted,and find your niche, thats why i get into everyones 'face' and jump right in with both feet.There are some 'clics' in here.members who only reply to 'friends' threads, but that happens everywhere, and is a normal.I have met some really good people on this board, not bad for a guy who joined only 7 months agoclapping.gif


tite lines




If the point of posting a report is to see how many replies you get - then, IMO, you may need to consider why you post (or fish?). I post to share my enjoyment. Size of the fish doesn't really matter - its nice when you get a PB and we all want to share those. But hey - how often does that happen? Any day on the water - fish or not - and we have seen some really cool posts where the posters got skunked - is a good day .

Some posts I reply to some I don't, depends on so many things we experience in life. Some days I'm just too tired to respond. But I still enjoy the read! As many have said - family, medical, personal issues are common to us all. But we do read them, and we enjoy them, even if we dont respond to them. AND somedays, with friends who share common interests, we just want to share a joke, a barb, some pain, some joy.

We all come here cuase we fish, but we share far more than that everyday


Although really, why do Leafs fans still exist.......sarcasm.gif I mean if we fished a river that skunked us that often....

but I digress.


Hey buddy don't sweat it! This is my busy time of year so I don't even get to surf OFC often...... Which means I don't post often either.... So when I post ice fishing reports I don't get many replies... But in the summer when I have time to post on other ppls threads I get all sorts of replies from people... Usually those who I've posted replies to recently... Just the way it goes....

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