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Ontario Needs To Change For Anglers

Aaron Shirley

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What a load of dung dude. They throw that in the governments face every chance they get. That and the bear hunt. They call the government out on the broken promise because the government promised to match the funding raised by anglers dollar for dollar. The government reneged and the OFAH will not only never let them forget it but they lobby constantly for the province to restore funding and honour their side of that deal.


This isn't the only scenario where the government has done this to us. Think about where the licence plate sticker was supposed to go. Right back into the roads. Do you think all of our licence fees go back into the roads or the general pot?

Sorry Dan but OFAH has gotten you too HAHAHAHAHAH,.......think about it Dan seriously I know your a big OFAH fan, I also know you a big fisher/angler advocate so just look who you crawl into bed with. We may disagree but I still apreciate your opinion. I'm glad you commented on my opinion, it's good to here from you!! Again we may not always agree but I know how passionate you are and I still enjoy your thoughts on everything regaurding the outdoors

Edited by canadadude
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Sounds like they're part of OPSEU... :ninja:

Dude there better then opseu hahahahaha.........the OFAH they got there own TV show sucking us in, there Hollywood, no stone unturned for them, they bought a legitment concerned group of anglers/hunters and turned it into a money making enterprise and I mean big $$$$$, those dudes do crap and are walking out with 6+ figures. Keep on suporting the OFAH the dudes need 1000 acre's up in dryden for some chocolate buck racks. SCAM

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I delivered an OFAH hatchery to the Stevensville school today. This is a definite plus for the OFAH. These sheltered kids who get driven to school and locked indoors actually care about the water quality by the end of this program. If you look for negatives in any org you'll find them. Make sure you stop and check for positives while your at it.

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I delivered an OFAH hatchery to the Stevensville school today. This is a definite plus for the OFAH. These sheltered kids who get driven to school and locked indoors actually care about the water quality by the end of this program. If you look for negatives in any org you'll find them. Make sure you stop and check for positives while your at it.

This all sounds great but getting back to Aron's point perhaps we need a voice in govenment, a lobbying voice to get the fishers concerns out. The OFAH provides a cheap hatchery thats sweet, but we need a voice in government to protect thess kids fishery. A hatchery is a cheap toy, it sucks us all in, ain't that sweet' yayayayayaay, it's going to turn every dead beats life around. Come on dudes what the fishery/ natural resources needs is a lobby group an the OFAH ain't it, it was but they laid down for $$$$$$$$. They claim there spokeperson for fishers but do they lobby for us???? you be the judge. Fisheries in schools is cute but no steelies when I'm drifting sucks.No access to lakes up north sucks, no pens sucks, no stocking sucks, no hatcheries sucks, .


All I want to say really is the OFAH claims to be the voice of the Ontario/Hunter then lobby the government and do so quit linning your pockets and bring the OFAH back to what it was intended to do

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Remember these points during the next political election campaign. I realize that most of us lead busy lives, but it will not take that much time to send a few letters and speak to political candadites that knock on our doors. Every bit helps.


- inject more funding into the OMNR (i.e. more Conservation Officers)

- More public education/awareness (i.e. regulation changes or public awareness on differentiating species etc.)

- Protect our watersheds

- More/better launch ramp facilities

- Fish cleaning stations at popular launch ramps

- More/better access points to rivers and streams with parking and garbage cans


Sorry if this topic has been on here recently and I missed it.



Remember that the OMNR has a huge budget and it deals with several divisions. Many think the OMNR is only responsible for fish and wildlife but a look at their website will show you that is only one department. This is the department our licence fees were meant to enhance but as mentioned before they reneged and now we're stuck with that user fee. Dropping that user fee could be a campaign platform though, especially seeing as anglers and hunters have a higher rate of volunteering with OMNR than the other sectors.


Some even think C.O's only deal with fish and wildlife but no. They have to deal with aggregate issues as well as illegal logging etc.


From the MNR website:

The Ministry is responsible for:


Fish & Wildlife Management – sustainably managing Ontario's fish and wildlife resources.

Land & Waters Management – leading the management of Ontario's Crown lands, water, oil, gas, salt and aggregates resources, including making Crown land available for renewable energy projects.

Forest Management – ensuring the sustainable management of Ontario's Crown forests.

Ontario Parks – guiding the management of Ontario's parks and protected areas.

Forest Fire, Flood and Drought Protection - protecting people, property and communities from related emergencies.

Geographic Information – developing and applying geographic information to help manage the province's natural resources.


As for education I think they're pulling their hair out. They can't change the regs like the bait travel ban until it's been to the feds and it takes a minimum of two years to make such a change. They have partners such as the OFAH who drive home the invasive species and so do member clubs but still at our kids derby in St Catharines parents can be seen pouring bait buckets with unused bought bait into the harbour. Some people you just can't reach. Even though the MNR puts forth this effort they have no control over invasive laden ballasts of ships dumping into the great lakes and then refilling with fresh water for sale over seas. New laws might be on the way to stop this but globalization will worsten the toll.


The MNR and province are spending a great deal of energy on protecting our watersheds. It gets harder everyday as we grow but they don't. If you compare frontline mnr staff per capita now with lets say back in 1970 it will the 70's staff would likely dwarf todays. I agree more frontline staff such as co's and on the ground bio's should be funded. However the fight they have right now to protect headwaters and wetland is way bigger than ever before at least in my lifetime. Ask a farmer if the MNR is doing anything to protect watersheds. The MNR is willing to excuse them of their land rights to do so.


I agree with you that more/better cleaning stations, ramps etc would boost fishing tourism further but is that up to the mnr? Right now the Niagara Parks Commision is looking for feedback from the public. Submit your concerns and ideas for the new admin/board and don't stop with the NPC. Take this to your municipal government. That launch in Crystal Beach was lobbied for by anglers and hunters and built with partnerships. The St Catharines Game and Fish had that excellent ramp built not the OMNR or the province. If you can convince the City of Welland to reopen the ramps on the rec canal you've got a great start but then show them the facts on a good ramp verses that little stone ramp they put in the Welland River and they may see the investment return is similar in scale for both. Crappy ramp=crappy return.


As for garbage cans if you can find a way to keep the youth from tossing them in the water then your likly to be a good candidate to solve many of our urban problems :/


Great topic Aaron. It's always good to keep these discussion going.

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Canadude we also have a voice called the Fish and Wildlife Heritage Commission.


I got to meet these guys a couple years back and their solid. They advice the minister but the minister does what they want with their recommendations. That's the ear you need to target and no you don't need to go through the OFAH for that. Scream bloody murder at the minister's office or go in as a delegate.

Edited by chilli
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and the ofah sits on it .. if there are over 2 million hunter and fishermen in ontario why do they only have 100 000 members .. why .. because they force you to have insurance they your not even entitled to have the policy . been through the insurance thing with the ofah .. if you want to ask questions on your policy get a lawyer to notorize each question and mail them in seprately ... (cost of that is way to much .)

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and the ofah sits on it .. if there are over 2 million hunter and fishermen in ontario why do they only have 100 000 members .. why .. because they force you to have insurance they your not even entitled to have the policy . been through the insurance thing with the ofah .. if you want to ask questions on your policy get a lawyer to notorize each question and mail them in seprately ... (cost of that is way to much .)

like I say SCAM.....the whole OFAH is a SCAM you tink they'll reply on my thread hahahahahaah......lets see

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this thread has gone to who supports the outdoors, whether hunt or fish. i can state ofah has sat at the tables here in southern ont. the results were very good. ofah helped and lobbied for fisherman, and were successful to have changes made. without a voice its exactly as this threads going, no direction. just moaning on a keyboard does not get results. as aron stated we need concerted efforts especialy in this economic enviroment.. support your local groups guys.

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Right from the OB till 4 pages later I never read 1 poster that might go to the meetings Ronnie Rynes (member) and Mike Brown went too.


You boys can moan and groan I manned up and for 20 years worked on the north shore cold water rivers (steelhead and Salmon), my interest at the time.


Mike Brown and Ronnie went to meeting for 6-7 years probably 75 meeting over that period to accomplish there goals.


Every member on this board should mail a $5 bill to each of these boys just for sheer dedication.


And man up go to a meeting.

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Right from the OB till 4 pages later I never read 1 poster that might go to the meetings Ronnie Rynes (member) and Mike Brown went too.


You boys can moan and groan I manned up and for 20 years worked on the north shore cold water rivers (steelhead and Salmon), my interest at the time.


Mike Brown and Ronnie went to meeting for 6-7 years probably 75 meeting over that period to accomplish there goals.


Every member on this board should mail a $5 bill to each of these boys just for sheer dedication.


And man up go to a meeting.


Nice, did any of those meeting transpire into something.

TOO many of ours don't.

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if ron is reading ... he may fill you in (if he wishes ) to a conversation he had with someone from the ofah that said they sat on the commettee for fmz17.. and if i remember correctly ron did not see them at one meeting ? ofah lies to promote there junk..

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For those who feel the OFAH is worthless. A few questions.


1) What alternative is there?


2) Are you stepping up to start something better?


3) Where are the funds coming from to aggressively lobby the province?


4) If you are suggesting OFC carry the ball, are you suggesting that TJ do so out of his own pocket, or are you willing to pay a membership fee?


Like they say, talk is cheap.

Look at a lot of your local clubs. The average age of membership in many is 60+. I don't see many younger anglers swelling the ranks, but I hear lots of them demanding action. Active membership creates action. Passive members sit and wait for others to do things for them and get nothing. It is that simple.

For those who claim " I did my part 20 and 30 years back", what have you done lately. You still use the resource and it is still in need. More so now that fewer are willing to volunteer and pitch in.

As for the politicians and their minions at the MNR. If you want them to pay attention. Make them take notice. That means action. They may not like you, but they will not ignore you.

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