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US state budget cuts elimate organ transplants


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Governor Jan "Grim Reaper" Brewer has eliminated some organ transplant coverage to medicaid down in Arizona. Looks like when times are tough people die because they can't afford to keep them alive.

"Every day, one opens the Arizona Republic newspaper or turns on TV and there is another one of those 100 people telling their story. They need hearts and livers and bone marrow and they cannot believe that one day they were entitled to state-funded transplants and then the next day they were not. So there’s an emotional debate unfolding here. Gov. Jan Brewer is receiving quite a bit of criticism for not calling the Legislature into session to reconsider the cuts. One local columnist, E.J. Montini, dubbed her Dr. Grim Reaper today. The worst part is that the cuts may have been made based on faulty information about the mortality rates of the transplants in question. That is what the American Society of Transplant Surgeons said in a press release today. It quotes Dr. Michael M. Abecassis, the group’s president, as saying: “The exclusion of coverage for these specified transplants is baseless. We have made the case convincingly, yet several patients awaiting transplants are still being denied coverage, putting the lives of Arizona citizens in serious peril.”


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I thought you guys had all those illegal aliens lock up at Area 51 :thumbsup_anim:


LOL........don't think they will all fit in that area...


In WNY we really don't see the problem down here.....but when I talk to people from other parts of the country it's pretty serious.....


My wife and I went on a fly in a couple of years ago (Air Ivanhoe) and there was a older couple from Phoenix, AZ area there...they told us many stories how bad it really was there.....BOTH of their cars were stolen (separate occasions) when they had to go into Phoenix for business. They are being overrun with illegal aliens and crime....you can't blame the state from trying to protect their law abiding TAX PAYING citizens by passing tougher immigration laws in that state.

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That's because we are FORCED to take care of 22 MILLION ILLEGAL ALIENS...DUH....maybe we should ship them up to you and you pay to take care of them.... :whistling:

Well BB, I know we have some of our own here! Probably not 22 mill though!

Should we kick them out, who the heck are we going to get to pick all our fruit and veggies? Who we gonna get to clean up after us? Who we gonna get to drive us around?

It's easy to say get rid of them, but obviously they have some value or there wouldn't be that many!

Sure as H E double hockey sticks aint gonna be folks like you and me!


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That's because we are FORCED to take care of 22 MILLION ILLEGAL ALIENS...DUH....maybe we should ship them up to you and you pay to take care of them.... :whistling:

If your politicians (tea party types included) and businesses like Walmart didn't hire them for years on end...you wouldn't have this problem. If you make your bed, then so to you must lie in it. Or do you beleive the US should be a country where you use people to do all the jobs that you don't want to do, pay them very low wages, and then shaft them if they have a life threatening illness?


The only free access they have to health care is emergency care. If they seek this health care they can be deported so it's not like they are lining up at clinics to get their ingrown toenails done. Do you honestly believe that the hundred people who got their transplants revoked are all illegal aliens? If not, isn't it a bit disingenuous to blame all of this on illegal aliens.

Edited by scuro2
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If your politicians (tea party types included) and businesses like Walmart didn't hire them for years on end...you wouldn't have this problem. If you make your bed, then so to you must lie in it. Or do you beleive the US should be a country where you use people to do all the jobs that you don't want to do, pay them very low wages, and then shaft them if they have a life threatening illness?


The only free access they have to health care is emergency care. If they seek this health care they can be deported so it's not like they are lining up at clinics to get their ingrown toenails done. Do you honestly believe that the hundred people who got their transplants revoked are all illegal aliens? If not, isn't it a bit disingenuous to blame all of this on illegal aliens.


I guess my post went way over your head.

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I guess fishing for conflict is a form of fishing Scuro2. I am sure that this thread would have not been posted if it was the 200 million that is approved for medicare recently.


Sorry my number was wrong it is 19 BILLION put into Medicare




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I guess fishing for conflict is a form of fishing Scuro2. I am sure that this thread would have not been posted if it was the 200 million that is approved for medicair recently.


Oh so in your world Art only certain political issues can be talked about like guns, and if someone else wants to talk about a different political issue that they feel strongly about like healthcare you say that they are "fishing for conflict". What are you afraid of Art? Are you going to hear something you don't want to hear. You could just plug your ears and go LALALALA or should we just smile and pretend that these issues that are in news right now just don't exist? :) Edited by scuro2
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Oh so in your world Art only certain political issues can be talked about like guns, and if someone else wants to talk about a different political issue that they feel strongly about like healthcare you say that they are "fishing for conflict". What are you afraid of Art? Are you going to hear something you don't want to hear. You could just plug your ears and go LALALALA or should we just smile and pretend that these issues that are in news right now just don't exist? :)


No I am not afraid of the subject I have some of the best insurance offered and can get anything from a hangnail to a new heart if needed. As far as your concern at what level is your concern based? If you are truly concerned for the issues why is it not focused on the area that affects you and your family and other Canadians? Fix the immediate issues around you before criticizing something that will never affect you or your family. I won't get into the debate between which is better both Nations have a health care system that they follow and both have faults. I have seen the article on what you have pointed out how ever did you read the other news articles were the system we have has saved lives? Hows about my friend who is in the final process of donating bone marrow to a 9 year old did you post good job to her? It was in the news.

If your ambition is to fix the healthcare system in a neighboring nation, one concerned Canadian is not a big enough force to change any of the issues. Go to your local hospital and register to donate blood or even better volunteer a few hours a week like I do at the retirement communities were a kind word and a odd job done for free will really make a difference. Do these things and I will be happy to read your post and congratulate you on your efforts. Shaking a tiny fist at government (especially ones that do not govern you) is fun and entertaining but it is not going to change anything and your motives here are suspect since the whole picture is not exposed by your one sided article.



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Hear hear Art.. if anyone wants something to fight about on this side of the border how about fighting for free health care in our own county. If you think we have it .. think again! $27,000 in anti infection drugs for our daughter during her chemo treatments over the next 7 months.. 10 needles @ $2697.97 EACH!.. not covered by OHIP or most private drug plans. $6000 / month Crohn's medication for a board member heres wife.. not covered by OHIP or drug plans period. $6000 every 3 months for another members wife on heres infusion.. not covered by OHIP or private health plan.

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I don`t understand getting upset about talking about it, I appreciate hearing a viewpoint from people in another country. Some seem to get upset if any one expresses a viewpoint other than what they believe.


Just my opinion, the only thing that may be wrong with Canada`s health care system is there are far less people, greater distances in between concentrations of people, and the USA on your southern border. Your doctors come here because they can make more money here, why? simple things, drug companies reward doctors for prescribing their products, and our government didn`t even require competitive bidding on the cost of drugs they buy under our medicare system. Plus our doctor`s union, the AMA is in bed with the politicians here, they even have members in congress.


Your views? I can discuss them with out getting twisted, some here can`t.

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I don`t understand getting upset about talking about it, I appreciate hearing a viewpoint from people in another country. Some seem to get upset if any one expresses a viewpoint other than what they believe.


Just my opinion, the only thing that may be wrong with Canada`s health care system is there are far less people, greater distances in between concentrations of people, and the USA on your southern border. Your doctors come here because they can make more money here, why? simple things, drug companies reward doctors for prescribing their products, and our government didn`t even require competitive bidding on the cost of drugs they buy under our medicare system. Plus our doctor`s union, the AMA is in bed with the politicians here, they even have members in congress.


Your views? I can discuss them with out getting twisted, some here can`t.


Well said.

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If you are truly concerned for the issues why is it not focused on the area that affects you and your family and other Canadians? Fix the immediate issues around you before criticizing something that will never affect you or your family.

Why Art, you Americans can come on our board and tell us about gun control but we can't pipe in when we see something wrong down south? Isn't that hypocritical? I am happy for you Art, it's good to know that you and BillyB have gold plated health insurance...I guess that means that everything is great?


Art, this time around the US is the canary in the coal mine. What is happening in Arizona is going to happen all across the US. You folks have maxed out your visa card. I'm not predicting utter and complete doom but rather that you will have to make the difficult choices that we had to make way back in the early 90's under Paul Martin. Our health care system took a beating back then and you folks have made hay about waiting times ect since then. Well Art, the times they are changing. We took an axe to our health care then and determined what was most important. You folks have never done this, and things look grim already. By any standard your health care system is overpriced and under performs. What you see right now in Arizona is what happens when a state can't pay the bills. Wait until the federal US government is in the same boat. It's not a question of if but when in the US. DEEP federal cuts are coming. It's going to be such a massive change that I predict you are going to see American Dr.'s coming to Canada to look for work.


Will that happen also in Canada? Back in the 90's when Paul Martin cut deep we made sure that our social institutions were viable. The boomers and the Harper deficits will put some pressure on us but it will be nothing like the perfect storm of unfunded boomer obligations you have in the US and it still is getting worse in your country. Obama and the Republicans are cutting payroll taxes as we speak, and extending tax breaks for millionaires.


So this matters to us Canadians because certain idiots from the US will try to tell us, look we have to cut and dismantle our health care system and you do too!!...and at that point as polite Canadian's we can say thanks but no thanks.


As a polite Canadian I can also say thank you to Ohiofishermen for respecting ones right to start a discussion without being attacked. Let's hope your fellow countrymen can be as civil and supportive of friendly conversation as you.

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Hear hear Art.. if anyone wants something to fight about on this side of the border how about fighting for free health care in our own county. If you think we have it .. think again! $27,000 in anti infection drugs for our daughter during her chemo treatments over the next 7 months.. 10 needles @ $2697.97 EACH!.. not covered by OHIP or most private drug plans. $6000 / month Crohn's medication for a board member heres wife.. not covered by OHIP or drug plans period. $6000 every 3 months for another members wife on heres infusion.. not covered by OHIP or private health plan.


Good ppoint Wayne. We brag about our FREE health care, but most of the braggers are lucky enough to have never used the system.If you dont have extra paid health care you are litterally screwed.And free means no charge to you.We all pay for it whether we use it or not.Its taken from our income at source.AND when it comes time that you really need it, wait in line bud !!!! 6-8 weeks for blood test results from the public system. 5-10 days for the same results from private.What happens if you dont have the cash to go private.By the time the results are found the public way, you could be dead !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Talk about 2 tiered health care !!!!!!!! Rich! No problem sir, would you like a news paper while you wait for the doctor to see you sir, or a coffee and biscuits sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Middle class...wait in line sucker!!!

In Quebec, the only ones to get a free ride in the medical system are welfare recipients, and that only gives them more money to spend on weekend partieswallbash.gif

i need a ROOT BEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!mad.gifwallbash.gif

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Unfortunately our country seems to be living on dreams of days gone by. Grandiose plans, and no actual concept of reality. It is one thing to have plans, quite another to ensure they are properly funded. Our politicians always seem perfectly content to let the next office holder, the next generation, deal with the problems, their goal is to stay in office, and they will change their story line to ensure that it happens.


I have always felt that the correct way to solve problems was to identify the issues and have an open discussion on them. Perhaps you can`t fix everything, but through discussion and a genuine interest in resolving the problems you could fix something? Both political parties here seem to deeply entrenched in what their financial backers tell them to believe, money talks? er, and corrupts?


I don`t agree with either party, and support none financially, why become involved in a bidding war? They will listen to the people that contribute the most cash, right or wrong. We have the best politicians money can buy, nothing more.

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Good ppoint Wayne. We brag about our FREE health care, but most of the braggers are lucky enough to have never used the system.If you dont have extra paid health care you are litterally screwed.And free means no charge to you.We all pay for it whether we use it or not.Its taken from our income at source.AND when it comes time that you really need it, wait in line bud !!!! 6-8 weeks for blood test results from the public system. 5-10 days for the same results from private.What happens if you dont have the cash to go private.By the time the results are found the public way, you could be dead !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Talk about 2 tiered health care !!!!!!!! Rich! No problem sir, would you like a news paper while you wait for the doctor to see you sir, or a coffee and biscuits sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Middle class...wait in line sucker!!!

In Quebec, the only ones to get a free ride in the medical system are welfare recipients, and that only gives them more money to spend on weekend partieswallbash.gif

i need a ROOT BEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!mad.gifwallbash.gif


They didn't charge you for that jar yesterday did they... IVF is free in Kebec now ! lol


I can't complain about blood test results... same day in the medical centre that I go to and my DR ticks EVERY box for my pilots medical..... Jen with her chemo.. 10 minutes for iron and cell count. Done right there in the oncologists unit 12th floor Mount Sinai.

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