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HST is now 20%


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Hmmmm....one of these countries owns a major part of the manufacturing sector (automobiles), one of them doesn't. Socialist? Capitalist?


You are 100% CORRECT......our socialist president did that and that is why his party got a good :asshat: kicking last Tuesday from us real Americans. He's next in less than 2 years from now.



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You are 100% CORRECT......our socialist president did that and that is why his party got a good asshat.gif kicking last Tuesday from us real Americans. He's next in less than 2 years from now.





BILLY BOB !!! good yo asee ya.i was wonderin when you were gonna show up and teach us the fine art of tax caculation.Ever think of runnin for presidentthumbsup_anim.gif I'd vote for ya

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Actually you're over-thinking it Johny Boy, it's just anger plain and simple not fear. You see our nation was founded on a capitalistic ideology, it's the main reason why we went on to become the most powerful nation in the world. "Leveling the playing field" is policy that a socialist or communist nation would adopt, which history has shown us, has caused catastrophic outcomes. Us "Tea Party folk" would like to prevent that from happening.

Gee BB when I think of the biggest catastrophes in recent memory I think of Tea Party principles (small government). Think of the global meltdown in 2008 that nearly brought down the world economy. Your country is still suffering because of it...and it was the idiotic belief that government has no role in regulation that brought us there. Ditto for the Oil Rig disaster on the Gulf Coast. Oh what about that Coal mining disaster in West Virgina last spring? You know the Tea Party is on the right track when George Bush said yesterday that he loves them too. :clapping: Go for it people!!! Protest the $.0035 tax hike on a plastic bag!!!! :jerry: Edited by scuro2
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The complaint is about paying an extra .35 of a cent tax on a 5 cent bag!!!!! Tea Partyers of the world UNITE and stop this OPPRESSION!!! 160710top2.jpg


No complaint is that the government is taking that portion of a cent off every bag. Ever watch the movie Office Space? That fractional cent ratio adds up to a big bonus in some government pockets. REAL PROBLEM.


Thanks for mocking me for being concerned. You're probably right. We'll just sit back and let the government keep finding new ways to take away what we earn.

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BILLY BOB !!! good yo asee ya.i was wonderin when you were gonna show up and teach us the fine art of tax caculation.Ever think of runnin for presidentthumbsup_anim.gif I'd vote for ya


You can always do a write in come 2012.....oh wait, your not a American citizen so you will have to first run across our southern boarder, then vote.... :sarcasm:

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No complaint is that the government is taking that portion of a cent off every bag. Ever watch the movie Office Space? That fractional cent ratio adds up to a big bonus in some government pockets. REAL PROBLEM.

In collecting the tax the government has rounded up from 5 and 65/100 cents to 6 cents. By rounding up the government collects an extra 35/100 of a cent on your plastic bag. Mathematically speaking this makes total logical sense, you don't round down after you broach 50/100. This is what the government has always done and you must know this if you filed your income tax. Yet you feel that by rounding up that extra 35/100 of a cent the government has done a major injustice to you.



Edited by scuro2
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Guys, it's my understanding that the fee for plastic bags go entirely to the retailer... believe it or not, the Government then expects them to use that money towared environemnetal issues within that company.

Loblaws for example has used this money to fund a number of initiatives geared toward "green" solutions.

There is not legislation in place that requires these companies to use these monies in any particular way.

The only money the Governement will see out of the sale of plastic bags is taxation on the bags.

And that my friend s is a whole new can of worms.

BillyBob, you continually amaze me with your beliefs! I hope that I never have to rely on you or people like you and thank the powers that be, that I don't have to live in the manner you have chosen... which imho is completely self oriented... and just so yah know, I'm a true bue conservative on this side of the border!


Edited by Headhunter
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And that my friend s is a whole new can of worms.

BillyBob, you continually amaze me with your beliefs! I hope that I never have to rely on you or people like you and thank the powers that be, that I don't have to live in the manner you have chosen... which imho is completely self oriented... and just so yah know, I'm a true bue conservative on this side of the border!



When you achieve half of what I have then we'll talk.


bue to you,



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But what have you (and we, and everyone else) become now that China is kicking our collective asses?



Hey BB hes got a good point there.They are becoming the most powerful country in the world finacially.At least they will never be the most feared, eh BB.sarcasm.gif

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Guest Johnny Bass

Actually you're over-thinking it Johny Boy, it's just anger plain and simple not fear. You see our nation was founded on a capitalistic ideology, it's the main reason why we went on to become the most powerful nation in the world. "Leveling the playing field" is policy that a socialist or communist nation would adopt, which history has shown us, has caused catastrophic outcomes. Us "Tea Party folk" would like to prevent that from happening.


No over thinking here. I know whats really going on. Your nation was founded on slavery. Then they adopted capitalism, but the real success of America lies in the fact that it was the only country whose economy was not left in ruin after both world wars. In fact? They made money. Thanks to their geographical position(the war was never fought on its soil).


The rest of the world was left in economic ruins thatnks to the world wars. This is why wealthy European banks moved all their assets(gold reserves) over to the USA, and invested in it. America is financed by foreign private investors via the Federal Reserve. Yes, European wealth.That is the reason it is successful.



It had very little to do with capitalism. Now what you have in America is the furthest thing from capitalism, and not because of Obama. It has been in the works for quite some time. Companies are getting so big there is no competing with them. Thanks to government handouts. This is not capitalism. WHen government has to bail out big businesses? It is a clear indication that capitalism is a failure.


Leveling the playing field has had catastrophic outcomes?LOL Can you give us an example? Capitalism works really good for the first few years of injected cash, because it creates wealth on credit, but when those countries can no longer pay their bills, it creates mass poverty(through inflation). We have seen what happens to many capitalist countries when they cant pay their bills. This is very close to happeneing to America. Then we will see how much you love the capitalist system.

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Guest Johnny Bass

Government won't be happy until we are broke? Wonder if the charge taxes on Bankruptcy?


My Wed rant, please proceed as normal




They charge taxes after your dead.... Inheritence tax or death tax was used to steal land from many people in England.....What a scam......

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it's the main reason why we went on to become the most powerful nation in the world.



You might wanna rethink that one. I've taught elementary and high school in the states and it's no secret that your educational systems are failing you. In 5-10 years, USA will be far behind China, India, and most of Europe in math and science development, unless something changes now (which your government has proven is not their priority). For example, I've taught in Buffalo which boasts a 50% drop out rate in high school. Obviously this is an extreme example, but expect other failing economies to follow suit, and once their do, your "most powerful nation" will be catching up like everyone else.

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I'm just browsing thru all this Bull and thinking to myself.. life as a whole must be pretty darn good for the majority, if all you can find to whine about is 3.5 tenths of a cent !


Go grab your Bell hard line bills from Pre-HST.. and pull out your calculator. 7 times out of 10 Bell was taking 2 extra cents PST on every bill. Lots of coffers for the corporation considering how may customers coast to coast.... that was never turned over to the Minister of Finance...

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