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Georgian Bay 50" Musky Slobs with Pics


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Wow. Awesome job!!!!!

Beauty fish!

I find it annoying that the Musky Release Police always have to chime in some insulting release technique comment. Sometimes it is warranted but c'mon!


(And yes, I use effective in the water release techniques and horizontal holds - so I don't need a lecture too)


I don't see the MRP here...All comments have been very civil...

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Guest gbfisher

Most likely not, I was just using an example of a bad way to bring the fish back to the dock for a picture :)


I can't believe anyone would string up a 50incher, it's almost laughable.



Stuffing a fish that won't fit in a live well is just as bad if you ask me. Most here don't know it but I know MoeMoe's boat as it was I who advertized it for sale here at OFC and He bought it from a friend of mine.

If you all feel it's OK to stuff a slot sized fish in a live well for pictures or taxidermy purposes which only requires length and grith measurements.. :D ..I wouldnt feel to bad when you come here and complain about losing your boat and equipemnt after you have been pulled over by the MNR and OPP...and by the looks of things. There are a few as normal who feel they are above doing it the right way. Moe knows he did it wrong and Moe...making an excuse for taxidermny purposes... :rolleyes: It be a shame to see you lose that boat of yours.

Hows that civil for ya..... :tease::jerry:

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gbfisher, being fairlyu new to this sight and to musky fishing I have been doing a lot of reading on proper release tactics and what is legal. Although not advisable, I was under the impression that keeping a musky in a livewell is acceptable as long as you are planning on releasing the fish. Otherwise all fish besides those that can be kept legally would have to be released in the water. I may be mistaken on this.

Moe I am happy that the beast was released succefully.

gbfisher, do you work for the MNR? If so I would appreciate you clearing this issue up with me.

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Guest gbfisher

gbfisher, being fairlyu new to this sight and to musky fishing I have been doing a lot of reading on proper release tactics and what is legal. Although not advisable, I was under the impression that keeping a musky in a livewell is acceptable as long as you are planning on releasing the fish. Otherwise all fish besides those that can be kept legally would have to be released in the water. I may be mistaken on this.

Moe I am happy that the beast was released succefully.

gbfisher, do you work for the MNR? If so I would appreciate you clearing this issue up with me.


The answer to our question is simply...No, it was not legal and would have had him losing everything that got him there that day if he was pulled over. :good:

The regulation need to be read before making comments about things you do not understand.

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nice fish


but gbfisher is 100% right


I know a lot of people on this site go crazy if someone takes a picture of an OOS bass not releasing it of the extra half second to take that picture of the bass some wanted to shoot them, have them banned from fishing for life and this website in it's rules asked people not to post picture of OOS fish to stop all the flaming


keeping a slot fish and going home taking a picture then releasing it IMHO is far worst ......however



I might, maybe, could under the right conditions...just might do the same, but I would not tell people in a public forum...

no maybe I wouldn't do it

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The answer to our question is simply...No, it was not legal and would have had him losing everything that got him there that day if he was pulled over. :good:

The regulation need to be read before making comments about things you do not understand.


You don't know what would have happened, give it a rest already.


Along with the muskie police, we also have a psychic onboard!!! Lucky us!

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Guest gbfisher

You don't know what would have happened, give it a rest already.


Along with the muskie police, we also have a psychic onboard!!! Lucky us!



coming from a GB salmon guru.... :rofl2:

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/ignore all release comments.



Awesome fish dude, I hope people don't ruin your report.


I have a cottage on the menominee channel and I'm just getting good at getting pike on the troll. There's tons of dink pike, haven't gotten into anything above 2 1/2 feet.


Do I need to head out on the bay to get into musky? or are they hiding in any of the channels? Like south channel or something... Send me a PM if you want to fish sometime, I'm sure you could teach me tons about the area, just started fishing it a year or so ago.

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The answer to our question is simply...No, it was not legal and would have had him losing everything that got him there that day if he was pulled over. :good:

The regulation need to be read before making comments about things you do not understand.


I find your response a tad insulting. I have read contradictory info about this topic. I was asking for clarification. I have read the regulations and they seem somewhat open to interpretation. Although certain species are identified as allowed as being kept in a livewell, there does not seem to be any species that are prohibited. The use of the word generally, and the fact that more than the daily limitmay be ketp makes this issue confusing. What about if you are no longer fishing and using the livewell to revive your fish?

I guess I am just wondering what makes you so certain about your interpretation of the regulations. With the ambiguous nature of the regualtions, especially regarding the language, why would you assume that I have not read the regulations? Why not assume that I do not understand them, and attempt to correct me without insulting me?

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I find your response a tad insulting. I have read contradictory info about this topic. I was asking for clarification. I have read the regulations and they seem somewhat open to interpretation. Although certain species are identified as allowed as being kept in a livewell, there does not seem to be any species that are prohibited. The use of the word generally, and the fact that more than the daily limitmay be ketp makes this issue confusing. What about if you are no longer fishing and using the livewell to revive your fish?

I guess I am just wondering what makes you so certain about your interpretation of the regulations. With the ambiguous nature of the regualtions, especially regarding the language, why would you assume that I have not read the regulations? Why not assume that I do not understand them, and attempt to correct me without insulting me?


what non legal fish are allowed to be kept in a livewell, I would really be interested it knowing that

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It wasn't kept in a live well, it was just relocated a couple hundred yards :whistling: , thanks for all the well wishers, gbfisher, I love the boat, and it didn't seem inhumane, it's a fairly big livewell, but I understand your point and others, but that being said, I have an awesome pic to remember it buy, and it still swam, away, one fish was caugt in the evening and the other mid afternoon, The only big tip I would have as soon as the lure hit the water, I would pull 1 ft and then let the lure flutter for a second and both hits were right on the flutter, In september on Gbay, I have some decent pike in the same depth of water

Edited by moemoe
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Just face it... You guys are all jealous you can't fit a 50" musky in your live wells.... let alone catch a 50"'er.




but you understand that most people go nuts here when anyone takes a photo of an OOS bass


that muskie was not a legal fish and he would have lost his boat and equipment if the MNR caught him


why is this OK

have I missed something as compared to the OOS outrage

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but you understand that most people go nuts here when anyone takes a photo of an OOS bass


that muskie was not a legal fish and he would have lost his boat and equipment if the MNR caught him


why is this OK

have I missed something as compared to the OOS outrage


I have no OOS outrage, take a pic and put it back! I don't care what the season is.....


People who rage on people for OOS pictures are hypocrites, if you really cared about the fish why are you trying to catch them on a hook or even capture them for that matter. let alone catch and release...


If you really wanted them to flourish you wouldn't be out there catching them, you'd be telling people to stop fishing in general.


Obviously there's a huge difference if people are fishing and keeping out of season fish (who posts that on the internet), but come on now he just wanted a picture of a fish that 98% of people will never get in their life.


People get off your freaking high horses..... and lecture the people who aren't aware you need a fishing license to participate in the act of fishing.


Or if you really really really are on that horse, send the man a PM!

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