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Lebron to Miami


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DAAMMMMNNN... Miami better fricken win this year otherwise lebron and bosh will go down as the biggest losers of all time.


Should be interesting. Could go either way. Depends on the pieces they put around those players.

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I think those 3 have made a mockery of NBA over last week or two, with LeBron going to Larry King to announce that he will become a free agent and then having ESPN broadcast his decision for about an hour. Now Miami is going to have to sign some high school kids to play along those 3, i am surprised they had enough money to sign all 3 of them.

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Well I guess he decided that he couldn't lead a team to a championship so he decided to go join a stacked team. It's the same way baseball players join the yankees or red sox. If you can't beat them join'em. Seems like kinda of a cowardly thing to do, but that's just my opinion.

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That's a lot of ego to be on the floor at the same moment. We saw how much of a team player James was in the playoffs. I guess the strategy is to have 3 individual attacks happening concurrently to confuse and overwhelm the opposition. Should be interesting to see how expensive it is to keep #6 on the King's back. I might have to start watching bball again just to see how this strategy works. I'm also curious to see how the refs deal with Bosh's videographer following him around the floor during play. :thumbsup_anim:



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So happy this circus is over...however i do think it will work, it worked in Boston and worked in LA so i dont doubt that it will work with Miami. They way LA and Boston did it was with class and not making a mockery of the process and the game...the way Lebron and Bosh acted was sickening...i hope this doesnt work.

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Well I'm hoping that Bosh leaving will be the beginning of the demise of the Raptors which would mean that they will no longer be in a position to ruin the ice for the Leafs and therefore the Leafs will win the cup this year!


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Lebron's decision just screwed over Clevland and Miami. Now Miami can't afford anyone decent to play with these 3. They may have the best 3some in the league but possibly the worst depth/bench in the league. One of these guys will get Lamar Odom'd and get shifted to the 2nd unit, and will most likely be Bosh. Bosh won't get the time in the world to make his own shots playing with these 2 as he did in Toronto. He'll have to settle for 2nd unit and/or 2nd chance points ala offensive boards.

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So happy this circus is over...however i do think it will work, it worked in Boston and worked in LA so i dont doubt that it will work with Miami. They way LA and Boston did it was with class and not making a mockery of the process and the game...the way Lebron and Bosh acted was sickening...i hope this doesnt work.


I keep wondering how long the common folk will continue to abide the celebrity multi-million dollar a year athletes. The ticket prices seem to balloon at about the same rate as the players' personal belief that they're far more than just walking tattoo billboards blessed with a big body and extraordinary talent. The thing is that the talent is for one thing only. They blunder thru life generally shooting holes in their heroic image, sometimes literally, and expect the hero worship to never end.


At the end of the day does it really matter to the unwashed masses if that big round ball goes thru the hoop a bunch of times while they struggle to deal with mortgage payments of less than these guys spend for a night on the town & driving 15 year old junkers while their heroes drive custom Bentleys with 21" wheels individually worth more than the junker in it's entirety. One day the world will come to it's senses and say "enuf's enuf" to the misguided heroes.


But that's just my opinion, and in all fairness it can also be said about hockey and every other sport we hold dear. We complain that corporate presidents and board chairmen of huge multinationals are overpaid making often just hundreds of thousands of dollars but occasionally they get to the salaries of the upper echelon of professional sports. At least they're a part of a productive enterprise whether we like 'em or not. It would be interesting to compare the job creation reality of GM and it's peripheral industries compared to the NBA. I may be surprised at how many jobs the NBA creates. I wouldn't be surprised if many of them are off-shore related to souvenirs and logowear etc. At least GM creates jobs in North America.



End of rant. :P



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In the words of Hedo Turkaglu - "Ball"


haha too funny. If this works and they are winning, "ball" shouldn't be an issue. If it doesn't work....gonna have some expensive whiners. Sadly I think it will work, just look at Boston. When they signed their "big 3" everyone pointed to the lack of depth and how it won't work - seems to have worked pretty well to me.

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The NBA just got stupid.

Think about the old days of the NBA. What makes victories so good is beating other teams with great players. Imagine if Bird, Magic and Jordan would have teamed up.....there would be no heated rivalries. Today is a sad day for basketball and a guarantee that the Raptors dont have even a small chance for at least 6+ years

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The NBA just got stupid.

Think about the old days of the NBA. What makes victories so good is beating other teams with great players. Imagine if Bird, Magic and Jordan would have teamed up.....there would be no heated rivalries. Today is a sad day for basketball and a guarantee that the Raptors dont have even a small chance for at least 6+ years





Lakers : Magic, Kareem, Worthy


Celtics : Bird, McHale, Parish


Bulls : Jordan, Pippen, Rodman/Grant


Pretty sure this new group isn't the first great trio that has gotten together.


And yes, the raps are definately hosed for a few years.

Edited by frenchriverkid
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That show last night was the reslut of a 25 year old kid with a bad idea. Sorry, but that whole thing was disgusting. Tried to get into the NBA for a few years now and last night did it.


I'm checking out.



You guys have it all wrong. It's not LeBron, it's David Stern and the NBA that wanted this, marketing their biggest star.


So? when Gretzky was traded and gave his "emotional" speech, did that turn you off of hockey ??

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You guys have it all wrong. It's not LeBron, it's David Stern and the NBA that wanted this, marketing their biggest star.


So? when Gretzky was traded and gave his "emotional" speech, did that turn you off of hockey ??

Gretzky didn't orchestrate that. Even if he did, it was to say 'goodbye.' Lebron and Wade and Bosch went on a "Look At Me" tour. I hope Miami doesn't sign any other players because these 3 can obviously do it all themselves.

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