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And they wonder why people get angry!

Big Cliff

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Man you sure don't know me very well do you? If you did, you wouldn't even suggest that my motives might have anything to do with race. As far as being a vigilanty? If I see you stealing stuff from my back yard or my neighbours place would you expect me to not call the cops? These poachers are stealing plain and simple and I am tired of it. I have no intention of trying to enforce the laws, simply observe, doccument, and report so if you are poaching in my neck of the woods and I see you, expect to get reported.



I have not met you Cliff, no, but I know that you are held in high regard on this board by many (me included). I am sure that your intentions are noble, and you would not make a post like this one unless prompted by an extreme level of frustration. I guess I probably think that not all people that follow a line of thought like the one proposed would be as level headed as you. What do you do when you politely tell someone what they are doing is wrong and they tell you to screw your hat? How long does it take before things escalate?

I go back to the thread that I brought up and would bet that the boat bully was sure he was doing the right thing.

I fully support your idea of calling the MNR as many times as required.


Edited by Radnine
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What do you do when you politely tell someone what they are doing is wrong and they tell you to screw your hat? How long does it take before things escalate?




Pretty simple answer here. When it has happened that I was told to mind my own business I just say fine and dial the cell phone, then I let the athorities take care of the problem for me.

Works every time. :good:


I remember one fall fishing the mouth of the Ganny and a fellow caught a laker and was keeping it.

I told him they were out of seaon and he ignored me, called the local cops and they took care of the problem within ten minutes. B)

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Pretty simple answer here. When it has happened that I was told to mind my own business I just say fine and dial the cell phone, then I let the athorities take care of the problem for me.

Works every time. :good:


I remember one fall fishing the mouth of the Ganny and a fellow caught a laker and was keeping it.

I told him they were out of seaon and he ignored me, called the local cops and they took care of the problem within ten minutes. B)


I Agree With Drifter On This One, Just Better To Let The Other Fisher-Person Know what he doing wrong first then Call The Authorities/Conservation Officers. Another Thing What I Liked About What Aile_Goby Told Me Was To Take A Video Or Picture Of The Person and Show It To The Authorities. Hear Lots Of Stories About Confrontation Becoming Fist Fights.


Although I Almost Threw A Friend Of Mine Off The Dock When I Was In Huntsville For Wanted Keeping A Baby Pike. Eventually He Threw It Back But Caught 3 Footer An Hour Later.


Also Raise Your Hands If You Find It Annoying When A Fellow Fisherman Comes Up To You And Starts Looking At Your Gear And Setup Without Asking?


I Only Ask This Because Its Targets One Specific Race.




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The O.P.P for results are a joke. Sorry for that reply but they are. I had 2 Duck Hunters on Balsam shoot over my boat, kill ducks and geese on the water while not in flight and kept it up all day until about 10 yards away from me they almost hit us. They shot at least 30 birds on the water while they were swimming around all day. Our local un-informed OPP officer had to be called three times during the morning before they showed up and basically did nothing " Joked about the Bass guy going up against the Hunter" complete and utter idiots. I was told to go to the other areas that I knew. I have a video and tons of pictures of them from that day but what to do with it. Nothing, I am slowly losing respect for out CO's and Police. They have the means but just dont give a crap about it. I have had 4 instances in the past with CO's and OPP officers. Saw a Durham Region police officer Parked at Town docks on Sunday last and right in front of him. 3 guys went down the dock in a little tinny, no life jackets and nothing else either. He clearly saw this and did nothing. Jokes, and they wonder why we are losing respect for these organizations. Paycheque collectors now and thats it.


My 2 cents.

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The O.P.P for results are a joke. Sorry for that reply but they are. I had 2 Duck Hunters on Balsam shoot over my boat, kill ducks and geese on the water while not in flight and kept it up all day until about 10 yards away from me they almost hit us. They shot at least 30 birds on the water while they were swimming around all day. Our local un-informed OPP officer had to be called three times during the morning before they showed up and basically did nothing " Joked about the Bass guy going up against the Hunter" complete and utter idiots. I was told to go to the other areas that I knew. I have a video and tons of pictures of them from that day but what to do with it. Nothing, I am slowly losing respect for out CO's and Police. They have the means but just dont give a crap about it. I have had 4 instances in the past with CO's and OPP officers. Saw a Durham Region police officer Parked at Town docks on Sunday last and right in front of him. 3 guys went down the dock in a little tinny, no life jackets and nothing else either. He clearly saw this and did nothing. Jokes, and they wonder why we are losing respect for these organizations. Paycheque collectors now and thats it.


My 2 cents.

A gun pointed ten yards from you?At a distance It could of been pointed at you!Pointing a gun at another, isnt that a federal offence?

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Good job Cliff :clapping: I'm happy to hear they were nabbed.



YES IT IS your business! As well as mine and everyone else. Just like the day I gave a dude crap for not washing his hands after coming out from a stall in a public toilet one day. Told me it was none of my business! Told him it is my business because I or someone will have to put their hands on the same grocery cart that he just had his crap covered paws all over after he leaves the store.


freakin right its my business!! I did call, and warned them what I was doing. They continued to fill the coolers.



Pretty simple answer here. When it has happened that I was told to mind my own business I just say fine and dial the cell phone, then I let the athorities take care of the problem for me.

Works every time. :good:


I remember one fall fishing the mouth of the Ganny and a fellow caught a laker and was keeping it.

I told him they were out of seaon and he ignored me, called the local cops and they took care of the problem within ten minutes. B)


In fact, that is exactly what I did. I even offered to take them out in my boat to take a look. Nobody showed up.





I'm surprised with your comments about the duck hunters. I honestly am.


If I was you I would have got the hell out of there. Actually, I would NEVER have gotten that close to start with. You obviously knew they were hunting. I hate it when guys come fish within range of my 12 guage.........I will never understand that. I didn't get up at dark thirty, set up 10 dozen deocoys in the dark, and wait for sunrise to come, only to have a bass boat sit in front of my set up. I would have told you to move along if it was me hunting.........nicely of course. I think its common courtesy, isn't it? Would you have a picnic in the woods, under a guys treestand........while he's hunting out of it? Same scenario. Give us duck hunters a little space. We've already spent a couple hours setting up in the dark before you've even had your morning coffee. There is a lot of room on a lake to fish, and its a lot easier for you to move along than me with a pile of decoys to pull in first.


BTW, There is no regulations about killing birds on the water, its totally legal.



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freakin right its my business!! I did call, and warned them what I was doing. They continued to fill the coolers.





In fact, that is exactly what I did. I even offered to take them out in my boat to take a look. Nobody showed up.





I'm surprised with your comments about the duck hunters. I honestly am.


If I was you I would have got the hell out of there. Actually, I would NEVER have gotten that close to start with. You obviously knew they were hunting. I hate it when guys come fish within range of my 12 guage.........I will never understand that. I didn't get up at dark thirty, set up 10 dozen deocoys in the dark, and wait for sunrise to come, only to have a bass boat sit in front of my set up. I would have told you to move along if it was me hunting.........nicely of course. I think its common courtesy, isn't it? Would you have a picnic in the woods, under a guys treestand........while he's hunting out of it? Same scenario. Give us duck hunters a little space. We've already spent a couple hours setting up in the dark before you've even had your morning coffee. There is a lot of room on a lake to fish, and its a lot easier for you to move along than me with a pile of decoys to pull in first.


BTW, There is no regulations about killing birds on the water, its totally legal.




Sorry Sinker, but when I'm there first as I started fishing at 2:30 am like I normally do and it seems a few birds ended up swimming around the shoreline when the sun came up. I was there first. There were no decoys there at all until noon. The decoys were very few I beleive 5 and were about 2 feet off shore and were placed there after they had shot. . I was fishing around a 500 yard range area all night and all day. So what you are stating is that I should move myself because someone comes in there with a shot gun because he has more rights, sorry my friend but not happening. This jack Ass had no decoys until 12:30 and came there around 9am when he could clearly see me and another boat right in front. I could tell what he was smoking almost. , clearly wanted to bully someone out of an area because there dumbass selfs could not get any birds any where else. No need to try and do what they did. I was going up the shoreline following the weedline while there were 5 more boats in that bay. I did not even see any decoys in front of me just a few geese swimming along the shoreline in front of me, when all of a sudden these asses shot right in front, no need for that.


Thats a stupid comment that was made as I'm a hunter as well. I respect it at all times. I have nothing against hunters as I have pretty much shot every species here in Ontario and other Provinces. But I will in no way nor hell put up with guys doing what they did. I have pictures I these guys laughing when they shot in our direction first and of them drinking beer. It was only when I went ashore and physically took licence plates as they were parked on the side of the road and boat licence as the so called cops did not do so. Remember this my friend that this is a Public freekin boat launch where these guys wer shooting across. I have went into many bays before and left once I notice anyone back there hunting, and I have done this hundreds of times. I think the question needs to be turned b ack around as Im surprised you made those comments.


BTW , sorry for not realizing that birds are allowed to be shot while not in flight. I understood differently. I also hunt . I will shoot in flight only not while they are on the water. Just me I guess.


Thats my 2 cents

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True indeed rick.Some places i go to, the good gents get the evil eye from many around.These gents in particular are the nicest people ive met and very generous.They have been accepted by the locals as good people indeed.As for poachers theres a bunch in every batch.


Agreed. In this thread there have been some remarks about ethnicity and race that are be unwarranted. The word "immigrant" has also been abused - please remember that at some point, unless you are of native descent, all our ancestors were immigrants to this country, and they all faced challenges, such as language, new rules, policies, etc...


As some have mentioned on this thread, simply calling and reporting is the best option for all parties. Escalation is everyone's responsibility, however, taking action, beyond a call to an authoritative figure, is only the duty of the MNR/police. No person without the proper authority should take action beyond a phone call - a simple rule that will avoid fist/fish-fights, law-suits, and high blood pressure.


In contrast to what some may claim, I have seen fishermen of ALL races abuse our system. Regardless of their background, these offenders should be reported, and the proper authorities should take action. That is the rule.


I am of Chinese descent and I respect the laws we have set here in Ontario, including those associated with fishing. The last thing I want to see materializing from this thread is racial profiling and further prejudice when I fish legally, which leads to further undeserved harassment whenever I am trying to enjoy this hell of a great past-time.


The following should apply to all fishing enthusiasts of ALL races - if he/she is observed to obviously be fishing outside of regulations, then by all means report the offence. Otherwise, it really is not anyone's call (other than the authorities') to walk over to someone and interrogate him/her; unless the intent is to initiate a friendly chat.

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Guest gbfisher

I find it funny that not even mentioning "WHO" we are talking about that everybody knows "who" we all are referring to. :good: Wonder why that is?

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I find it funny that not even mentioning "WHO" we are talking about that everybody knows "who" we all are referring to. :good: Wonder why that is?


Because we notice differences before we notice similarities. It is human nature. Those moments we remember more than others. We tend to remember bad things by people who are different than us more because we want to believe that people like us are generally 'good folk'. Psychology 101 and the root of racism.

Fortunately we are intelligent enough to recognize the inherent bias in us all and not let it cloud our judgment.

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Guest gbfisher

Because we notice differences before we notice similarities. It is human nature. Those moments we remember more than others. We tend to remember bad things by people who are different than us more because we want to believe that people like us are generally 'good folk'. Psychology 101 and the root of racism.

Fortunately we are intelligent enough to recognize the inherent bias in us all and not let it cloud our judgment.


101 :clapping:

Easy to say that Rick but when ever I see blatant poaching it is by the ones we all are talking about here.

I'm not a racist. I have friends of all color. It just so happens that they would agree with most of what's been said so far. Actually, I had a good friend in the boat with me the other day and he was interpreting what was being said.... :lol:

He could only understand four of the five different languages. :rolleyes:

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101 :clapping:

Easy to say that Rick but when ever I see blatant poaching it is by the ones we all are talking about here.

I'm not a racist. I have friends of all color. It just so happens that they would agree with most of what's been said so far. Actually, I had a good friend in the boat with me the other day and he was interpreting what was being said.... :lol:

He could only understand four of the five different languages. :rolleyes:


Perhaps when you see certain people fishing, you expect a certain outcome. Each time you see that outcome it confirms the bias. When you see others fishing, you do not look for the activity and therefore do not see it. Do you not recall the big poaching threads here over the past...guy with eight lines in the water, group of kids snagging salmon at the dam, etc. All those poachers were Caucasian anglers...but we tend to forget that, because they are like us.

I know when I look at the conviction reports, no group is over or under represented. When you consider the demographics of the country and especially regions within the country, everyone is just as likely or as unlikely to be a poacher.

Certainly some groups are more likely to harvest fish..such as Americans according to past threads here. Since they are more likely to harvest do they not have a greater opportunity to poach...whether intentional or not? Or is it that we can't tell an American from a Canadian just by looking at them.


In any event, the purpose of this thread is about poaching and not racial profiling or notations. The race of a poacher is irrelevant and all should be prosecuted.

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Consider this:


You just bought a new Honda to drive. Now you notice all the other Honda's on the road.


Rick, I completely respect your opinion on this. It seems to me that this topic may be snowballing into having certain minorities pointed out as scapegoats.


As Rick said, "the purpose of this thread is about poaching and not racial profiling or notations. The race of a poacher is irrelevant and all should be prosecuted."

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Sorry Rick, but in my humble opinion, that is a bunch of crap! There are rules for the majority and then there are rules for a very small minority and there is no will politically to enforce the rule of the majority, on the minority.

Big Cliff, my hats off to you bud!


Edited by Headhunter
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Guest gbfisher

Perhaps when you see certain people fishing, you expect a certain outcome. Each time you see that outcome it confirms the bias. When you see others fishing, you do not look for the activity and therefore do not see it. Do you not recall the big poaching threads here over the past...guy with eight lines in the water, group of kids snagging salmon at the dam, etc. All those poachers were Caucasian anglers...but we tend to forget that, because they are like us.

I know when I look at the conviction reports, no group is over or under represented. When you consider the demographics of the country and especially regions within the country, everyone is just as likely or as unlikely to be a poacher.

Certainly some groups are more likely to harvest fish..such as Americans according to past threads here. Since they are more likely to harvest do they not have a greater opportunity to poach...whether intentional or not? Or is it that we can't tell an American from a Canadian just by looking at them.


In any event, the purpose of this thread is about poaching and not racial profiling or notations. The race of a poacher is irrelevant and all should be prosecuted.

Perhaps, eh Rick. :clapping:

I'm not saying that I have never seen a Caucasian poaching. I've just seen more of the non Caucasian when it comes to crappy and pan fishing. You know it as I know it as they know it. Its the sad truth. Who's using who as a scapegoat? Poachers are poachers. Just so happens I've seen more from the non Caucasian type. Maybe its just me but I doubt that very much. Ill agree that others poach and seeing as there are more Caucasian. That would mean there are more Caucasian poachers in your thinking. I'll agree with that as a statement. It still doesn't help with what I and a ton of other fishermen see on a daily basis with all species of fish.

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freakin right its my business!! I did call, and warned them what I was doing. They continued to fill the coolers.





In fact, that is exactly what I did. I even offered to take them out in my boat to take a look. Nobody showed up.





I'm surprised with your comments about the duck hunters. I honestly am.


If I was you I would have got the hell out of there. Actually, I would NEVER have gotten that close to start with. You obviously knew they were hunting. I hate it when guys come fish within range of my 12 guage.........I will never understand that. I didn't get up at dark thirty, set up 10 dozen deocoys in the dark, and wait for sunrise to come, only to have a bass boat sit in front of my set up. I would have told you to move along if it was me hunting.........nicely of course. I think its common courtesy, isn't it? Would you have a picnic in the woods, under a guys treestand........while he's hunting out of it? Same scenario. Give us duck hunters a little space. We've already spent a couple hours setting up in the dark before you've even had your morning coffee. There is a lot of room on a lake to fish, and its a lot easier for you to move along than me with a pile of decoys to pull in first.


BTW, There is no regulations about killing birds on the water, its totally legal.




Exactly... happend to me before, setup 30 decoys to have some morons setup infront of me... the shooting starte they left..... Why would fisherman setup infront of hunters? makes no sense...

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Please guys and gals, this has nothing to do with race, religion, colour, or gender so please do not take this thread in that direction. Anyone who knows me knows that I judge every person by their own actions. I have a daughter-in-law that is native indian, she abhores the abuse she sees from other native indians.


I have many friends from many different races, religions, and skin tones. They stay at my house and are treated with the love and respect they each deserve so if you think that my post is ment to point out any particular group of people then please think again!


Poachers are poachers, I won't stop poaching here but I will try to make a difference. It sure beats sitting here whining about it! The one thing that has amazed me is the lack of people who have offered to try to be a part of this. But with or without help I will try!


How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!

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