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What's with the ads?


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Adblock for Firefox blocks the content. The post is still there, albeit blank, and you cannot "ignore" the user Advert Bot.


Cant say I like it. I think my time is done here.

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Its just like having Clampett back on the site...insert random image here....


Or when Danbo went through that David Hasselhoff phase for a couple months :lol:


The ads do get pretty annoying though...Some of them I can't even tell what they're for.LOL Adblock filters out the rest and leaves a blank post.

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I have set Firefox to block all ads/images coming from googleads.g.doubleclick.net


All I see now is a blank post..


and you are right Wayne... some of the content was questionable.


All of the ads were not even remotely related to the outdoors.. mostly marketing and webhosting stuff...with the odd scantly clad women wanting me to visit a fitness dating site, as she shows off her cleavage.


Does this site receive revenue every view? or every click? as I cannot see it generating very much income on a per click basis, given the content of the ads. if the ads were related to outdoor related products and services (ie lodges, suppliers, outfitters etc) I would be more inclined to click on something that catches my interest...


Dating, marketing and web hosting are not something I am interested in.


my 0.02 cents on it..



Edited by Gerritt
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Also find that some of the advert content is beyond what we're allowed to post here. The "Spiel Filter" would get us for posting similar content...


Spiel Filter? There's no Spiel filter just some occasional post reply editing for those that seem to have difficulty understanding the rules which seem to be pretty straight forward.

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The crawlers take awhile to index the content on the site. We then get assessed by keywords. Sponsors then bid on those keywords.

Until the new crawl is done, you get ads from sponsors who will take anything.

The fact that many people appear to be blocking ads here is exactly why it had to be done. Some ads are per click, some by impression. By blocking we lose impression counts.

It is not a huge inconvenience to disable Ad Block for OFC in order to keep this thing afloat.

The ad bot will continue in other forum areas for now.

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Spiel Filter? There's no Spiel filter just some occasional post reply editing for those that seem to have difficulty understanding the rules which seem to be pretty straight forward.


Exactly Chris and why I questioned why adverts are okay stating "how's your Love Thermometer??" .. and we couldn't post anything of such..... what's the word for it! lol

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Exactly Chris and why I questioned why adverts are okay stating "how's your Love Thermometer??" .. and we couldn't post anything of such..... what's the word for it! lol




I have heard words on tv when my kids were watching an after school special that can't be used here.....but rules are rules

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Or Dano's "dancing darling" had to go.. yet ads have been popping up showing more in them than his avatar ever did...




Ya know guys... were just doing the best we can.....



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Not questioning that TJ... rules have been set that we have to keep it PG and we.. and sometimes even you ...do our best lol .. .. you can't have adverts popping up that aren't.


I realize that, but until google reindex the pages were gonna get some wierd stuff.




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hey! there was a fishing related ad! Ohhh JOY! so I clicked it..


Something about the "Secret Weapon" but they wont show you what it is LOL!


it was an interesting video though...


just seemed a little to far fetched for me, as they wont show you or tell you what it really is!


Anyways just thought I would post this, as it seems that there are ads being placed that are related to us.




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hey! there was a fishing related ad! Ohhh JOY! so I clicked it..


Something about the "Secret Weapon" but they wont show you what it is LOL!


it was an interesting video though...


just seemed a little to far fetched for me, as they wont show you or tell you what it really is!


Anyways just thought I would post this, as it seems that there are ads being placed that are related to us.




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