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Coyote grabs Pomeranian in Pickering area.


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Had a huge coyote run straight at me while turkey hunting. At first, I thought it was a wolf because of the size. At least I know my turkey calling sounds authentic.

It got about 15ft. away, then started moving toward my decoy, caught my scent and did a 180 in a hurry.

I didn't move. Shotgun was pointed away from it too, making it tough to swing it around and get a shot.


He couldn't see me, just smelled me.

I guess my odor is enough to make anything run off in a hurry. :lol:

Roy,You are killin' me bud.


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Does anyone know much about FISHERS? Apparently we have them around and I believe it may have enjoyed my very large Maine Coon Cat ..


Vicious little critters.... here's one walking across my pool deck last July.



Edited by irishfield
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Does anyone know much about FISHERS? Apparently we have them around and I believe it may have enjoyed my very large Maine Coon Cat ..


ive got an american coon cat too .....tough IQ challenged ..but still cost 375 for the vet bill for the last possum he took down

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Your photo, the fisher doesnt look that big .. my cat ws about 25 lbs. I've heard they like to eat cats. Needless to say, I'm not getting another kitty, or at least one that gets to go out of doors. Do WE (humans) have to be wary of them also?



not unless your trying to domesticate one...

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They were introduced to control Porqupines (sp). They'll chase the buggers all the way up a tree.. out to the tip of a limb until they fall out of the tree and then run back down the tree to the stunned pork on the ground and zip it's belly open... eating it from the inside out. My Step father has issues with them attacking his cattle herd. They'll naw the legs of the cow to get it to fall down. He thought he was losing the odd calf to 'yotes.. but he's pretty sure now it was fishers that knocked them down first.


That one on the pool was a fair size.. consider that's a 24' wide pool end.

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Here's a few pics of some yotes I would see everyday...there in the Huron industrial park in Kitchener I would see them on my walk to work daily and started taking the cam to see how close I could get...never could get any closer then a few hundred yards pretty skittish little beasts...I saw a pack (not sure if thats what a bunch of deer is maybe herd) of deer one morning as I came up over the hill they were standing about 30 feet in front of me, Ha they must have jumped 6 feet in the air when they saw me...LOL I think I jumped 12 cause I never saw them til they jumped first...also found a snapping turtle about the size of a truck tire....amazing the things you can find living within city limits...so watch yourselves out there in the concrete jungle folks if the natives don't get ya the animals will!!




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I used to live in Bruce and Grey counties and we've had a hell of a coyote problem and even a few coywolfs around too. On some good days while running the dogs we could get 10-15 out of a block. I think last year between the gang that I went out with and the other in our area we took more than 100 out of a 8X8 country block area

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The police warnings are actually the MNR issued standard protocol.

Coyotes are a big problem in the cities now. People living in the city have no idea the dangers coyotes pose.

City coyotes are MUCH braver and bigger than rural coyotes.

This summer could be a major problem if people do not change their habits. Walking your small dogs at night near parks in coyote areas is no long an option.

I am in the midst of a coyote study and the reports coming in are all pointing to urban coyotes now being a permanent resident of the cities and we all have to adapt to it.

CARRY PEPPER SPRAY if you are in city parks.

We are having signs placed in all city parks with known coyote populations so people can beware.

If you live in a city with coyotes, talk to your kids and make sure they are staying away from all 'dogs'.

Texas went through this a few years ago and the number of kids getting bit was alarming.


So you guys living in the country..do not think these are the same skittish coyotes you are used to. There have been reports here already of coyotes challenging adult humans.


We all have to change our ways because we cannot get rid of these animals...so we must adapt.


Lord have mercy, the sky is falling again.....

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when walking your dog you should ALWAYS have a knife, walking stick, or an ASP baton to deal with other dogs and possibly coyotes. even steel toed boots will help when it comes to canines getting into a scuffle.


it seems like whenever you hear about this kinda thing the humans just kinda stand back and "watch in horror" as their best little buddy is getting ripped apart. MAN UP and get in there to help your dog. i know for a fact that my two dogs would be there to help me if i was getting attacked so i'd sure as hell help them. eastern coyotes are usually 40-50lbs so they are quite small. the ones you have to worry about are "coydogs" which are the offspring from a coyote breeding with a domestic dog. they can grow larger and show less fear of humans.


before anyone starts...no im not an armchair warrior. ive been in the middle of some nasty dog fights and wouldnt hesitate if a couple yotes were feeling brave. ;)


that said...i dont like really small dogs and wouldnt hold a grudge against the yotes that took out that rat dog :whistling:

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I feel kind of bad now because I heard it was a puppy that was snacked upon.

I wonder if there would be a market for synthetic porcupine quill suits for dogs, or dog armor.


or maybe owners could make this:




Surely a coyote would think twice trying to take on a Cerberus pup from the fiery depths of hell!

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when walking your dog you should ALWAYS have a knife, walking stick, or an ASP baton to deal with other dogs and possibly coyotes. even steel toed boots will help when it comes to canines getting into a scuffle.


Just FYI Asp batons as you refer to them are considered a Restricted Weapon in Ontario, pretty hefty fine/charge if you get caught with it.


I don't blame people for not getting involved. It is only an animal after all and as upsetting as it maybe I'd hate to see a human harmed or killed because they tried to intervene physically.

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Yes they are thick in the Huron Doon south end of Kitchener....very common around here on the fringe.

Unfortunately there are few not quite a skittish as the ones in you pictures.

I am putting a fence up in the spring...not because of the coyotes, but regardless I'll be glad to get the fence in as it seems lately I have them entering my back yard occasionaly.

I have no fear of the little buggers myself but I did have a small pack come in for a closer look to check me out last December as I did a trailer inspection before leaving on a trip one early morning....

Last week in the morning as the kids waited for the bus pick up, one of the mothers pointed one out not more then 50 Yards from the bus stop.

The kids are never alone at the bus stop but thats certainly not normal behavior for a Coyote to eye ball children.

I will feel better about my kids playing in the yard when the fence is up.


Its crazy how differnt this year seems to be compared to the last 3?

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Just FYI Asp batons as you refer to them are considered a Restricted Weapon in Ontario, pretty hefty fine/charge if you get caught with it.


Are you sure about that, just called a place that's selling them over the counter, I still have both of mine.

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A study I read the other night showed all coyotes in the area had wolf DNA. As they migrated east moving in as wolves were being hunted out, there was quite a bit of cross breeding.



I thought all canines had wolf DNA? :dunno:


How do you differntiate between what's inherent in their genes and recent crossbreeding?

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Here's a few pics of some yotes I would see everyday...there in the Huron industrial park in Kitchener I would see them on my walk to work daily and started taking the cam to see how close I could get...never could get any closer then a few hundred yards pretty skittish little beasts...I saw a pack (not sure if thats what a bunch of deer is maybe herd) of deer one morning as I came up over the hill they were standing about 30 feet in front of me, Ha they must have jumped 6 feet in the air when they saw me...LOL I think I jumped 12 cause I never saw them til they jumped first...also found a snapping turtle about the size of a truck tire....amazing the things you can find living within city limits...so watch yourselves out there in the concrete jungle folks if the natives don't get ya the animals will!!


Funny you mention that area Tightline.. I saw my first coyote a couple of weeks ago on my way to work in the morning in the farmers field @ Bleam & Fischer Hallman... I used to take my dog into the "natural area" all the time.. maybe not such a good idea anymore..

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