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Time to get rid of some fishing gear

Big Cliff

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With the change to the regulations here in the Kawarthas my fishing habbits are changing too (not to mention getting older LOL) I currently have a Vexilar FL8, an Aqua-Vu Scout SRT, and a Hummingbird portable fish finder. I have decided to reduce my collection to one unit but I am really having toroble deciding which way to go. Most of my winter fishing will be done right here now, average water depths 6-15', water clarity is excellent in the winter time (just tried the Aqua-Vu out and I could easily see bottom in 10' of water.) I have rigged it so that the camera points straight down so it is like looking at a fish finder or flasher but I can really see what is happening, even which direction the fish are coming and going, even watch them actually bite.


The FL8 is more versitile though, it doesn't matter what the water clarity is like (although not important in this case) but it has caught fish for me that I wouldn't have caught without it. Limiting factor, not so good in really shallow water like the 5-6' range (unless you want to put a surpressor cable on it). It is also a lot lighter than the Aqua-Vu but hopfully most of my trips will be on my ATV.


The Hummingbird has always been an awsome unit, very sensitive, it will show a 1/4 oz jig in 50' of water and it is the lightest and most portable of the three)except now you are into inturpriting a sonar display. Not that hard to do but I really am not going to pack 3 units with me and it doesn't make any sense to keep them all sitting on the shelf.


I guess I am leaning toward keeping the Aqua-Vu but thought "many heads are better than one" why not get some feed back. Which one would you keep and why?

Edited by Big Cliff
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Hey cliff, I'd have to say stick with the vex. I have had the aqua vue and it didnt get much use. I am now currently running a vex fl-18 and love it. The vex is a lot more versitile and you know as well as i do its essential for those suspended fish. I would say sell them all and upgrade to the fl-18 model. It has a low power setting which works well in water 15' or less




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myself, I would always keep a fishfinder first

I love playing with the underwater camera, but if I could only have one ..fishfinder is it


if you are only going to fish clear water 5.6' the camera would be great but for other places....fishfinder




you can never have too many toys

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Hey cliff, I would say sell them all and upgrade to the fl-18 model. It has a low power setting which works well in water 15' or less





Now that's what I mean about "many heads" I hadn't even thought about that as an option. You are right the the vex is fantastic for suspended fish and I really love it, I just can't pack EVERYTHING.


We are probably going to be moving to a smaller place in the next year or two, I love it here but this place is much too big for just the two of us. Might as well start streamlining my equipment now.


Gogu, it is a Fish Easy 2


Terry, the problem for me with ice fishing has always been the long drives to get anywhere and home again. Now that I can walk out my front door and be fishing in less than 5 minutes I really doubt I'll be going anywhere else, perhaps the odd trip for a G2G or some smelts but that is about it.

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Hey Cliff;


Tough choices to make when your downsizing. My wife is a professional organizer and one of her specialities is helping people downsize into smaller more managable places.

I would have to keep the vex but your right about the aquavu. Water is nice and clear around here. We were watching perch hit the other day when we filmed the piece for CHEX news.

Check out the muskie photo a friend took out on Chemong on the opening day this year. Cool picture.


For me, I use a LCD graph and mostly for depth and suspended fish. The vexilar are awesome but I find people get into "TV" mode and miss a lot of fish because they get excited and set the hook too early when they see one coming up from bottom. They are great units and in the right hands a fantastic tool.


Good Luck.


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Cliff I vote for sell them all. After that you can chose for the camera or the flasher unit. I personally like the colored flasher units they can show you lots of information once you take the time to learn what they are saying.




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