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MY First Rant!!!! (totally non-fishing)


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(Come on Spring LOL ) I never complain... and after 7 years of running this board, I am usually fixing things for others complaints, but on the way to school this morning I blew my top.... and I actually complianed for once... here's my email to the CBC.... any comments... am I out of line??




Dear CBC:


I'm emailing today (and I never complain...) to express my disgust at the latest programming on CBC's The Current.


Every morning I drive my kids to school and we listen to the Morning North Show out of Sudbury, Ontario, and then we get the first few minutes of the Current. I have been listening to the program for years and I find it better and more educational for my children if we listen to the news and some informative programming in the morning, rather than the top 40 radio station.


Maybe its just me but, I have found that lately the news coverage on the current has been so gruesome... ie todays first line was something to the effect of "its been twelve years since Jane Doe was attacked by a serial rapist" which lead to my explanation to my 10 year old daughter as to what a serial rapist was.


I understand the need (or maybe I don't) for the CBC to follow sensational stories and present the news in a very graphic way. I just wish that maybe once in awhile there was something a little more upbeat on the program as its gets depressing to listen to the bad news every day. It give your younger listeners the impression that the world is a pile of crap.


When I watch TV at night every episode of Law and Order, CSI and half of everything on prime time etal.. has a warning to parents the the material may be unsuitable.


Why is it that there is no warning on the CBC that would advise me when the material they are about to cover isn't for younger listeners ears???


Seems unfair to me.. I feel saddened that right at the point that my kids are able to start learning from these broadcasts and appreciate talk radio I'm gonna have to turn it off after the local Morning North broadcast cause I'm afraid the coverage on a publicly funded radio show WILL be too graphic for my kids to listen to. If there are rules for TV.. why do these do these same rules not apply to radio??


I look forward to your form letter response.

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TJ....there has been a definite trend in the media towards this. It's all around us...that's one of the reasons I dont even listen to the radio anymore. I'll listen to 680 News down here in Toronto for traffic reports, but that's about it. I dont think you are out of line with your email to them...esp if it's been more family/educational in nature in the past.


One bit of refreshing news is on the Toronto Star website. There's a section there called "Acts of Kindness". People write in explaning how people they dont even know go out of their way to help others in need. I have it bookmarked here at the office and read it every single day. If you're interested in the link...here it is....



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but that does seem to be the way all news is going..the more bloody details the better..they think.....

the "A"channel, that was the New VR ,that was CKVR, that was CBC..now seems to have the policy that when ever someone dies or gets raped to bang on the families doors and get a response..most times they show someone at the door saying go away we don't want to talk.....

but why they think that I, as a viewer would want to see the mother of a 10 year old kid that just downed, crying and saying how much she misses her kid that died an hour before is sickening and beneath them and has nothing to do with with reporting the news...but that's what they think people want to hear

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TJ, this CBC show "IS" a news show? If it is, I really don't see the problem. The news is reality, no matter how grusome & depressing it may be. Lets face it, the world around us is in shambles, although most who frequent chat zones like this try to avoid it, it will always be there. My suggestion, put on that top 40 radio station or throw in an educational CD if you want them to learn and not be traumatized by the reality of the world we live in. Its your responsability to watch what your children listen to...not the CBC. My two cents.

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There were a bunch of abortion activist's out front of the hospital one morning when I was driving my daughter to school. She's 10 years old and I wasn't too happy that I had to explain to here what an abortion is. On the way back after dropping her off I pulled up right beside the one with the biggest sign, got out of my car, grabbed her sign right out of her hands and ripped it in half. I got back in my car and drove off. She didn't even say a word. I was really mad. Shaking just thinking about it!

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Don't get me wrong... its not that I want to insulate my kids from whats happening in the world.. the news is constantly on at home, and can I effect what the CBC covers ... no.. I generally don't insulate my kids from much, any one who knows me know that my kids get to see alot.. we travel alot and i dont hold my opinions from them.. My problemo is with the cbc being a publicly funded entity and not warning listeners about upcoming programming. I dont let my kids watch most law and orders and csi's cause they are gruesome and totally non-realistic. THERE ARE WARNINGS BEFORE THESES SHOWS (I like them though) I know when these programs are coming on and I can tell the kids to do something else.


But I think the CBC should have the same mandate as the TV stations and at least give some sort of warning that they are gonna be talking about serial rapists and underage sex workers.. I think thats only fair.


I think that most people who say "well the news is the news" don't have young kids....

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Not being a fan of CBC, I agree and support you completely. Excellent note


12 year old items that have been resovled is not NEWS or commentary, it is exploitive.


The same as the Toronto Sun sensationalizing Karla Homolka, these news outlets have become obcessed.


I would pass your e-mail to the CRTC for their response.



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I am not sure if this is gona upset anyone I hope not. I think this is a great disscusion


Hey T.J. ,


I do hear and understand your issue for sure. The thing is to me though is that unfortunately our children need to be aware of the horrible things that are out in this world now adays. I have a 6yr old son (amlost 7) he lives with his mom who protects him from the world, I don't feel that this is the best action though Im afraid for him because he is becoming so trusting of people. I am not saying all people are bad and he shouldn't trust I just feel he should be aware of the possibility that bad people do exist and they can affect him. I don't divuldge all info on what rape and murder are but I do keep on him to not talk to strangers, stay away from places, etc,etc.... I understand that you want to keep your childrens ears from anything that can rob them of their innocence but at the same time I would rather my child be upset then missing or hurt. I want him to be weary of people's intentions I want him to be cautious but I want him to learn it from not being censored from the news or media. I feel instead of censoring the media or the news we need to work on how to stop the news from happening. We need as parents to raise our children with ethics, morals, esteem, confidence and all the abilities and skills that the low life criminals and degenerates didn't get by their parents. I believe it's our children that can change the way the future is heading but I think the way to start that is by awareness. That balcony rapist he attacked someone I know, she sued the police because the police knew she was the next target but failed to inform her so she didn't differ from her daily routine so that she would be used as "bait" . Her book is called Jane Doe. I think about those poor kids in blackstock that were in cages, all the abuse happing and I want my child aware that this is something that can happen to anyone. I do think the CRTC should have a rating system and that talkshows should have a disclaimer but its our decision to let our children be aware or unaware.

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But I think the CBC should have the same mandate as the TV stations and at least give some sort of warning that they are gonna be talking about serial rapists and underage sex workers.. I think thats only fair.


I can understand that and think it's a valid & reasonable request.

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That is the reason why I don't watch the news, heck, I rarely watch tv, as well as listen to the radio. It's almost like the media wants to instill a constant fear to the watchers/listeners. I know bad things happen in the world and I don't need to hear it. That is just the trend we are heading to. Sensational, gruesome news. Heck, look at all these popular movies out that glorify brutal killing. Man, I'm ranting now too. Thx TJ. :w00t:

Now I must go to work and take it out on my clients.

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Opinions don't upset me, and the arguemnt that kids need to know about the badness in the world is a fair and reasonable one and thats not what my complaint is about... as a parent it should be UP TO ME to decide when I want to explain to my ten year old daughter what a serial rapist is, its not up to the CBC to inflict that on her ears at 8:45 in the morning without letting listeners know its coming. The news is bad.. i understand that.., the world is a crappy place only cause thats all the media WANTS to cover. I'm not saying the news should only be good... and CTV and GLOBAL can do whatever thay want.. but CBC radio is FUNDED with OUR tax dollars, why don't they have to follow the same rules...


You get fed on the news, exacly what the media DECIDES to feed you. A warning about content is NOT censorship.




I am not sure if this is gona upset anyone I hope not. I think this is a great disscusion


Hey T.J. ,


I do hear and understand your issue for sure. The thing is to me though is that unfortunately our children need to be aware of the horrible things that are out in this world now adays. I have a 6yr old son (amlost 7) he lives with his mom who protects him from the world, I don't feel that this is the best action though Im afraid for him because he is becoming so trusting of people. I am not saying all people are bad and he shouldn't trust I just feel he should be aware of the possibility that bad people do exist and they can affect him. I don't divuldge all info on what rape and murder are but I do keep on him to not talk to strangers, stay away from places, etc,etc.... I understand that you want to keep your childrens ears from anything that can rob them of their innocence but at the same time I would rather my child be upset then missing or hurt. I want him to be weary of people's intentions I want him to be cautious but I want him to learn it from not being censored from the news or media. I feel instead of censoring the media or the news we need to work on how to stop the news from happening. We need as parents to raise our children with ethics, morals, esteem, confidence and all the abilities and skills that the low life criminals and degenerates didn't get by their parents. I believe it's our children that can change the way the future is heading but I think the way to start that is by awareness. That balcony rapist he attacked someone I know, she sued the police because the police knew she was the next target but failed to inform her so she didn't differ from her daily routine so that she would be used as "bait" . Her book is called Jane Doe. I think about those poor kids in blackstock that were in cages, all the abuse happing and I want my child aware that this is something that can happen to anyone. I do think the CRTC should have a rating system and that talkshows should have a disclaimer but its our decision to let our children be aware or unaware.

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I've heard some very gruesome and explicit content on CBC, always preceded by a disclaimer. I guess that today's show was deemed not to require that disclaimer.


On the other hand, I've felt uncomfortable before with my kids in the car when topics such as the one you described are discussed. Maybe those things are supposed to make us a little uncomfortable and prompt some frank discussion with our kids. I've also changed the station at times, always an option.


I think I'm with Clampet on this one.

Edited by douG
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Protecting YOUR kids? Last time I was with them, I was the one that needed protected.


As an aside, you're right on the money. Imagine these headlines "Jailguard charged with sexually assaulting female inmates" or "Man facing death penalty for murdering witnesses' father" Not only were my kids unfortunately exposed to those stories, they got the added morsel of their dad being identified as the attorney for these people. Kids at school aren't shy about commenting on what kind of work I do and its been fun trying to explain it to the kids. The media is out of control and I'm dealing with these issues every day. The real problem is, with the internet, news shows and tv dramas, sex and violence and the erosion of privacy is going to become a way of life.

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I can't stand the "news". Most of it's crap, anyway. By the time the producers are done filtering/editing/exploiting to get the piece they want you're not getting the whole story nor are you informed about it.

I guess that's more true for american outlets, but I've noticed the same thing here, particularly with stuff coming out of the GTA.


There's a lot of other issues I have with the CBC, but you have a valid complaint TJ. Coaches Corner has a 7 second delay in case Grapes says something "offensive", but you and your kids get to hear what you did on the drive to school. Kinda sad.

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(PG) Parental Guidance


Better it's you there to answer those tough questions on some of the less pleasant and tough realities of life.


It's a news program, and it shouldn't really be much of a surprise (although unfortunate) that not all news is good news. Having done some freelance work for one of the largest media outlets in Toronto for a few years now, "If it bleeds it leads" is still a common motto. It's human nature for people to be captivated by the misfortune of others, look at what happens at a traffic accident, everyone has to slow down and gawk.


I often find myself turning the channel while watching the news and my kids are around when a topic that I don't feel is appropriate for them comes on. But once they reach a certain age we can't leave them thinking that the world is all roses. I think that's even more dangerous!

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"There's a lot of other issues I have with the CBC, but you have a valid complaint TJ. Coaches Corner has a 7 second delay in case Grapes says something "offensive", but you and your kids get to hear what you did on the drive to school. Kinda sad."


I won't let them listen to Cherry either... LOL (just kidding... don't sue me... lol)


If a parent can't choose what thier kids see and hear why are there restricted ratings on movies... why don't we just let them show sadistic porn on tv without telling us its coming on. Im sure that happens in the real world somehwere as well! That my beef.. I don't insulate my kids from much... ask them!! ... and it isn't a NEWS program its a commentary on a decade old crime. (must have been a slow day today!)

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Guest mistyriver1

Great thread.


My wife is always after me about letting the kids watch the news with me. To me, they should know what is going on in the world; however, I understand your concern TJ. I think are kids are around the same age TJ as well. I think Clampet said it very well in his response. (He's pretty smart for a hillbilly ;) ) I would like to have the opportunity to explain the ways of the world to my kids at my discretion.



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"Better it's you there to answer those tough questions on some of the less pleasant and tough realities of life."

There needs to be a balance. Television news coverage is competing for the same viewers that are watching CSI, but the news doesnt have the special effects budget and weeks to work on a story.


So the most shocking makes the number one story, grabs the interest, otherwise people tune to a different station.


Same thing these days with radio, there are so many choices that each show competes for the listener that will go elsewhere. The thing is, most of my radio listening is done driving in the car, with my kids. And its hard to explain the facts of life to the kid in the back seat who might have follow up questions or missunderstand.


When we sit down and talk about it in the house they seem to "get it" more easily then driving in the car.

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