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Just a reminder to keep your gifts and valuables out of view of thiefs! Saw a video in class about a Native theft ring going on at shopping malls around Hamilton and Oakville....they are hitting Toronto Malls as well. They are mostly just stealing the whole vehicle. But I am sure there are thieves out there just after xmas presents!!


I don't have kids, but I would hate to see your kids go without xmas presents!!


Merry Christmas everyone.




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Just a reminder to keep your gifts and valuables out of view of thiefs! Saw a video in class about a Native theft ring going on at shopping malls around Hamilton and Oakville....


Are Native theft rings any different than any other type of theft ring? (read: do we need to indict one particular group of people?)


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I was over in MI today at a meijer and saw a cop cruising the parking lot I asked if something was wrong he said no but they patrol like this every year due to high amounts of brake in's on cars he was still there when I came out this was in a small town in MI so I guess all other crime was solved

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I imagine the descripition of the perpetrators is for information sakes not a racial bash since nothing derogatory was said and the post was info only anyways. people need to stop automatically thinking people are racist, its as bad as being racist.


I agree completely. Including information about the perpetrator(s) is critical. If there were people randomly attacking other people, especially fishermen I would want to know what they look like ect.People get so obsessed with being being politically correct that they forget the point of things.



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That's what leaped out at me when I read the post too. Completely unnecessary to include that.


Why's that? If they happen to be native and happen to be busting into cars in Hamilton then their race/colour/whatever should be included...

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Why's that? If they happen to be native and happen to be busting into cars in Hamilton then their race/colour/whatever should be included...



I'm fairly certain that not one particular group is responsible for the overwhelming majority of instances, and it would be impossible to ever know for sure anyway....it would probably be good advice to be vigilant of any person acting suspiciously or in a position to rip you off, and not focus on anyone because they happen to be a particular minority.


I'd be amazed if the authorities investigating this publicly described it as a "native theft ring." Giving the description, which might include race, of a particular individual or individuals who are known to or suspected to have committed a crime is one thing, but assuming every time a car gets hopped in a Hamilton mall, a native is probably behind it, is way over the top.

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I'm fairly certain that not one particular group is responsible for the overwhelming majority of instances, and it would be impossible to ever know for sure anyway....it would probably be good advice to be vigilant of any person acting suspiciously or in a position to rip you off, and not focus on anyone because they happen to be a particular minority.


I'd be amazed if the authorities investigating this publicly described it as a "native theft ring." Giving the description, which might include race, of a particular individual or individuals who are known to or suspected to have committed a crime is one thing, but assuming every time a car gets hopped in a Hamilton mall, a native is probably behind it, is way over the top.


Actually his original post states that he watched a video in class about a "Native Theft Ring" therefore it is completely acceptable to state native.


If it were a video of "Christmas Theft Ring" I am sure he would have put "Christmas" instead of "Holiday's Theft Ring".


So would you be offended if he used Christmas instead of Holidays?


He had every right to put it, and he shouldnt be questioned nor should he be criticized for it.



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but assuming every time a car gets hopped in a Hamilton mall, a native is probably behind it, is way over the top.


I don't think anyones assuming that! But lets put it this way... someone's breaking into houses in your neighborhood, wouldn't you want to know the description of the people that have been doing the crimes? I'm sure you would.



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i believe the correct response is.....THANKS for the heads up charlied. Ill be sure to keep my gifts in the trunk. Glad you were lookin out for us as i have a habit of rushing out to the car and throwing gifts in the front seat to go back in and finish shopping. Good reminder indeed


Enjoy reading all the posts that have absolutely NOTHING to do with your original intent

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the fact that 3 of my last 6 vehicles ended up as smoking hulks on the reserve, is, i'm sure, completely coincidental. hamilton has an awesome auto theft problem, at over 6000 vehicles a year as many as 1 in 20 car owners will have their vehicle taken EACH YEAR in the city of hamilton. living in the hamilton area i have been the victim of auto theft / break and enter more than 12 times.


touchy subject for me obviously, once every couple of years getting the call from cayuga OPP telling me they have recovered my 'burnt out vehicle'. i'll probably get roasted for this one i'm sure......appreciate the heads up from charlie.

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the fact that 3 of my last 6 vehicles ended up as smoking hulks on the reserve, is, i'm sure, completely coincidental. hamilton has an awesome auto theft problem, at over 6000 vehicles a year as many as 1 in 20 car owners will have their vehicle taken EACH YEAR in the city of hamilton. living in the hamilton area i have been the victim of auto theft / break and enter more than 12 times.


touchy subject for me obviously, once every couple of years getting the call from cayuga OPP telling me they have recovered my 'burnt out vehicle'. i'll probably get roasted for this one i'm sure......appreciate the heads up from charlie.


The car theft ring is rampant in our area, that's a fact.

Both my dad and a friend had their trucks stolen out of Costco parking lots.

Both vehicles were recovered stripped and trashed on the res.

We had an elightening conversation with one of the investigating officers.

It's been a problem locally for a long, long time.

I believe the officers do their best, but in many ways their hands are tied.


Sorry to hear you were targetted 3 times, that's crazy!

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I'm fairly certain that not one particular group is responsible for the overwhelming majority of instances, and it would be impossible to ever know for sure anyway....it would probably be good advice to be vigilant of any person acting suspiciously or in a position to rip you off, and not focus on anyone because they happen to be a particular minority.


I'd be amazed if the authorities investigating this publicly described it as a "native theft ring." Giving the description, which might include race, of a particular individual or individuals who are known to or suspected to have committed a crime is one thing, but assuming every time a car gets hopped in a Hamilton mall, a native is probably behind it, is way over the top.


You're not from around here. Down here it really is one group who are responsible for most auto theft as well as mall B&E's. You don't read the newspapers where everytime a stolen car is being chased the chased gets called off just before ohsweken, or the captured suspect is from the brantford area (see six nations reserve). Anyone who follows the news from this area knows the truth.

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to whom ever removed my picture



are you tell me you found that in any way offensive and not funny as it was meant


What may seem funny to you may be extremely inflammatory to others.


You are of course familair with this quote from the rules....


Deleted or locked posts. If you disagree with a moderators decision to lock or delete a post, send them a Personal Message. DO NOT make a post complaining about it.



give me a break...we are getting stupid around here


So it would seem.

Winternet is upon us! :rolleyes:

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I didn't complain I said

things are getting stupid


and the point was it was stupid to say they were native

the only way someone could tell would be it they were dressed it full dress and on horse back......



I found the thread more inflammatory, then my knock about it

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