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My 2009 Deer Hunt Report


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I just got back from my deer hunt down in Thunder Bay. I was invited to stay and hunt with a buddy of mine who lives down there and owns some acreage about 30 mins out of the city. He's also a professional bow hunter and really knows his deer hunting!!


What can I say... it was a dream hunt! It was prime rut during the four days I was there. Lots of deer movement and bucks showing themselves during legal shooting hours.


I arrived friday afternoon and after gearing up we headed out to the property for the evening hunt. We weren't in the stand 10 minutes and I spot a buck coming in through the tag alders. It wasn't a shooter so we watched him for a few minutes until he got spooked and walked back into the bush. My buddy said there's probably a bigger buck coming in that drove the little guy off. Sure enough, 3 mins later a nice 9pt pops out on the trail. He was very cautious but eventually let his guard down and let me get settled into the gun. I waited for a broadside shot and settled the cross-hairs behind his right shoulder and squeezed the trigger. I could see it was a good hit and we watched him pile up 25 yards away.




Another pic from the next day.




Not a bad first day!!


My buddy wanted me to fill his tag with a bigger buck.


Saturday we slept in and processed the first deer. Sat. night was a write-off with rain/snow and high winds so decided to wait for sunday.


Sunday morning we headed back out and did a slow walk around the property. We stopped in a few spots and did some grunt calls and rattling. Despite fresh sign everywhere, we didn't have any action.


Sunday night we decided to sit in a 2 person tree-stand that he had up. It was in a tight section of woods along a main travel route. I climbed into the stand and started pulling the gun up with the rope and I could hear something off to my left. I just got the gun in my hands and a doe came running out under us. Wow, that didn't take long! I'm fumbling to untie the rope and out comes a little 6-pt chasing the doe. She must have been hot because he was all over her. :o She ran around a bit then they both disappeared. What a sight, all within 2 minutes of sitting down.


Right away my buddy got on the rattling antlers and began a sequence. I kid you not... within 30 seconds a bigger buck came charging over a ridge on the trail. He slammed on the brakes 80 yards away and was looking for the fighting bucks.


I was using a 30-30 with open sights and didn't feel good about a head-on shot at 80-yards. He stood there staring in our direction for a bit, then turned and walked away. I thought I blew my chance at the biggest deer I've ever seen while hunting.


My buddy said not to worry, that he'd probably circle around down wind and come back in for a closer look. Two minutes later, out of nowhere, the buck re-appeared at 40 yards standing broadside. :w00t:


I slowly got in the gun and put the iron sights behind his shoulder and let 'er rip. He bucked and took off running. I fired another shot before he disappeared out of sight. I knew he was hit but there's always an uneasy feeling when you don't see them drop.


We waited 30-minutes, which seemed like a lifetime, and climbed down to look for a blood trail. It didn't take long and were were following river of blood through the bush. There was blood on both sides of the trail and we found pieces of lung mixed in too. I knew we were looking for a dead deer then but the blood trail just kept going.


I was one happy guy when we found him piled up in some thick growth, about 150-yards from where I shot.




A nice wide and tall 8-pt... technically 7, I guess, with a broken brow tine.


Not a bad weekend of deer hunting :blush:



Edited by BenBeattie
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Thanks everyone!


Ben, those bucks have masive body .Well done.

BTW Enjoyed reading you write up in the mag this fall.


Thanks Brian. It was funny to see myself on the cover! :w00t:


Nice bucks . What rifle did you use for the first one ?


.300 win mag. :devil:


wow!!! what did they dress out at??? almost the size of a Red Deer


well deserved ...congrates on the success


We didn't weigh either of them and couldn't hazard a guess... :dunno:



forgot to ask, 30-30 Marlin 336 or winchester?



Edited by BenBeattie
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