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Sir Catch-A-Lot Pro Guiding Contest


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Hey everyone, with the Christmas season upon us, I'd like to inform everyone of some changes with my business and a new contest I'd like to run.


First off, 2010 will be my inaugural season running ice fishing charters. I will be running out of heated portable huts with flasher units and one on one instruction. I will be guiding on Lake Simcoe (perch, whitefish, pike, lake trout), Lake Couchiching (pike, perch), Lake Joseph/Rosseau (lake trout).


Also new for 2010, kids fish for free, when accompanied by a paying adult.


Now, as far as the contest goes, up for grabs is one FREE 4 hour charter for two on Lake Simcoe for some giant smallmouth bass, one FREE ice fishing trip for two on Lake Simcoe for some JUMBO perch action, and one FREE ice fishing trip for two on Lake Simcoe for some lake trout/whitefish action.


Here's the scoop. I will accept multiple entries and i will make the draw on December 18, 2009.


To win the bass trip, you must add to this post your favourite bass picture and tell the story of how you caught it.

To win the perch trip, you must add your favourite perch recipe

To win the lake trout/whitefish trip, you must add your favourite lake trout/whitefish recipe.


All contestants must email me their real name and OFC handle to [email protected], you may visit my website at http://www.sircatchalot.piczo.com


Best of luck to all,

Edited by steverowbotham
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Well then... let me be the first!


I caught this nice smallie in late October of 2007 while pike fishing Lake Dalrymple. Fought like a champ, not in the air like many smallies, but peeling drag making crazy long runs.




My favourite perch recipe is simple... deep fried in fish crisp, garnished with lemon. Or if you want to be a bit healthier, pan fried in margarine, garnished with salt, fresh ground pepper and lemon.


My favourite way to do lake trout is wrapped in tinfoil and either baken in the oven or on the BBQ... leave the fish whole, minus the head, fins & guts. Stuff the belly cavity with lemon slices, onions, peppers and whatever vegetables you feel like... add some salt & fresh ground pepper...coat the fish lightly in olive oil, then sprinkle sea salt on the outside. Wrap in tin foil and BBQ or bake until flaking. Mmmmmmmmm.... could go for some of that right now!

Edited by Fisherpete
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Caught this 6lb smallie on a drop shot watermelon worm this summer.


Had the lake all to myself for the first two hours and was in to the bass like never before for me.


This is my first year targeting bass and only started trying for them due to the long lay over waiting for trout season in the fall :P


Now I am trying to learn the ins and outs of fall fishing for bass. <_<


No matter what, being out on the lake in my first canoe, I love the serenity of the morning mist while anticipating the days fishing.





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Entering for the Bass bud.


Ok so it was mid August and I was getting up nice and early(5ish) in the morning to go out and catch a few bass on topwater. I fished on the "main" dock for a good 10minutes and caught nothing, not even a small hit...So I grabbed my stuff and the tri-pod with my camera on it and walked down the shore like to the "old dock". Walking across it all the earth could hear was thunder as this dock was old and made so much little noises.


Anyway, I put my stuff down and took a giant cast out to this old dock that was half in the water and half not with random pieces of lumber and a small rock pile out off to the side of it.


"It was cold out and not a breath of wind in the air, out went the 2" Rapala Skitter pop and after 1 twitch a huge movement in the water happened off to the side of it then the smack, waited a few seconds then set the hook and whoa there was some weight there. After 5seconds or so I switched on the video camera and got some of the fight from this big largemouth on film. The way it fought I thought it was a Smallie but when it broke the surface i was shocked."


Brought the fish in and got the weight on her and it was a thick heavy healthy 6lb 130z largemouth bass, caught off shore with light line and a popper.





E-Mail sent Steve



Edited by Mike The Bass Fisher
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goood luck so I might as well enter too. ;)


perch, pan fried in a bit oil with a bit margarine and mrs. dash. fresh lemon cut for those that want it too.


as for the bass, by far not the bigest but the one that made my grandmothers thanksgiving. some of you may recall that post...




sending email later too...



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My fave bass pic is of my Mom not me.



I regularly fish Dalrymple, and was so glad Mom wanted to come out for a day on the water. We were casting into the shallows for largies and pike when the water under Mom's spinnerbait first swirled then exploded. After a few minutes, Mom had a healthy 3 1/2lb smallie in the boat. She had never caught a smallie that large. It is a moment happily etched in my mind. I was only too happy to be net boy.


Fave perch coating is 80% corn flour, 20% corn meal, powdered salt, onion powder and paprika, sometimes a little parsley. Roll moist fillets in mixture and fry in hot oil (with a tsp of margerine for browning) .


As for lake trout/whitefish

One fish carefully gutted and washed. In the cavity you will put the following stuffing.

2 cups dried bread cubes (stuffing)

1/4 cup diced fried onion

1/4 tsp salt, sage, parsley

1 tbsp melted butter with 1/4 tsp ground garlic

1 can crab meat or canned shrimp

Mix together well and fill gut cavity. Then truss or sew cavity closed.

Rub body with butter and roll in tinfoil.

Toss in a 350 oven for 30 to 40 minutes.

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My whitefish recipe its very simple but incredibly tasty.


Whitefish fillets

Dijon mustard


lemon zest




In a food processer or just manually with a rolling pin crush and pulverise the cashews till they are the consistancy of bread crumbs.



Season your fillets with salt and pepper


liberally brush the mustard on all surfaces of the fish


spread the crushed cashews out on a plate and flip the whitefish a few times till cashew are encrusted into the mustard.


Place the fillets in a buttered baking dish


Bake at 400 degrees for 20 minutes or until filets flake easily with a fork.


As soon as fish is removed from oven zest with lemons. Done!!! If you have a food processer this is a very quick and delicious recipe.(Manually crushing cashew can take a while) Great with twice cooked fries.

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Heres my favurite bass picture its my son with his first river small mouth wet wading. The fish isnt huge but he was just a little guy about his 5th year. When I look at it it still fills me with pride. He caught it all by himself cast his own rod out reeled it in and liped it. It started of a great partnership of fishing expeditions.




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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

great contest steve!




This is the best bass i've ever had the privelege of laying my hands on. july 21st of this year i went fishing with my father in law to be on my favourite bass lake. it's not very large, maybe the size of 4 football fields but it somehow has impressive sizes and numbers of smallies. After hiking in to the lake we set up our lines and launched the 10 foot jon boat. On my very first cast of the day I had a big bump on a white twister tail but missed the fish. My second cast I hooked this beast. We took a measurement on my fishing rod, took 2 photos, and released it. 22.5 inches of beauty, and my new PB.


As I was releasing this magnificent fish I watched a 3 lb smallie grab my twister tail that only had the tail in the water and steal my brand new abu.


If that wasn't crazy enough, while fishing with a 1 ounch sinker and large treble to try and catch my rod, my father in law actually caught a nice chunky 5 lb pike on the presentation.



My favourite perch recipe is actually very simple. Fillet perch. Brush with small amount of mayonaisse. sprinkle with salt and pepper. place a slice of lemon on top of fillet. Bake at 350.


I can't find my fav lake trout recipe but it is very comparable to this one.


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good on ya Steve, sounds like a great opportunity !








It was one of the first nice days into Bass Season, and I just had to get out fishing! and I figured who better to go with then my girlfriend.. or so I thought.. as she had other ideas, one of them being sun tanning :| so I figured hey she can tan, I can fish.. it will be fun.. so I started loading the boat with my rods and her junk and as we were about to jump in the truck to leave, thats when she said it.. "umm...how am i going to sun tan with all your fishing junk in the boat" so I knew i had to do somthin and do it quick befor i loose my fishing partner! so i compromised with her and told her i would only bring one rod, one lure and we would just go for a ride in the boat as long as we could go back out and actually do some fishing, she agreed, and we puttered on over to one of the sand bars, dropped anchor and started to relaxed on the casting deck I had built only a few days before, that was until i heard a big splash! I looked up a saw a big swirl (thinking that it was a big musky) that was just within casting distance from the boat, so I reached down to pick up my spinnerbait rod and was very disappointed as it was the wrong rod ! i had brought my walleye rod with 8lb mono and an xrap! but with out hesitating i hucked that xrap out there and started twitch'n away, thats when i looked over at my now annoyed girlfriend who was not to please that I was in pursuit of this fish, so I rationalized with her saying that we could stay out longer soakin up the rays as long as i could make a few casts, and thats when this monster slammed my ghost colored xrap and started peeling line, next thing I know the fish was about 3 feet out of the water and not slowing down one bit. this was defenetly the first nice bass of '09 and I was not letting it get away! I looked around for the net and realized it must of been one of the "pieces of junk that was in the way" that was now either left at home or in the back of the truck.. but now surprisingly to my side was my girl friend who was just as excited about this fish as I was, I fought the fish a little more and I asked her if she wanted to take over.. once she had control the fish jumped again and gave another good run or two but soon started to tire out, I coached her through it as she brought the fish to the side of the boat as I reached over and grabbed it. the fish weighed about 6lbs and was both of our personal best small mouth bass.


my favorite part of the trip wasnt the fact I caught a personal best but it was that I got my girlfriend hooked on fishing, as once we released the fish she wanted to go catch some more..!



Edited by fish-miester
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let's start off with saying congrats on startin the hardwater guiding.


As for fav pic i didnt know which one to pick then i decided to choose this one for a few reasons.


first off i was pre-fishing for a tournament on a lake i was not familiar with, for starters. Then mother nature decided to throw in a curve ball the day before i left to go down there. from nice sunny 25C no wind no cloud catch em non stop under the cover kinda days to 12C windy and POURING rain. i mean cats and dogs doesnt do it justice it was raining hippos and giraffs. the fish were impossible to find for the first half of the day. so my buddy who i took up with me and i decided to make a run to town and grab a few odd ball lures to try and grab a bite to eat. needless to say i wasnt feeling subway after it sat in 4 inches of water in the bottom of the boat. so we make our way back to the lake get all set up and ready to go again i untied all my rods and switched to some lures i didnt expect to work like a super spook over 75 FOW and sure enough BAM. i set hook into one. and another and another. in 4 casts we have almost 14 lbs of fish. that bite slowed down and i switched to a small storm sub-wart around some deep cover and thats where i got into this hungry hog. at 4-9 its not my biggest fish but a great way to end what seemed like a terrible trip at first. we ended up catching about 15 fish that day and all deccent sizes. Unfortunately i got sent away for work 2 days later and didnt fish the tournament, although i did find out that the winning weight was just over 15 lbs on what was called a "terrible wet cold crappy rainy day" by a few of the guys i heard from who did fish it.


our pre fish weight was 3- 13 3- 12 4- 2 3-9 and 4-9 for a total of 19- 13



i think this fish just made me feel good to realize that on any given day on any water i think i was able to find the fish.




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Bass: This is my fiances first fish ever! she caught it while we were fishing a small, small creek by our campsite. I thought i would give this small creek a chance, hoping for some small browns or brookies. I spent all morning there as she watched me get skunk-fisted by this small creek. Then she decided to toss on a worm and walk to this small pool. As she walked up to it there was a loud splash, which startled her. I said "What was that" she said" i think it was a fish!" so she tossed in her small worm and big red/white bobber and as soon as that worm hit the water her float went down and she started freakin! i got one! i got one! she didn't have her drag setup so i had to run along the creek and loosing the drag for her. needless to say she was a pro at it. pull up, reel down, and repeat.. i was suppose to catch dinner, but she decided i was taking too long! :)



Perch Recipe:

Bite Size Perch

Boil water with salt and lemon added in a pan.

Reduce the heat to about medium and add the perch pieces.

Cook for several minutes, until fish is opaque and beginning to curl up.

Remove the fish and drop it into iced water.

When fish has cooled completely, drain and serve with cocktail sauce as you would shrimp.


Laker Recipe:

Clean trout and cut into fillets. In a shallow bowl, combine the crushed crackers, grated Parmesan cheese, and snipped parsley. In another shallow bowl, combine the flour and pepper. Place lemon juice and egg in separate bowls. Dip trout in lemon juice, then in flour mixture, then in egg, and finally in the cracker mixture. In a 12-inch skillet heat shortening or cooking oil. Add trout fillets in a single layer. Pan fry over medium heat for 5 to 7 minutes or until golden brown. Turn trout fillets over and fry for 5 to 7 minutes

Edited by dobee
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Here's my favorite Bass pic from this past August...




My son and I were fishing at the cottage we rent every August as a wind up to the summer before school starts. He always enjoys the bass fishing up there and by far his favorite technique is pitching(plastic) frogs into the thick stuff. So here's what went down that night, we drove the boat out past the campground and into a shallow bay full of lily pads and weeds. I was on the front with the trolling motor and he was fishing at the back. I was having no luck with hookups but a few hits, He was mopping up my mistakes! This bass hit at my frog and of course I missed it, "too bad that looked like a nice one papa" he said, by the time I reeled back in and rehooked my frog I heard "I got it" from the back of the boat. I dropped my rod and got the net, and after a brief battle, I NET the biggest fish of the week! If I ever decide to enter a bass tourney I know who I want as my co-angler! Not too shabby for a 7 year old! (If he wins I hope he takes me :D )



Edited by jjcanoe
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Great idea Steve here is my favorite Bass pic she would have been right around 5lbs or so but the camera takes a few pounds off for FISH only (save the F,F comments everyone :P ) as you can tell the girls were having no fun at all





AS for favorite fish recipes I dont eat fish but mom and dad love fish crisp original then pan fired in butter for perch.

For trout he sticks with crushed ritz crackers dip the fish into egg wash then into crushed crackers (dont for get to add pepper to the crackers) pan fry in butter till golden.

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