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NF - Speeding Ticket...

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Dan is wise.


Most of us are family men. Most of us drive on less-travelled highways where speed can become a deadly issue. Stop thinking of what we can get away with and start thinking of what keeps our families safe.


Pay the fine and drive responsibly. :)

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Speed wouldn't be an issue in this country if people actually drove properly and we all followed proper protocol with merging, lane changes etc. No passing on the right etc.


Wales/England.. 50 MPH is the limit ON WINDING SINGLE LANE HEDGE ROW LINED goat trails. 70 MPH is a suggestion on the M4/ M5.. other than the video speed traps that are all in the GPS data base that beeps at you when entering. Traffic on the multilane flows lovely... everyone in the slow lane.. out to pass and back in. No weaving.. or slow folks in the rail lane etc. Saw very few damaged cars over there. Picked up in Manchester by my brother's buddies wife. On the M5 and I glanced at her speedo of her Nissan SUV and thought to myself.. we're going along pretty good for 88 ! Then I saw the MPH in big letters.. KPH in small ! :o:D The norm and a non-issue over there.

Edited by irishfield
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Yah but the prime fishing is right in your back yard... so you don't need to rush to get there Dan !



C'mon Wayne. It's almost a 2 hour drive for me. That's like, two time zones away in Northwestern Ontario time. I could go Walleye fishing with a 3 minute drive from home. If I hit both red lights on the way.

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Most of us are family men. Most of us drive on less-travelled highways where speed can become a deadly issue. Stop thinking of what we can get away with and start thinking of what keeps our families safe.


Pay the fine and drive responsibly. :)


Great advice. Thanks.

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not 'speeding' may be well and good in north west boemfook but on the hwys around the gta, you become a hazard not going with the flow. imo.


Yet another reason that I'm glad that I don't live there. I don't know how often you've driven the highways in "west boemfook" Raf, but it ain't like cruising along the 401 by any stretch of the imagination. People choose to drive well above the speed limit here too. I don't. Highway deaths are almost a daily occurrence up here between Sault Saint Marie and Kenora. Some are caused by driver error, others by road conditions. I don't want to be one of those stats. So I play by the rules. I remember when the ban on cell phone talking came into effect and you slammed that as well. Apparently you are well versed on multi tasking. Lord hope that I never meet up with you while driving on a black ice glazed stretch of highway on a downhill curve while you're talking on your cell phone, and the only exit is Lake Superior, 400 or 500 feet below. Less the cell phone possibility, there's plenty of places that meet those requirements in "west boemfook". Let me know if you're coming up this way and I'll do my best to stay off the roads for the duration.

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Dan is wise.


Most of us are family men. Most of us drive on less-travelled highways where speed can become a deadly issue. Stop thinking of what we can get away with and start thinking of what keeps our families safe.


Pay the fine and drive responsibly.


:clapping: Great advice

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6 you have a written warning or come to the Justice of the Peace to say why you shouldn't be suspended

10 and you can kiss your licence goodbye



Is this fairly new? It used to be 9 points for an interview and 15 for an automatic suspension.


When I was young and foolish and only had my license for a year or two, I managed to ring up 10 demerit points in a short period of time. I received an invite to see the JP to explain why I should not have my license suspended. From the time I received the letter til the the date of my appointment, I managed another 3 point ticket (total of 13 now). At my interview with the JP, he asked if I had anymore tickets. I was honest with him and I think that was the only thing that saved my license at the time. 15 points was an automatic suspension.


I'm older and drive much more responsibly now.

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Figure out how many times you drive in any given week, how many times you've driven above the posted limit and how many times you have exceeded the limit by a huge amount and take another look at your ticket.You will soon see you got off easy.


We all speed, all of us, even those who don't admit it. It's only a matter of time before you get nabbed and you have to pay for your own stupidity. That said do what you can to preserve your points as it's a small step to the next time you get hit and loose a couple more, then look out. Been there, done that got the T-shirt to prove it. I try to be smart about speeding but I'm usually running late when heading to work and push my luck a little too far, if I don't smarten' up I too will be in your position once again.

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Sometimes I wonder when people get caught doing something wrong, they have to wizz and moan about it and hope that the rest provide sympathy for them. Drive within the rules, don't attract attention to yourself and it's unlikely you'll ever meet the bear on unfriendly terms.

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Wales/England.. 50 MPH is the limit ON WINDING SINGLE LANE HEDGE ROW LINED goat trails. 70 MPH is a suggestion on the M4/ M5.. other than the video speed traps that are all in the GPS data base that beeps at you when entering. Traffic on the multilane flows lovely... everyone in the slow lane.. out to pass and back in. No weaving.. or slow folks in the rail lane etc. Saw very few damaged cars over there. Picked up in Manchester by my brother's buddies wife. On the M5 and I glanced at her speedo of her Nissan SUV and thought to myself.. we're going along pretty good for 88 ! Then I saw the MPH in big letters.. KPH in small ! :o:D The norm and a non-issue over there.


Sounds like the UK has changed completely since I left in July!!!! You had a very good exeprience of the roads over there.


88 on the motorways will land you a ticket sooner or later, anything over 80 is asking for trouble - that's not to say that people don't habitually do it, just like going 120 over here but the majority of drivers have points in the UK, so much so that insurers don't even worry about the first 3.


Speed limit on single lane roads is 60mph but it's reduced to 40 or 50 even in the middle of no-where "for safety". There are speed traps (un-manned photo radar sites) all over the place and not just the ones marked on the GPS, the police don't even have to stop you they take a reading and a photo and send you the ticket in the mail, if you weren't driving, you have to name the driver, if you can't remember who was driving the owner of the vehicle gets the points.


Everywhere you go on the motorways there are people driving at or just below the limit in the centre lanes with nothing inside them - overtaking on the inside is illegal but it still happens, the problem being that no-one expects it (because it's illegal) so it leads to some nasty accidents.


You don't see many damaged cars because all vehicles have an annual safety test and a smashed light or even a blown bulb is an automatic fail.


You're right about the weaving, some of the stuff I've seen on the 401 in particular is unbelievable! The other thing is cutting people up - every morning I sit at a light 200m from the highway on-ramp in the right-hand lane of a three lane road and I know that all the cars in the middle lane want to take the ramp but they don't want to queue up and as soon as the light goes green they just drive at a gap between cars :angry:


Anyway enough of my ranting - did you get any fishing in??? :Gonefishing:

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tell ya what danc, since you like clouding issues not to mention getting personal


the self righteous down here in southern ontario keep their opinions re: scheduling hunts out of the north and the self righteous from the north don't tell us how to drive.


the 401 is NOT hwy 17/11. common sense tells us to drive according to conditions, an icy road means we slow down. a dry, sunny day means the average speed of people travelling on the 401 is 120. that's just the way it is. if you're going the limit, you're a hazard.


if you must know, i've been driving for nearly 20 years. not a single accident where i was at fault (been rear-ended). i think i am a pretty safe driver. you can come out of your cave next time i'm up in NW boemfook.

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