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i apoligize to anyone this might insult and i dont mean to start a war or anything as i am seeing in other topics but just thought i had to say this with talk of a federal election i hear a lot of people complaining about having to vote! We are lucky to be able to have this right and to exercise however we chose. in other countries people dream of this and in this country we seem to treat doing our patriotic duty like a chore. We are lucky to live in such a great and free land stop complaining


ps- not saying its anyone on OFC just the public in general

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Sorry, but what bugs me more is wasting money. tell me, what issue has been brought up that is worth another 300 million and the 4th vote in five years. Pure Greed on the PM Wannabees.



Did you forget who called the last one and that was after he passed a law againts it???


It would be worth 300 million if we could clean house and get a majority. Our system is broken minority governments just don't get anything done.

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I don't like the fact it cost $300 mil as well.

However I like the minority govn. Keeps them

honest to a degree, if thats possible.


Nothing really changes who ever gets in anyways.

Always wasting money, and hammering us with

new laws, taxes or user fee etc.


Yep, you have the right wing or the left wing to

vote for.....but....it the same dam bird.

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I wouldn't mind the 300 millions tag on a new election if it actually made a difference. but the last 2 elections we ended up with the same results as we went in to the elections. But it still cost us a bundle. I am tired of voting for the less of 2 evils.

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Count Igula will lose and go home to Hahvaaad, then it's Bobby's turn ha ha. Remember Iggy couldn't beat Dion in a leadership bid he has never been elected to anything, he had to be annointed..... he has no chance against Harper and this is just all a waste of time and money.

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who knows what could happen it just aggrivates me that people will say they are extremly patriotic and will get all into for any national sporting (team canada hockey) event yet they cant just suck it up and do their civic duty and vote. we live in a country where i think we should sit back and reflect upon the fact over a hundred soldiers have lost their lives in the current mission and thousands before them in other military action to defend this country and our rights and we just dont show enough appriciation

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who knows what could happen it just aggrivates me that people will say they are extremly patriotic and will get all into for any national sporting (team canada hockey) event yet they cant just suck it up and do their civic duty and vote. we live in a country where i think we should sit back and reflect upon the fact over a hundred soldiers have lost their lives in the current mission and thousands before them in other military action to defend this country and our rights and we just dont show enough appriciation

Oh Boy, you got that right. I dare you just check out the comments on the CBC Website when a Soldier Dies. Check it out. There are Soldiers in Theatre that read those Posts. There are computer terminals for Entertainment when they do get a chance, Its just sickening and downright Treasonistic on those comments. As far as Duty to vote and how lucky we are. Any Soldier that's been overseas will tell ya, Gad, is that ALL YOU HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT IS VOTING? I found out that Soldier, is a Bad word now in this country. I just made some more enemies on this board.

Edited by holdfast
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The fact that Harper can't beat the other two should have told him to step down. The country needs a new face and a new direction. Other leaders have run minority governments quite effectively, but Harper cannot. Time to move on Stephen.



Gawd!!! Yer such a "tree huggin'" liberal!!! :angry: ... you kinda remind me of Richard Simmons. :rolleyes:

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I like to vote but i am getting sick of it. I have more important things to think about than who promises what and how long until they break the promise. I want to see an election where if they win by 2% they get a majority government. But that's not how it works so I'll have to deal with it.

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Liberals cant handle the fact they are not in office.

canada has voted and they got the conservatives. wait your turn and challenge them when your supposed to. i like the harper goverment. and i like my vote to stand up. so when i vote and my goverment gets in i expect them to be there untill re-election.

all this vote of no confidance crap rears its head, they are telling canadians that their votes do not count.

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Anything that Harper has screwed up is what them other boobs said they wanted him to do or they would force an election. If they would just sit back and pay attention a little, something good may come from this government.

Remember, Harper is the guy that wants to get rid of the gun registration.

I always vote, and I respect out soldiers. You should also remember, the soldier doesn't pick the fight, the politicians do.

We don't need an election right now. There is nobody new to vote for.

What we could really use is a law that says your party has to run in say 3 provinces to actually be a party

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At this point I dont care who it is.. id just like a Majority Govt so we can move on with things... theres little difference between the liberlas and the conservatives anymore anyway.

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yeah, I love the fact that the other 2 said harper has to spend money now and lots of it to help the economy

then they said they would bring the gov down if he doesn't spend even more money


now the morons are saying that harper has put the country into the biggest deficit ever, we can't stand back and let him do that, we are going to bring down the gov..........


you can't have it both ways

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At this point I dont care who it is.. id just like a Majority Govt so we can move on with things... theres little difference between the liberlas and the conservatives anymore anyway.



As soon as we get a majority, they will start a whole bunch of new spending and raise our taxes. Just what do you think needs doing so badly right now.

We have health care, and we have cops. Personally, I think we could just sit tight for a while.

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