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Fishing Show & Swill


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Just got back from the show and the mini swill. I have to say, it was the same as last year and Paul and I discussed that we sure miss the old days when you could barter for a deal. I think those days are gone forever tho. Oh well, with TJ coming through with the admission tickets (thanks bud ;) ), we managed to get a few things that are hard, if not impossible to find at the stores we ususally shop, and at 15% off with no tax also, we did pretty good . The special edition Lund was a beaut (I think Fishindevil referred to it in his post). I took a couple of pics of what stood out for me, the giganto fishfinder (you could watch a movie on that thing) and the ridiculously large Merc on the back - talk about hair by Mercury :worthy: .









We seemed to have missed alot of people by the time we got there and just by luck got out of our vehicle at the very moment TJ, Monique and Avery were walking back to their car :thumbsup_anim: . Chatted for a bit and they were off to do some family things. Met up with Maureen and her nephew, DouG and Loonietoon, all of whom we met up with later for a bit of grub and chat at Arizona Bar & Grill. Lexxington and his wife and kidlets showed up too. It was nice to talk to all of you and share some laughs and great food.


Some pics at Arizona's.


Maureen & DouG








DouG, Me and Loonietoon




Lexxington & his newborn Max (both are still on the bottle :D )







Edited by Joey
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Thanks, Joey, I was supposed to go to Arizona's and I usually am a man of my word.

I went fishing today, and I am exhausted from tramping through the slush, so I elected to stay home. I prolly would have been boring company anyway because I was sorta wiped out by the fresh air and cardio workout.


Doug if you read this I apologise, I was lookin' forward to having a brewski with you. :)

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Lexxington & his newborn Max (both are still on the bottle :D )


Is that Paul looking at that Verado longingly?

Man that Verado is a monster... you'd need a step ladder to change the plugs on it! I'm not even sure it would clear a standard garage door. It makes the kicker look like a Minn-Kota!

Nice report Jo and even if it wasn't the best show ever at least you got to hang out with a few members.


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Is that Paul looking at that Verado longingly?

Man that Verado is a monster... you'd need a step ladder to change the plugs on it! I'm not even sure it would clear a standard garage door. It makes the kicker look like a Minn-Kota!


Yes Brian, that is Paul, and longingly isn't the word. I had to wipe the dribble from the corner of his mouth and coax him away with the promise of more beer :rolleyes: It sure is a brute tho eh!


And Clampet, how bad was the slush and snow, we're thinking of going tomorrow, but after driving in the drizzle on the way home, wondered how bad it would be?



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Sorry we didn't make it to the show or the restaurant either...our daughter missed the train to TO from Ottawa...so quess what we did instead. :wallbash:


And Joey, I'll give you "hair by Merc" for free in June. Mercs are supposed to be BLACK. I even hate the gray "beard" on my Verado, and it may see some paint .



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Yup it was a good day, just got home now. I managed to meet a couple of new people at the show today, Nautifish and John Bacon, saw a few others and missed TJ, Monique, Avery and Rick. Food and company were good at Arizona's. As for the show, I liked it, Blake was great helping me get a few more prizes for the G2G next week :D. Bit of a long drive home tonight though...got talking with my nephew Rob, seems I missed the 400, didn't realize it until I saw the sign for Brimley road though :wacko: , some days I can be a real bone head :dunno: . Managed to get turned around only to get to Innisfil and right into a mini squall...man I'm sick of those things. Fortunately by the time I got on to the extension it was all good, just some snow covered roads the rest of the way home.



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And Joey, I'll give you "hair by Merc" for free in June. Mercs are supposed to be BLACK. I even hate the gray "beard" on my Verado, and it may see some paint .




Well I'll take you up on that offer Wayne :thumbsup_anim:


And I can't believe you said that about the Merc. Paul stood there and said "Merc's aren't supposed to be gray, I don't think I could take that, I'd have to paint it." Hahahaha, too funny.



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ONLY 49 MADE AND 23 LEFT / $ 69800. 00 and you can have one. OUT THE DOOR ON TE ROAD YOU GET IT TO THE WATER That's what I was told and in the next 3 to 4 weeks they will be gone . YOU can't add a thing and you can't delete. A thing. THEY are the total package.



COME ON LOTTO I NEED YOU NOW . I'LL TAKE SECOND PRIZE. O' LORD I will clean take care and maintian this lund till the day I die. O lord . CAN YOU HERE ME.





Edited by mrpike
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:thumbsup_anim: Well it was great meeting up with every one again Joey & Paul, Maureen & her nephew,Doug, Gerritt & His wife,Mistyriver & crew, Rick greet & run :rolleyes: fishindevil & Julie... Boy was I ever beat when I got home.. Running back and forth between booths sure takes alot out of an old guy :stretcher::sleeping_02: Joey how did Paul get that picture of me with my eyes still open <_< Did not get up till 10.30 this morning :sleeping_02: See everyone on Saturday at Fishing for Tyler Edited by Loonietoon
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Hey All:


It was great too meet everyone there and hope to meet up with all of you next week :)


Yeap, when I travel I take the herd with me.,, funny thing is I said the fishing show, my wife said hey we are coming too.. Said Ice fishing she tells me when are you leaving...


Guess she worries about me coming home with a new boat.


See you all next week

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Thanks for your post, JoAnne, ,it is always a treat to meet up with the crew. I see Paul, and Moe, and Loonie and Lex, Moe's Nephew and Brandi, who knows what's next?




See ya'all at Tyler's.


Hmmmmmmmmmm, Brandi.

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