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A Complete Success....RESULTS

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Well you guys have been dealing with my Fish-a-Thon thread getting bumped up in your face for a few weeks now, and finally, my little idea became a reality, and a great success.


Without the help I received from Dave Mercer and his wife, my family, friends, you guys, and some folks from a local board ( stomps long point page ) this could have never flown in such a short amount of time. For that, I thank you all. Wether you were a pledger, a prize donator, someone who helped me organize the event or one of the AWESOME fish-a-thon'ers you should give yourself a solid pat on the back.


I'll try not to bore you guys with to many words, and let the pictures tell the story. We all had a GREAT time, caught a ton of fish and raised an astounding amount of money for such a short amount of time, with such a small group of guys...




Total Funds Raised by the FIRST ANNUAL FISH-A-THON FOR CANCER : $3170.00 :o


Dave Mercer donated a Facts of Fishing shirt, and subway cash cards for everybody who participated in the event...


Photo Taken By: Jeff Helsdon / Tillsonburg News





James Hind was our BIG PRIZE winner, with over $1000.00 in pledges. He won an amazing prize pack donated by Dave Mercer. Over $500.00 in fish catching gear!






The big fish prize went to my fishing partner for the day Richard Sims with this EXTREMELY CHUNKY 18+ Inch Largie. Rich won a nice little Shimano spinning rod and a pack of Gulp.






The draw prize went to our youngest participant Quinn O'Brien. He took home a Rod, some tackle, minnow bucket and MP3 Player.






There's another prize yet to be drawn. A prize for all of those who pledged. We're still waiting for a couple of check's to arrive in the mail so we can do that draw.


Except for a few minor glitches, such as Rich's trailer tire blowing out, this event went off without a hitch. I also have to thank my Wife Ginny, and my Mother-In-Law Suzie Anderson for helping me not only with organizing the event, but for doing groceries, getting and cooking food, picking up tables and chairs, wood for the fire and helping take care of the prizes and donations. ..... all while I was on the WATER doing my part for charity...hehehe


Please guys, let me know if I left anything out. And thank you once again for everybody who was involved in one way or another.


Here's a bunch more pix for you guys to enjoy, and a link to RICH's fishing report for anybody who cares to know how we caught 'em. Feel free to upload your own photo's from the day guys.





















































Cheers - until next year..



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Well done, glad things turned out good...


Thanks dude.


I wish I was able to attend :|


Looks like a good time.


The picture of the boat on the roof looks familiar! hahaha!


:lol: yeah it was fun trying to get it onto the roof of hte xterra without scratching anything...


Great Job guys and congratulations on the money raised!


Thanks man - next year we'll double it...


That looks like fun!!


Congrats man. I hope to attend next time.





We hope to have you next year dude! Thanks


Glad you had a decent turn out. I wish I could have made it out. Next year I will.


Thanks man - I'll give you more notice next year!


Quality fishing and you raised decent $$ for a good cause, congrats on both parts!!


I don't know if I'd say "quality fishing" lol we caught a ton of fish, but only 1 big one between a dozen guys... thanks man!


Congratulations Ryan and all involved :worthy::clapping::thumbsup_anim:



lol, Jacques - your avatar is hilarious..look at those big pigs! They eclipse you! Thanks man - much appreciated

Edited by The Urban Fisherman
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Very very cool indeed. I wish I had the time to do this. Man I wish I could turn back the clock 15 years and I would be able to make every one of these cahrity events.

Sorry I couldn't help this time. I got back from the cottage adn didn't even know it was on.

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Very very cool indeed. I wish I had the time to do this. Man I wish I could turn back the clock 15 years and I would be able to make every one of these cahrity events.

Sorry I couldn't help this time. I got back from the cottage adn didn't even know it was on.


Hey no problem dude - I hope you caught some giants at the cottage! I know what you mean about turning the clock back, the life of a single dude is a simple one. I used to think I was busy 5 years ago, but now with 2 young kids, a wife and a busy job I realize I was just lazy! haha


Congratulations on a successful event. Hopefully bigger and better next year.


Thanks Bigugli - I'm sure next years fish-a-thon will blow this years away.....

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Casting for a Cure

Posted By By Jeff Helsdon

Posted 2 days ago



About a dozen anglers spent 12 hours on the water looking for big bass and doing their part to find a cure for cancer.


Langton-area resident Ryan Bonin was behind the fundraiser, which was held on Deer Creek on Aug. 19. He is an editor and cameraman for television angler Dave Mercer’s Facts of Fishing.


After Mercer lost his mother Ann to cancer, he started Casting for a Cure to raise money for the Canadian Cancer Society. That organization has raised close to $100,000 for cancer research. Bonin and crew added $3,170 to that total.


When Bonin’s wife Ginny’s grandmother Irene Anderson was diagnosed with terminal cancer, he decided to hold an event to help Mercer’s cause.


His concept was to have participants fishing for 12 hours straight and collect pledges.


“It’s just like a walkathon, but it’s a fishathon,” he said.


The Frogmore resident decided to have the event at Deer Creek Conservation Area so as not to limit who could participate. Participants showed up with canoes, bass boats and crafts of different descriptions.


“I want to keep as many people involved as I could,” he said. “A lot of guys have kayaks and smaller boats.”


Bonin knew from his personal experience weather is a much bigger factor if he planned the event for Long Point Bay. Personally, he has a 15-foot boat and knows there are days the wind kept him from fishing on the bay.


The participants were Bonin’s friends, but also members of a couple of fishing message boards he participates in.


“Originally I was going to do it myself and then I thought I could do more if I got more people involved,” he said. “I far exceeded my personal expectations.”

Next year, he hopes to make the event bigger and better and include activities for the whole family.

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Thanks for posting that Dan. Wonderful article and somebody on this forum deserves a applause.


Good job Ryan, next event I will give whatever I can to help the cause and if I'm lucky come on out and do some fishing also.


:clapping: Spectacular job.

Edited by Mike The Bass Fisher
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