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just got a job offer!

pike slayer

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I resent that.


The government is trying to make EI shamefull.


EI stands for Employment Insurance. When it was started it was called Unemployment Insurance. INSURANCE. It is mandatory to pay into it. It is to help you, kinda like a savings account, for when you are unlucky enough to be out of work. It helps people get established in their chosen field. Gives them a bit of money between jobs to work and move up the ladder to permanent employment.

It changed to EI after mulroneys recession when the government didn't want to pay out the benefits after they took the premiums from the working man. The fund is loaded with money now and the government is using it as a source of income instead of giving it back to the policy holders when they need it most.

Living on welfare for an able bodied man is shamefull, collecting EI when you are between jobs is like letting the insurance company pay off an accident claim. Do you tell your insurance to just skip it when you wreck your car?


I resent what you say. Like everything else ther name changed for the Kinder Gentler you. Canadian ARMED Forces to Canadian Forces.


Unemployment Insurance should be used if you cannot Get a Job. I REPEAT cannot get a Job. Not a crutch to get a better job or more comfortable Quality of Life.


Welfare or whatever you call it now. Should only be used if you have no other avenues for income ie.. your Retarded, Disabled, and I mean Disabled. Not as a crutch to Pop Kids, Runaway from home, Quit School, Drink Beers, Wait for a better job, turn down jobs you don't like.


As for my thoughts, Take the job sniffles, suck it up, get off social assistance as I'm not paying you to choose jobs. Get off your ASS

Last thing-- I think you should be on UnEmployment say 4 months, Then your Drafted into the Army to do weeknds as during the week your looking for a job.. See how many guys end up at Timmies or working two jobs at minimum Wage.

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I resent what you say. Like everything else ther name changed for the Kinder Gentler you. Canadian ARMED Forces to Canadian Forces.


Unemployment Insurance should be used if you cannot Get a Job. I REPEAT cannot get a Job. Not a crutch to get a better job or more comfortable Quality of Life.


Welfare or whatever you call it now. Should only be used if you have no other avenues for income ie.. your Retarded, Disabled, and I mean Disabled. Not as a crutch to Pop Kids, Drink Beers, Wait for a better job, turn down jobs you don't like.


As for my thoughts, Take the job sniffles, suck it up, get off social assistance as I'm not paying you to choose jobs. Get off your ASS




The rules say "cannot get a job equal to what you were paying the insurance for"

You going to let your insurance company give you a Kia when you wreck your mercedes, even though the policy you were forced to buy said you would get a mercedes?



Unemployment insurance isn't social assistance. You have to work to get it

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The rules say "cannot get a job equal to what you were paying the insurance for"

You going to let your insurance company give you a Kia when you wreck your mercedes, even though the policy you were forced to buy said you would get a mercedes?



Unemployment insurance isn't social assistance. You have to work to get it


One thing I hate is Barrack Room Lawyers. Stop comparing Social Assistance to car Insurance.


Me and my working neighbor Pays for you to get Welfare or Unemployment. SOCIAL ASSISTANCE

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If you can't make it by working with some harsh people in the construction trade.. you may want to consider becoming a hairdresser, manicurist, or can you say "would you like fries with that?"


You don't become a Master Commercial Construction Carpenter by being wimpy, you will work for some asses and some good people... you will learn from both!

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One thing I hate is Barrack Room Lawyers. Stop comparing Social Assistance to car Insurance.


Me and my working neighbor Pays for you to get Welfare or Unemployment. SOCIAL ASSISTANCE



When they stop taking the premiums off my cheque every week.


Welfare is in your taxes and goes to anybody that doesn't want to or can't work.

Insurance gets you through the tough spots.

It used to pay a heck of a lot better than it does now. When everybody was out of work in the 80's recession the government had to pay out of taxes to cover what they had promised. They cut benefits back and raised premiums. Now it makes money,and they spend it on other things,,,same as GM spending pension money, and thats not what it is supposed to do. Bussiness owners don't pay it, and they don't collect it. Its a working mans insurance. If we can't use it, we shouldn't have to pay it.


That kid works hard, and he is going to work for what could be an idiot employer. Why should he have to put up with that guys crap when he paid into a system that gives him an option not to while he finds a real employer

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When they stop taking the premiums off my cheque every week.


Welfare is in your taxes and goes to anybody that doesn't want to or can't work.

Insurance gets you through the tough spots.

It used to pay a heck of a lot better than it does now. When everybody was out of work in the 80's recession the government had to pay out of taxes to cover what they had promised. They cut benefits back and raised premiums. Now it makes money,and they spend it on other things,,,same as GM spending pension money, and thats not what it is supposed to do. Bussiness owners don't pay it, and they don't collect it. Its a working mans insurance. If we can't use it, we shouldn't have to pay it.


That kid works hard, and he is going to work for what could be an idiot employer. Why should he have to put up with that guys crap when he paid into a system that gives him an option not to while he finds a real employer


Obviously our Social programs need some rethinking and Overhauling ( Stricter). By the way he is assuming that he is an Idiot Employer. Unless you cannot find a job, you are abusing the System. An abuser of the System is a parasite for those of us that are working and paying into it.

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Take the job, you always find better opportunities while you work. The only thing to keep tabs on is if he pays you on time, if he doesn't pay you on your agreed time and date, then leave as fast as you can. I was strung along by a guy once, took a bit of a hit but found a better job by being there in the first place so I guess it evened out in the end.

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holdfast when you get layed off next week from your job and your looking for work and need to put gas in the car to go to businesses and to pound the pavement looking for employment and the bills start building up and you gotta feed yourself you'll be thanking your government that they helped you out till you find work again. Yes there is some people out there at ride the system till it runs out then they go look for work but thats not me and thats not what this topic is about. I also never plan on going into the army, i don't care how much they are paying me, i'd rather go to jail then be sent over to the middle east if they tried to draft me or something. this was about if i should work for a prick employer or not. and im going in at 8am tomorrow morning and see how it goes.

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holdfast when you get layed off next week from your job and your looking for work and need to put gas in the car to go to businesses and to pound the pavement looking for employment and the bills start building up and you gotta feed yourself you'll be thanking your government that they helped you out till you find work again. Yes there is some people out there at ride the system till it runs out then they go look for work but thats not me and thats not what this topic is about. I also never plan on going into the army, i don't care how much they are paying me, i'd rather go to jail then be sent over to the middle east if they tried to draft me or something. this was about if i should work for a prick employer or not. and im going in at 8am tomorrow morning and see how it goes.


Good luck regardless of your decision.

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holdfast when you get layed off next week from your job and your looking for work and need to put gas in the car to go to businesses and to pound the pavement looking for employment and the bills start building up and you gotta feed yourself you'll be thanking your government that they helped you out till you find work again. Yes there is some people out there at ride the system till it runs out then they go look for work but thats not me and thats not what this topic is about. I also never plan on going into the army, i don't care how much they are paying me, i'd rather go to jail then be sent over to the middle east if they tried to draft me or something. this was about if i should work for a prick employer or not. and im going in at 8am tomorrow morning and see how it goes.


See theres the difference between you and me.


-You would rather go to Jail then do time for your Country- Its a Free Country Sweet-ums have at-er. I rather serve to be Free.


- I would never-ever ask the public should I take a job or stay on Social Assistance. To me its a no Brainer- Get off the Social assistance. Anyways I grew up that is a last resort and not to be proud of


- I did take unemployment as a young feller in Quebec, but I also moved to work/ Calgary/ worked/ then joined the Military in Calgary. I was not proud to be on Social assistance but I did take the first job offered./ Bagging Patatoes for min Wage.

- Good for you my young friend, glad to see you sacrafice yourself to work for a prick employer than maybe do time for your country. But I bet given the choice, Military weeknds with social assistance, you would not be asking your embarrising question on a public forum where some of us have dealt with a heluv alot more stress than your decision to stay on social assistance or work for an Idiot boss that you assume to be. Next time use your head besides seperating your ears. Good luck on your job and after a week PM me and tell me how your Boss is, maybe I can help you deal with it. Ive dealt with alot worse.




Hows this for stress-- You are tasked to make sure a road is clear of mines outside a village in Serbia. You know there are mines there as the fields are left un-cultivated. You have the mine record from the Serbians that says they layed seven mines. You look and look but only find six. You and your Section even look farther than what the recorder tells ya. Still only six of seven found. You go back to your Commander and he asks. IS THE ROAD CLEAR. You say well we only found six of seven mines. Commander is pissed and asks you IS THE ROAD CLEAR. I say yes knowingly OUR Infantry will use that same road that night to patrol ensuring there is no military operations going on between the warring factions. DID I SLEEP you think. This goes on everyday in Afghanistan.



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Hows this for stress-- You are tasked to make sure a road is clear of mines outside a village in Serbia. You know there are mines there as the fields are left un-cultivated. You have the mine record from the Serbians that says they layed seven mines. You look and look but only find six. You and your Section even look farther than what the recorder tells ya. Still only six of seven found. You go back to your Commander and he asks. IS THE ROAD CLEAR. You say well we only found six of seven mines. Commander is pissed and asks you IS THE ROAD CLEAR. I say yes knowingly OUR Infantry will use that same road that night to patrol ensuring there is no military operations going on between the warring factions. DID I SLEEP you think. This goes on everyday in Afghanistan.




Crap and here I am at work all stressed out over things that are completely trivial in comparison... Puts things in perspective.


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I don't think it was an 'embarrassing' question, and obviously it gave some people a highly desirable opportunity to weigh in with their opinions.


I think it gave wormdangler a chance to ask an important question to some people whose opinions he obviously respects.


I also think it was a sort of "thinking out loud" thing - trying to sort through some issues.


There's no stigma to accepting EI if you really need it. What we all abhor is people who play the system. There's not so much resistance to having the program im the first place for people who are forced to use it, despite their work ethic. We wouldn't have the program if there were a hue and cry from the general voting public about it being available .


I paid into EI all my working career with no chance of ever collecting, but I know some friends and relatives who have done so, and I don't begrudge that --- except for a few who I know leaned on it more than they should have.

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See theres the difference between you and me.


-You would rather go to Jail then do time for your Country- Its a Free Country Sweet-ums have at-er. I rather serve to be Free.


- I would never-ever ask the public should I take a job or stay on Social Assistance. To me its a no Brainer- Get off the Social assistance. Anyways I grew up that is a last resort and not to be proud of


- I did take unemployment as a young feller in Quebec, but I also moved to work/ Calgary/ worked/ then joined the Military in Calgary. I was not proud to be on Social assistance but I did take the first job offered./ Bagging Patatoes for min Wage.

- Good for you my young friend, glad to see you sacrafice yourself to work for a prick employer than maybe do time for your country. But I bet given the choice, Military weeknds with social assistance, you would not be asking your embarrising question on a public forum where some of us have dealt with a heluv alot more stress than your decision to stay on social assistance or work for an Idiot boss that you assume to be. Next time use your head besides seperating your ears. Good luck on your job and after a week PM me and tell me how your Boss is, maybe I can help you deal with it. Ive dealt with alot worse.




Hows this for stress-- You are tasked to make sure a road is clear of mines outside a village in Serbia. You know there are mines there as the fields are left un-cultivated. You have the mine record from the Serbians that says they layed seven mines. You look and look but only find six. You and your Section even look farther than what the recorder tells ya. Still only six of seven found. You go back to your Commander and he asks. IS THE ROAD CLEAR. You say well we only found six of seven mines. Commander is pissed and asks you IS THE ROAD CLEAR. I say yes knowingly OUR Infantry will use that same road that night to patrol ensuring there is no military operations going on between the warring factions. DID I SLEEP you think. This goes on everyday in Afghanistan.




Dude, Thats great you served in the army.... but don't hold yourself on a high horse for it. There are plenty more where you came from. We are all thankful for our soldiers. I respect EVERYONE of them for what they do because I couldn't even imagine the level of danger and stress they go through on a day to day basis when on the lines. I've talked to one returned soldier about what it was like over there and he said to me..."try being the most scared you have EVER been in your life... times it by 10, and then feel that all day long every day" ....... Wow.


Stop calling it "Social Assistance" You make it sound like something bad, the topic is EMPLOYMENT INSURANCE..... I get money taken off my check every week to pay for my EI if I were to lose my job. I don't consider it "Riding the system" if I had to make the choice.... If I knew the guy was a prick, I would keep looking myself to possibly find a better job.Im sure the offer would still be on the table down the road if it come to HAVING to work for the guy.... AND If he is that much of a prick, Im sure there would be open positions pretty regularly.

If wormdangler said he was on welfare and couldn't decide to give up smokin crack with 6 babies in the house or go to work... then yes, I would say Get off your :asshat: .

I live in Chatham, ONT.... if you have ever been here, it is the model it seems for people "riding the system" ...It actually makes me red in the face when I see the disgusting welfare rats walking the streets looking for there next fix or riding there 10 speed to the beer store with 2 cases of lucky on the bars. Its absolutley BRUTAL !!!


Im sure I wouldn't see wormdangler doing that in his home town... Ive worked for a bad boss before... 1 year... 24 people hired and fired.... Save yourself the wasted time... because, like in my case... it could turn you off the career all together ! Be careful ! GOOD LUCK Wormdangler !

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See theres the difference between you and me.




- I did take unemployment as a young feller in Quebec, but I also moved to work/ Calgary/ worked/ then joined the Military in Calgary. I was not proud to be on Social assistance but I did take the first job offered./ Bagging Patatoes for min Wage.

- Good for you my young friend, glad to see you sacrafice yourself to work for a prick employer than maybe do time for your country. But I bet given the choice, Military weeknds with social assistance, you would not be asking your embarrising question on a public forum where some of us have dealt with a heluv alot more stress than your decision to stay on social assistance or work for an Idiot boss that you assume to be. Next time use your head besides seperating your ears. Good luck on your job and after a week PM me and tell me how your Boss is, maybe I can help you deal with it. Ive dealt with alot worse.




Hows this for stress--



I hope someday that I will be a Mega-Canadian such as yourself..

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I grew up beside one of Canada's largest military bases. Trust me, simply joining and putting on a uniform doesn't make you a decent person, an ethical person or a person you would want to hang out with. Being a member of the military doesn't get any respect from me. How you conduct yourself and treat others determines that.

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So im a second year general carpenter apprentice and a second year cabinetmaker apprentice and i was layed off in mid april. since then i havent been able to find much work. a little over a week ago a building contractor/reno guy called me and wanted to meet me at timmys for a coffee and little interview with him so i sad sure and i went and we talked and he said he'd get back to me. So he just called me this morning and asked if i found a job yet and i told him no and that im still looking and hes like alrite well come to the shop tomorrow and i can put you to work! Now this guy here has a really bad reputation around town and i don't know how this guy even has work! I've heard hes a real butcher and a real prick! i'm a little worried about going to work for this guy but for right now i'm willing to take anything, baggers can't be choosers. Now i want to know, if this guy is a real idiot and lets say after a month i can't handle him anymore and that i dont want to work for this guy anymore can i get back on EI till i find something else?


Judging by your writing skills, you should be able to find work as a freelance writer. No?

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I've paid the maximum amount into EI for at least the last ten years, and have never seen a dime come back to me. I'm laid off right now, and after my vacation weeks are exhausted, and I am eligible to collect benefits, I plan on doing so. Anyone who would try to tell me I should be "ashamed" of that is way off base. I'll leave it at that.


Secondly, people shouldn't feel obligated to work for companies who they know to be poor employers any more than companies should be obligated to hire people who they know to be poor employees. Maybe if the apprentice told the potential employer, "Look, I need the work but your reputation as far as how you treat your employees is poor." then maybe the employer would take some time to think about how he does business. Maybe he would decide he lacks some of the inter-personal skills required to successfully manage employees.

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I've paid the maximum amount into EI for at least the last ten years, and have never seen a dime come back to me. I'm laid off right now, and after my vacation weeks are exhausted, and I am eligible to collect benefits, I plan on doing so. Anyone who would try to tell me I should be "ashamed" of that is way off base. I'll leave it at that.


Secondly, people shouldn't feel obligated to work for companies who they know to be poor employers any more than companies should be obligated to hire people who they know to be poor employees. Maybe if the apprentice told the potential employer, "Look, I need the work but your reputation as far as how you treat your employees is poor." then maybe the employer would take some time to think about how he does business. Maybe he would decide he lacks some of the inter-personal skills required to successfully manage employees.



A couple of thoughts -

1. No one need be ashamed of claiming EI. You've paid into it just like I used to pay into an income protection plan "just in case'. The only difference is that mine was voluntary and yours isn't.

2. EI should not be confused with social assistance. The folks who receive that haven't contributed in advance, at least not in a structured plan. And there's no shame in needing to fall back on any kind of social assistance either. It's one of the benefits of living in a progressive society.


The only folks who should be embarrassed, and of course they're the last ones who are, are those who think that it's okay to abuse the system and make no effort to be self supporting any longer than they really need to be. Society owes you nothing except the opportunity to live your life with pride. But you have to earn the right to be proud. If through no fault of your own your life is in financial disarray, then ask for help. That's what it's there for, and as quickly as you can fix your own problems.


3. There's probably no point in trying to give object lessons to the employer in question. He probably prides himself on being a jerk. Go figger.

4. If you're in a small community there's more to be considered than just having a job. If you're an up and coming tradesperson who expects to build a career in your chosen trade in that small community you need to think twice about who you associate yourself with and how the association will affect the impression you make. Will you be tarred by his brush? In a large impersonal community it's just about the pay cheque, the bad stuff won't get stuck to you, and who knows, you might even learn some things about how not to run your business in the future.

5. Finally, if the employer is that much of a jerk, do you trust him not to stiff you, or make you the scapegoat for his transgressions? That comes back to the small town dilemma.


Good luck with your future. If you really want it, there are lots of routes that lead to success. Rolling in the mud with pigs is often not one of them unless you're chosen career is in the slaughterhouse business, and I can tell you from experience, the pigs don't care what kind of character you have.



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