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More irate land owners.


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Its too bad that you didnt stay and see if she would really call police and get this cleared up, I know you didnt take your dad out for a day of agrueing and I would of left allso . If she did own the bed like she says and she has had problems in the past , WHy is the land not posted and a sign outlineing her ownership of the river bed clearly in view . If you had seen the sign Im sure you would have picked a different spot . Clearly she could see you and your dad were not some yahoos and were not gonna leave behind a pile of trash etc. , you didnt yell at her etc. etc. maybe she was just jealous seeing you and your dad out haveing a good time shareing together the outdoors and she was home all alone , but thats karma for ya , who wants to spend time with someone who has nothing better to do but harass two guys enjoying themselves and CAUSEING NO TROUBLE . ????? I like the story about the guy with the german sheppard , when he saw you were not gonna cause problems he let you stay.

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First let me say I think she is being a total peaker head ... but.


I have a place just West of Durham and the Main Saugeen goes through. I enjoy talking to the fisherman that come through (not many come down that far though) But I have had a few small problems from people fishing from shore when we are not there. I've had my shed broken into for lawn chairs to use, beer bottles and bait containers left around (breaking some bottle too), making fires along the shore (where my kids play) when I have a fire pit 20' away. With her place close to the hwy, they probably get more of this. I'm not trying to give her an excuse for being a jerk, but I understand why she might be like this.


If somebody came to me and asked to fish, I wouldn't say no. Just try asking.

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First let me say I think she is being a total peaker head ... but.


I have a place just West of Durham and the Main Saugeen goes through. I enjoy talking to the fisherman that come through (not many come down that far though) But I have had a few small problems from people fishing from shore when we are not there. I've had my shed broken into for lawn chairs to use, beer bottles and bait containers left around (breaking some bottle too), making fires along the shore (where my kids play) when I have a fire pit 20' away. With her place close to the hwy, they probably get more of this. I'm not trying to give her an excuse for being a jerk, but I understand why she might be like this.


If somebody came to me and asked to fish, I wouldn't say no. Just try asking.



All very true...I also recall another time back in the 70's when a buddy and myself headed into the Haliburton area with a cartopper and a tent hoping to find a lake shore to fish and camp----Don't recommend this cause any lake with a road to it was sewn up with cottages.


Anyway we finally were ready to give up when we saw a group of cottagers talking and I asked if they knew where we could go and pitch a tent and fish---well turns out one of them had a vacant lot just down the lake and he gave us the OK.


Guess the story is that approach has served us well over time.



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The fact that this old lady says she owns the river bed should be a tip off that she knows a bit about it and has been through this situation before.

I would have politely asked her to call the Ministry of Natural Resources and ask that a Conservation Officer be sent to investigate.

She's probably called many times in the past and the CO's are sick of her moaning about her property rights.


A CO I know, now retired, told me only about 1% of all the riverbeds in Ontario are privately owned, mostly in southern Ontario.

This is a guy who retired recently with about 35 years service under his belt. He handed out more fines than other CO's in his area, but was always fair with hunters and anglers.


Once, in my presence, he checked out a repeat complaint by an old lady that anglers were trespassing on her land.

When he showed up, there was one guy standing in the water fishing, just a few metres downstream of a bridge that the road passed over.

The CO looked, didn't see anything wrong and drove off. Investigation complete !!! He was actually upset with this lady for wasting his time. Rightfully so.

Didn't even bother talking to the lady who made the complaint since he had spoken to her numerous times in the past. Always the same Bull story.


She claims to own land under the river because she doesn't want anglers walking along the riverbank beside her property. From what I understood, it was only up to the high water mark that she actually owned, so most of the year, you could actually walk on dry land at the river's edge and not be on her property.

She's obviously been informed that she can't ask people to leave unless she owns the river bed, so now she claims to own that as well in an effort to drive away anglers.

The CO's are well informed and if she had the right to ask people to leave, they would make sure you knew you were trespassing.


Get the address or emergency # (small green road sign with white numbers) for both sides of the river (if possible) and go to the local land registry office or in some cases the planning department. Make sure you have the correct township/municipality and the correct road name. You may have to pay a fee for the info, but if you wish to fish a good stretch of river unmolested, it's well worth the hassle. Obviously, if the landowner does have rights to the river bed, you're limited to fishing from the road bridge and the edges of the river around the bridge. They can't chase you away from the government land around the bridge, although I've heard that many try that too. Some landowners like to fish themselves and try to scare away anglers to protect "their" fish.

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WHy is the land not posted and a sign outlineing her ownership of the river bed clearly in view . If you had seen the sign Im sure you would have picked a different spot .


Ive tried this defense in the past when fishing a pond last summer that wasnt "posted"........the guy said to me ......"Do you own a house?" I said yes, he said "you obviously have property that house is built on"......i said, uh, yeah obviously. He said "do you have posted signs on your front and backyard" ? Just an FYI, just a comment on this defense, as it didnt work well when i used it lol

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Tell her to take a flying leap at a rolling Kielbasa on a gravel road!!! :angry:


Just another water front property owner that thinks she owns the water and the fish!!!


I'd have farted in my hand and then waved it under her nose!!!



When you packed things up and left... she won!



Oh man I am still cleaning the coffee of my screen.... No more comments like that ahahaha

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Uhh Bill you said in your post west of hwy 6 is that right? West is downstream.

There's only one bridge that crosses the river downstream of 6 before it flows into the Saugeen.

I can tell you unequivocally that everything both upstream and down from that bridge including the streambed is privately owned.

There is a tiny public allowance right at the bridge but that's it dude.

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"But there's also the story where we were fishing the lower stretches of Bronte at night and watched a group of brain surgeons light a 30 ft pine completely on fire..."




Its for this very reason im not getting the lobotomy....i need my pine trees


you have to watch those old people ...you were probably getting to close to her "GROW OP "


point for the future...if you come across as a good man and offer her up a beautiful rainbow for dinner ...im sure you will have exclusive access in the future

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Uhh Bill you said in your post west of hwy 6 is that right? West is downstream.

There's only one bridge that crosses the river downstream of 6 before it flows into the Saugeen.

I can tell you unequivocally that everything both upstream and down from that bridge including the streambed is privately owned.

There is a tiny public allowance right at the bridge but that's it dude.



Hey Mike, I actually just got a message from a guy over on Hipwader. Looks like the bed is definitely privately owned as he went through this exact thing, lol.


Looks like the old lady had every right to ask me to leave. Hopefully I didn't cause her to many skipped heartbeats :)

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Hey Mike, I actually just got a message from a guy over on Hipwader. Looks like the bed is definitely privately owned as he went through this exact thing, lol.


Looks like the old lady had every right to ask me to leave. Hopefully I didn't cause her to many skipped heartbeats :)




Next time you're up that way stop in and apologize to the old girl.

Tell her that you did some checking and that she is right and you are sorry.

Then maybe she will tell you that you can fish there when ever you want.

That Bill, he's such a nice boy!!! :D

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Hey Mike, I actually just got a message from a guy over on Hipwader. Looks like the bed is definitely privately owned as he went through this exact thing, lol.


Looks like the old lady had every right to ask me to leave. Hopefully I didn't cause her to many skipped heartbeats :)


It's a nice piece of water. Just upstream is a small dam that always holds trout.

I used to know someone who had access to fish it and it was always really good, caught some huge browns in there.

The last time I was there I was hiking upstream climbing over some jumbled up broken pieces of concrete and jumped about 3' down onto another slab.

Unfortunately I didn't notice the 4" spike sticking straight up embedded in the concrete.

Landed on it with my left foot, full force. It went right through the sole of my hip waders, through my foot then out the top. Painful isn't a strong enough adjective LOL!

Nevertheless I was soooo close to the dam so I pulled my foot off the spike and hobbled the last 200yds to the spot and on the first cast nailed a 17" brown.

True story. :)

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That folks, is called dedication!! You are crazy man..


Looks like I'll need to find another access point, whether above or below it. She did tell me where the ownership started and ended which was nice of her. I'll just have to avoid that specific area from now on.

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Yeah that is hardcore nice work. As far as the old lady ok she owns the river bed, but that still doesn't mean she has to kick you out. I'am so sick of going out fishing and always feel as though I'am doing something wrong, and feel as though I have to sneak around. When's the last time that lady put on a pair of waders and walked along her precious river bed, so many of these old laws and deeds are way outdated. I live in town and have a laneway at the back of my lot that must be maintained and left accessible to allow the horse and buggy to bring coal to the houses, still haven't seen no horse and buggy what a load of horse sh%t lol. ldub

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I have canoed lots of small rivers in my area & when looking into it I was told that land owners can't fence a navigable river or you can cut it, I never have but push come to shove how knows, If you come across a small bridge or beaver dam the land owners can't stop you from getting out walking on their land and getting back in your canoe, never had a problem with this either, lots of cow bridges and a few beaver dams, try a canoe or kayak

Thanx Richard

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i say go grab a "nice" bottle of wine ($20.00 max!) say you are very sorry for the grief that you have caused. Ask for permission to fish and let her know that you will help her enforce it if you see anyone on her "land".


i know you are not trying to Date this old lady but at least you get to fish...

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haha! You guys have some great ideas. She did mention that she likes fish, perhaps if I run into a fair sized rainbow in that brookie/brown water I'll keep it and give it to her as a peace offering.

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