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Blackberry's (nf)


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Well it apears work has order me one of these black berry things so I can now officially work 24/7.


My thought is it would be good when im on the road to get emails during the day so i did not have to do as much at night when i got home. in return gives me more time with my son and wife (she would be so proud if she read that)


The bad part is if Im fishing in the summer or at the park with my son on a saturday the thing is going to be beeping like a s.o.b!


What are your thoughts about these? Will it make my life easier or will it make me want to through it out the car window?





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I had one for about 2 years, then changed back to a cell phone due to a change in jobs.

They are great for work during business hours but a word of advice


if you are not required to be on call at your job 24/7 turn it off at dinner time and the evening or it will take away from the family and you won't even realize it.


But on the upside it does allow you to get out on the water earlier on Fridays and long weekends in the summer.



enjoy it

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Man....I hope I never require one for work.


I like the fact I can Leave, and trust my colleagues to hold the fort down....

the second I'm on that gadget...I can safely say goodbye to my spare time.


They say ignorance is bliss....I'd agree, and I'd like to keep it that way.


But on a Personal level...gotta say its pretty a cool machine.

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I have been using 2 of these for a while now, used to have them with Bell Mobility but switched a couple of years to Telus and have one for each service truck now. Actually the men who drive the trucks have them and it not only provides us with instant communication, which you would also get with a cell phone, but it gets work reports back to the office sooner via email. When it was paper reports it would take days, if we got them at all, but now we receive most of them and can usually remember which reports we did not get. Now communication with customers is improved and invoices get out quicker.

We found that it was a bit of a novelty at first and we were communicating all the time and this fell off after a while. After some prodding we finally are getting the proper use out of them.

Using the web browser and using text messaging can run the bill up. It does pay to have a good agent who will fit you into the right plan and actually review the plan down the road and make suggestions to modify the service plan (we have 3 cell phones and the 2 RIM units) and actually save us money. Bell would not even think of doing this.

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brother berrys are amazing you get to have 4 word meetings and you dont have to get into the niceties of bussness that you have to do on the phone or in person because l dont really care about your life out side of work it's non my bussness the only thing l don't like about them is they have no spell cheack and as you can see l would find that tobe usefull. Peace. lol.

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I'll throw a disclaimer out here that I am fully certified through RIM for the Blackberry and BES products so I am a tad bit biased.


There is a reason they are called crackberries... they are addictive.


You are going to find that it's hard to live without after you have had it for a while. Email anywhere for anyone who relies on their email is a godsend. The antennas built into the blackberry are nothing short of the best. The amount of engineering that goes into a blackberry is simply amazing.


The main goal during the production of the blackberry is battery life. I charge my blackberry every 4 days or so and receive 4-600 emails a day and talk for about 3 hours a day on average.


You will also find that there are many third party applications available for the blackberry as well. During downtime I will often be caught playing a little texas holdem or sudoku on mine.


If you have a blackberry and are connected to an enterprise server you will find web browsing much faster as well. In addition to all of that, real time sync with your outlook can't be any better. *All* of you contact, all of the time is something pretty nice to have.


If anyone has blackerry questions, by all means post a thread in the computer support section and I will answer it.



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Oh youre in for it now... nothing like having your employeer having access to you and your life 24/7. Make sure if your walking and reading your emails there are no pole or anything to run in to that is what is happening here at Toyota. They had to issue a memo... stop and read don't walk and read!!!!



Have fun



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What I enjoy is getting topic reply notifications from OFC when I'm workin

Fishing never has time to get to far from your brain, instantly calming

What I dislike are Cabelas emails at two in the morning


BTW does anyone know how to turn off email alert on outgoing emails?

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I have had several since they first came out. Great tool for business where time is money.

Nice to be able to keep things moving whereever you are and not worry about "dialing in" at the end of a long day to check what emails came in.

Bad for the personal life since once everyone has them, the emails run 24/7 since everyone has a different work schedule.

You need to have personal discepline to not constantly check and respond to email on personal time.

I wish there was a way to turn off the email and leave the phone on.

The reception on the phone (8700r model) is great compared to my cell and previous BBs.

I think its the best of the current options for stong business communication and integration with MS Outlook.

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Thanks for the replies. THe model i got is the pearl. Its a pretty neat tool. I have already used it today emailing a price for a customer while I was at the store. Very impressive. I guess my biggest concern will be when I am doing the family time and the play time, i don't want people (customers can contact me anytime) more geared toward the bosses expecting me to respond. i think I should be ok though, my one boss has already told me they have a neat little button that turns them off.


I will see how it plays out. If i can do more emails during business hours then that means less I have to do on my laptop at home.



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I Have a Blackberry 7100i on the Telus "Mike" network. It is okay for very basic emails, but things like .pdf files (service manuals) are useless. Surfing the web is also very, very slow and I would only use it if I absolutely had to. Most graphics don't appear normally on this litle screen.


I have had a Palm PDA Handheld device for many years and this contraption just allowed me to eliminate that one piece of plastic hanging off my belt! I do sync it with MS Outlook and can have all my contacts and addresses handy.


It used to tick me off when junk e-mails would come through at all hours of the night and wake me up. I have to have the phone near me for "on-call". I found the feature that allows mew to change my profile to "phone only" after work. The phone will still ring, but all other messsages are silent. Much happier now!


The phone and even Blackberry are only digital when on the "Mike" network with Telus, so reception and signal strength issues are still a pain. I am moving to an area that is "just" outside their range......ahhhhhhhh! LOL


Oh, but I do have "BASS ASSASSIN" game loaded on it, so it ain't all bad!

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Simple way to avoid working 24/7




Im always hearing..." I got an important email from work last night, had to go in at 3 AM blah blah.."


geuss what, if you didnt have one, then you would have foundout the situation in the morning, so turn the damn thing off and find out in the morning.

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