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I hate misrable people !

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so the other day I headed down to the Caeserea launch with the boat. and its my turn to launch .. start backing up.. and this older man(a guess of around 65) starts cursing me.. (he was fishing on the boat ramp and apperently wasnt to happy that i was putting my boat in..) i gave the man more then plenty of enough time to reel in and he starts cursing me some more.. i just thought to myself.. "are you serious" as i get closer to the water my gf jumps out to guide me down , and tell me when the boats afloat. start backing up and the man say no no no ur doing it all wrong.. im like hmmm.. ok ? sure im 19 yrs old, and maybe he has more experince then myself.. BUT the trailers straight , the boats almost off.. like what could i be doing wrong ? so i proceed. but concider what hes telling me.. at this time there telling me to keep backing up.. my girlfriend tells me to stop. as the back tires in. the man then reassures me that i have to come back about 2 more feet. and the boat will be right off.. me thinking that the truck sits low enough (its a 5 speed 94 chev s-10) il back up 1 foot and push the boat off..next thing i know my gf yells the mufflers under the water so i stop.. push the boat off and drive forward. so now the boats off the trailer my gf walks the boat over to the dock (with the help of this older gentlemen) though she didnt need it.. so i go park, come back to the boat, at this time the man says "well i sure hope your boat runs better then your truck, or atleast you know how to drive it" i said calmly yes the boat runs great and yup iv been driving a boat for as long as i can remember (wich is tru growing up, up north on a lake.. used the boats 24/7) so i jump in the boat with my gf, start the boat and pull away.. just my luck.. stalls :| ! and the man starts laughing.. made me a little annoyed as i had the boat out the past two days and had zero problems.. so i fire it right back up and take off.. and a few minutes later my girlfriend tells me that the man actually said that "he hates us impatient teens, and its to bad i hadnt backed up further".. but she didnt want to tell me as she figgured i would of started sumthing ! in my oppinion, he was the one who started somthing!.. Ugh !!! i personaly hate rude people ! and ok teenagers can be rude and such .. but still ! stop judging !


but once we got out on the water caught some fish (mainly panfish) which lightend my mood, but still ! what an :asshat: ! like how rude can you get ? like wow im sorry i took up 2 minutes of your fishing time (on that one part of the boat ramp.. he could of easily fished the other side.. or further down ?!?! honestly i just hope hes does not always act this way. as he would really be a pain to be around !


but hey we headed back in in a few hours later, no sign of the man, grabed the truck , loaded the boat and as we pulled out two younger guys (who were asian) came up to me asking if i could boost there car, so i said ya sure, boosted the car, but right befor i left i asked how long they have been here, they said about 2 hours, and i figgured that if i was out in the boat for maybel 3 hours.. i figgured id ask if they had seen this older man , they said yes and he had left about 15mins after they arrived, and he was mumbling sumthing under his breath ! <_<

wow, wonder who :asshat: in his corn flakes !

this man must of had a bad day, or hes just a pain..



but hey just thought i'd get that off my chest,



thanks again

a fellow angler

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don't forget... he was young once too ^_^


and soon enough.... you il lhave "your own spot" on a dock close to a boat ramp and have some young gun to complain about too...



sounds like you have a "keeper " for a gf... she likely kept you out of a pisssing match on the ramp B)

Edited by splashhopper
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haha, like if i did anything wrong it would be another story.. but i didnt.. and ya i understand he was fishing .. but he was fishing the boat ramp.. as for my girlfriend. she is defenetly a keeper

Edited by fish-miester
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haha, like if i did anything wrong it would be another story.. but i didnt.. and ya i understand he was fidhing .. but he was fishing the boat ramp.. as for my girlfriend. she is defenetly a keeper


hey, maybe he had a hemmorhoid or something...

but, you young guys wouldn't understand that yet :w00t:

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Sounds like to me you're some kind of bigot...........LOL........leave us old folks alone, we have enough to worry about without you young whippersnappers picking on us senile citizens......


Boat launches are for launching boats but they are also for some of the most entertaining moments in history..:D

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hey hey , i have no problem with other people, young or old, im a very social person , as well as i fish at the boat launch as well as many others.. its just when some one is using the launch for its intended use , which is launching a boat i get out of the way , and maybe even help them, but im normaly not one to be rude , tho i understand there is always exceptions and people have "bad days" etc, like it would be another story if i was to peel in and run over his lines.. or somthing like that ..

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Probably just a jealous dude.. :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:



Didn't have a boat when he was 19 or whatever , That's one thing i'll never understand ,,, people who fish from a '' Boat Launch '' and look at you as if your From Mars when your about to launch or land your boat.... :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

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ya i find that to !


they look at you like your always either doing somthing wrong .. or that your not welcome..

wether it be myself in my boat , or almost anyone else in there boat..


like dont get me wrong i fish from docks and piers all the time.. but other people use them to not only for fishing..

Edited by fish-miester
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I really enjoy the no fishing signs at boat launches myself



Probably just a jealous dude.. :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:



Didn't have a boat when he was 19 or whatever , That's one thing i'll never understand ,,, people who fish from a '' Boat Launch '' and look at you as if your From Mars when your about to launch or land your boat.... :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

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I was pretty miserable this morning when at 8 am Sunday morning my stupid neighbor starts jackhammering his concrete patio right outside my bedroom window.

I opened the window and called him something that would be blanked out on here and slammed the window. yes, he heard me cause both him and the kid standing with him turned and looked at me.

I don't understand how a guy off work on compensation with a bad back can operate a jackhammer.


later today his woman says to my wife...oooodid we wake you this morning. My wife was unhappy with me calling him that but she still backed me up and said YES, and walked away.


And if you're fishing where I'm launching my boat...well,you're the same thing.



PS...I used to be a trooper :o

Edited by Dara
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dah, let the poor old guy do his thing, hes earned the right to be a grumpy old guy Im sure. Something obviously brought him to be the way he is........i know a lady near my house that yells at the kids to get off her sidewalk when they go by her house.....obviously they dont have to get off her sidewalk......lol, but shes just barkin at them to bark, she knows they dont have to get off the sidewalk either Im sure lol. The kids make fun of her, and i quickly telll them to leave her be, something obviously has happened in her past to make her feel so bitter and slighted.......and we arent to judge. And ya know what kids........you could find yourself in her predicamant someday, and wont find it so funny. Instead of laughing at her, offer to shovel her dirveway for free, or take her garbage out.........or say Hi to her, in this womans case,....... i know she had lost her husband years back and has been alone and I never see anyone over to visit her. Thats probably what her issue stems from. Shes old, alone, and her only interaction with youth, is some kids messing with her as they ride by her house. I dunno, point is, this guy has a chip on his shoulder for a reason, and it may even be valid. May not be.......but im willing to let this stuff sliiiiiiiiiide most of the time. Try to be nice........in this guys case, i found it funny how he started barking at you from the dock, but ended up helping you with your boat lol.........a sign that he is filled with piss and vinegar, but is really just looking for some company lol. He sounds like a funny guy and would be really entertaining to share a pop or two with. Heck , he probably had a gun strapped around his shoulder at some point defending your right to launch a boat........im sure he meant no harm and sounded like he just has a misguided way of striking up a conversation and maybe a little companionship.


Feel good post of the day??? lol

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should have broke his rod and pushed him in the lake would have made the news and this board


EXACTLY My sentiments, I am extremely tired of giving people the benefit of the doubt. Personally I have no problem with teens these days, I'm 40 years old and I have an 18 year old son and the people who don't like teens are the ones who fear them, Teens are people who need the older generation to listen to them, and that doesn`t mean "impose our will upon them", it means give them options to help them with their own ideas.


Forget that old piece of dirt, however, if he happened to be old enough to be a WW II veteran ( which I highly doubt ) you should thank him first before you brake his rod and pushed him in the water.



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dah, let the poor old guy do his thing, hes earned the right to be a grumpy old guy Im sure. Something obviously brought him to be the way he is........i know a lady near my house that yells at the kids to get off her sidewalk when they go by her house.....obviously they dont have to get off her sidewalk......lol, but shes just barkin at them to bark, she knows they dont have to get off the sidewalk either Im sure lol. The kids make fun of her, and i quickly telll them to leave her be, something obviously has happened in her past to make her feel so bitter and slighted.......and we arent to judge. And ya know what kids........you could find yourself in her predicamant someday, and wont find it so funny. Instead of laughing at her, offer to shovel her dirveway for free, or take her garbage out.........or say Hi to her, in this womans case,....... i know she had lost her husband years back and has been alone and I never see anyone over to visit her. Thats probably what her issue stems from. Shes old, alone, and her only interaction with youth, is some kids messing with her as they ride by her house. I dunno, point is, this guy has a chip on his shoulder for a reason, and it may even be valid. May not be.......but im willing to let this stuff sliiiiiiiiiide most of the time. Try to be nice........in this guys case, i found it funny how he started barking at you from the dock, but ended up helping you with your boat lol.........a sign that he is filled with piss and vinegar, but is really just looking for some company lol. He sounds like a funny guy and would be really entertaining to share a pop or two with. Heck , he probably had a gun strapped around his shoulder at some point defending your right to launch a boat........im sure he meant no harm and sounded like he just has a misguided way of striking up a conversation and maybe a little companionship.


Feel good post of the day??? lol



You wanna go around finding excuses for people being idiots Just remember that when your driving down the highway and someone comes flying up on you at a 100 mph flashing his lights and flipping you the bird because you`re in his way and it turns out to be grampa in a $200,000 Porsche, Oh but he probably is on the way to his wife's funeral, or maybe she is in the hospital with cancer, I mean really let the poor old guy do his thing, hasnt he earned the right to be an idiot? NO! no one earns that right, dont you remember the golden rule? and besides since when does having problems issue you the right to be a total piece of crap and treat everyone who comes along like dirt. We all have problems we all have Horrid issues to deal with in one way or another. Lets stop giving idiots the power over us. Thats enough already.

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Thats kind of the point of my post..........i guess im old school (even though im only in my 30's lol) NO MERCY?........lets chuck these old farts in the water with a broken fishing rod?


The guy was merely being miserable with him, he wasnt going beyond being a jerk lol. Which i recognize.......he was being a "jerk". I find that the better way to deal with that is let it roll off ya like water on a ducks back, try and defuse the guys temper with a little kindness, see how he reacts, if he doesnt change his tune, move on. At least ya tried.


As far as the guy flying up on my bumper going 100, its a differnet story when he could be putting myself or the kids in danger.........thats a different situation than a grumpy guy on the end of the dock being miserable or an old lady yelling at some kids.


"Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us".............no, im not an overly religious guy....... But i def. buy into that ideology. Ive never been one to feel the need to go snap a senior citizens fishingrod and attempt to drown him

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