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Well I finally got out for my first trip of the season to a lake northeast of Peterborough. It was -32C with the windchill. I caught a couple of small perch but my buddy caught a nice walleye and a decent musky which really did a number on his bare hands. The musky was released very quickly due to the extreme cold, but I managed to get a couple of pics.


I have video footage on my new camera but I can't figure out how to post it....when I figure it out I'll post it!









My buddy caught both fish on a hook and minnow......and yes that musky put up one hell of a fight...over 6 minutes on a hand line according to the video which I'm having a real hard time trying to post. I think there's something wrong with my computer. He nearly passed out afterwards in the hut from bare hands exposed to the -32C windchill

covered in water and snow.....a hard lesson learned for sure...


Oh by the way....as for lipping the walleye the "wrong" way....it went in the fyring pan.



Posted (edited)
  Basskicker said:
....as for lipping the walleye the "wrong" way....it went in the fyring pan.


Think he means that being conical in nature as walleye teeth are, it might pose some threat of puncturing your skin and marinating your walleye with blood.


Very nice fish though! Lookin forward to seein the vid. :)

Edited by barracuda

Hahaha, I didn't notice he was lipping the Walleye, It's just funny because most people don't want to be near the sharp teeth and hold them by the gill plate so they don't get bit.

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