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Incident on Cameron Lake


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I'm asking for a friend.


My friend and colleague who fished Cameron Lake for the first time with another friend on Saturday were out fishing for crappie but found none ended up fishing a bay for sunfish and rockbass. Both of these guys have fished for many years without incident until this past weekend. One is a senior and a resident of Ontario, the other is licensed with sport fishing license and a resident of Ontario.


The details as it has been told to me:


As they were fishing in their boat in a bay area beyond the casting range of some cottages they were approached by a local fellow of non-Asian decent who rowed his boat out to them and proceeded to tell them to release all of the fish and leave as the fish they were catching and keeping (about 20 between the two of them) were undersized (large bluegill and about 1/2 -3/4 lb rockbass). This fellow then threatened to call the police, if they didn't comply. My friends who are aware of the fishing regs mentioned to the fellow that the fish kept were panfish and that they were not doing anything illegal then told the fellow to call the police. This individual then started shouting and got more threatening and raised his oar and threatened to cut their anchor line if they didn't leave immediately.


My friends decided to release the fish and leave than to escalate the situation. This local fellow didn't approach other boats with some younger Caucasian anglers nearby but a little further out in the bay.


They decided not to call the authorities immediately and to shrug off the incident.




Should my friends consider reporting the incident, as it seems to me that the individual that approached them was in the wrong in terms of obstructing their peaceful fishing. Or should they let it slide and consider it an isolated incident?


My concerns are more for the safety of future anglers that may come across this individual. I don't really wish to play the racism card but it sure sounded like a case.


I've re-checked the regs fro FMZ 17 and didn't find Cameron lake to have any exceptions to the regular limits (none for sunfish) or for slot size for such panfish. Please correct me if I'm wrong.





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Guest gbfisher

If it went the way you said it did.

They should have told buddy to call the police and when the police arrived your friends should have had buddy charged with uttering threats.


but who's to say how it went.......

Edited by gbfisher
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I'm asking for a friend.


My friend and colleague who fished Cameron Lake for the first time with another friend on Saturday were out fishing for crappie but found none ended up fishing a bay for sunfish and rockbass. Both of these guys have fished for many years without incident until this past weekend. One is a senior and a resident of Ontario, the other is licensed with sport fishing license and a resident of Ontario.


The details as it has been told to me:


As they were fishing in their boat in a bay area beyond the casting range of some cottages they were approached by a local fellow of non-Asian decent who rowed his boat out to them and proceeded to tell them to release all of the fish and leave as the fish they were catching and keeping (about 20 between the two of them) were undersized (large bluegill and about 1/2 -3/4 lb rockbass). This fellow then threatened to call the police, if they didn't comply. My friends who are aware of the fishing regs mentioned to the fellow that the fish kept were panfish and that they were not doing anything illegal then told the fellow to call the police. This individual then started shouting and got more threatening and raised his oar and threatened to cut their anchor line if they didn't leave immediately.


My friends decided to release the fish and leave than to escalate the situation. This local fellow didn't approach other boats with some younger Caucasian anglers nearby but a little further out in the bay.


They decided not to call the authorities immediately and to shrug off the incident.




Should my friends consider reporting the incident, as it seems to me that the individual that approached them was in the wrong in terms of obstructing their peaceful fishing. Or should they let it slide and consider it an isolated incident?


My concerns are more for the safety of future anglers that may come across this individual. I don't really wish to play the racism card but it sure sounded like a case.


I've re-checked the regs fro FMZ 17 and didn't find Cameron lake to have any exceptions to the regular limits (none for sunfish) or for slot size for such panfish. Please correct me if I'm wrong.






As far as I'm concerned they'd be doing everyone a favour by reporting that guy. If the incident was in fact racially motivated, all the more reason for reporting him. The only mistake would be letting him get away with that kind of nonsense.



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As said above.........from the events mentioned here............i would have told the guy to call the police, made sure i was in plain view of other witnesses, and called his bluff. Or at least just pull anchor and move, WITH the legal fish that ive harvested. The guy was in a rowboat.........may have been fun to see how long you could make him row around the lake after ya

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The crime as I see it (if things did happen as stated), is that your friends did not call the police and have this red neck charged . Allowing such people to believe they can get away with actions such as these only encourages them to contiue and even escalate their behavour. Sad Sad thing , I go into the outdoors to get away from crap like this !!!!!!

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I doubt there is much point in reporting it now since you have no way of even knowing who the guy is that you will report.


In the future it would be best to report it - even if it doesn't escalate into anything serious, having the guy mentioned in a police report is always helpful in case he is involved in another more serious incident down the road.

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Thanks everyone, I've instructed my friend to report the incident. He's agreed to seek police advise and report the incident with details. He has had some hesitation and doesn't want to stir up trouble.


After further conversation with my friend, I've been told that a lady also came out in a canoe while the fellow held the anchor line uttering threat of cutting the anchor line. She also said that sunfish had a 3" minimum size limit, but the fish caught were well larger than that but didn't even want to look at the fish just demanded all the fish be released. Then were told to go home and read up on the regulations. Apparently she had no idea of what kind fish were caught.


On the side the fellow also requested to see licenses, my friend presented proof of age over 65, the other friend then asked the fellow holding the boat for his ID to prove his identity and he said he had none with him. He refused to show him his fishing license.


My friend and colleague thanks everyone for their input and mentioned that all of the cottage owners but this one were very nice and polite to them as they went by and that the people at boat launch were equally nice. He doesn't want people to think Cameron Lake area have all bad people and to stop fishing there.


Hopefully this will allow both of my friends some peace of mind at night. Apparently they've been a bit shook up by the incident.


We'll see what response the police will have.


Thanks a bunch,



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What's the point now? It was argument.....the police have more important things to deal with.


Tell your friends that next time something like that happens to just offer to call the police then, while its happening. The angry cottager will probably back off.


Also, why assume it was racially motivated? The two younger caucasian anglers could have been their kids, or simply someone they knew.

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You should call, but will they come, I don't think so. You could have watched what cottage he rowed back to and got his address. The cops could then pay him a little visit for a chat when they had time.


My friend did see which cottage both (same cottage) the fellow and then the lady in the canoe went to when then left but the cottage doesn't have a number visible from the water.

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What's the point now? It was argument.....the police have more important things to deal with.


Tell your friends that next time something like that happens to just offer to call the police then, while its happening. The angry cottager will probably back off.


Also, why assume it was racially motivated? The two younger caucasian anglers could have been their kids, or simply someone they knew.


There have been attacks on asian anglers for the last couple years now. It has actually gotten pretty serious. If I were in the situation, I would assume it to be racially motivated as well.

The two complaining clearly have no idea of regulations. They saw a couple of asian people fishing and keeping some fish, they then row over and make up rules on size regulations and whatnot...and also utter threats?

What's the point? The point is that no one should experience what those two innocent anglers did. Especially a senior. What if thing went out of hand?

I feel really bad that the victims are still shaken up by the incident.

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Why don't we organanize a little OFC pan fish derby of our own on Cameron Lake just off of this numbnut's dock? Imagine his face when he sees 20+ boats around his dock! Oh ya, and bring as many visible minorities as we can.


Better still, I say we send that same boat with the same fishermen out and wait for buddy to surface waving his oar. When we get the word, we all mobilize toward the scene and surround him, oars and cameras in hand. Then post the pictures here the next day for entertainment.


That'll fix his wagon!


What a jerk...



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Perodimi , MY thoughts exactly would love to be a part of that , cant belive in 2009 that stupid nonsense like this still happens , JUST OUT and OUT bullying , picking on edlerly people that cant or are to cilivilized to fight back , would love for him to shake his oar at me after I stuck it up his ass I would paddle his boat back to shore with him ...

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1. Definately report the incident. Even if nothing happens this time around , it is a documented report/complaint. If it happens again and someone lese reports it and then again and again, it can't be ignored. If everyone fluffs it off , nothing will definitely happen.


2. If it was me, i'd be takining a ton of pictures with a camera/cell phone. Pictures speak louder than words. Then charge him with assault, harrassment and whatever else I could get to stick.

3. I'd be putting his paddle into a body cavity that he would need to have sugurically removed. Just kidding but it was a nice thought. I like 'perodimi' and his idea too.


Definately report it.



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If it was as you stated, they should have called 911 right then and there. The guy was getting abusive and threatening your safety since he was holding your anchor line with a knife to it. (An anchor is part of your safety requirement in a boat)


Police would have no choice but to respond quickly for fear of the situation escalating to the point where someone gets hurt.

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That is harassment plain and simple Stan! :angry:


You should try to convince your friends to go back out there armed with cell phones and a camera, preferably with video and sound!!!


I know your friends don't want to cause trouble, but that idiot needs to be taught a lesson and prosecuted for his actions!


It would be the law abiding citizen thing to do... and I'm sure the local police and courts would be very interested in this case.


I also believe the media (newspaper and TV) would be interested too!

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