Joey Posted February 14, 2009 Report Posted February 14, 2009 If you haven't left yet, unfortunately we can't go. Paul hurt his back at work on Monday and we have been ever hopeful that he would have recovered by now, but he is just getting worse. PM me if you don't already have free tickets and you can use mine, they're at the door. Paul has already had xrays and we have not heard what the problem is yet, but I can tell you, there is a BIG problem. The poor man cannot even walk now. I don't know what to do. He's in so much pain. He has been using a hockey stick as a staf to do anything, but it still takes about 15 minutes to get up and go to the washroom, which is about all he gets up for. Anyone had back pain this bad? He says the pain is shooting down his legs too, to the point he can't put pressure on them. Could it be muscle, tendon or bone? Any thoughts from someone who has had back pain would be appreciated. Joey
ccmtcanada Posted February 14, 2009 Report Posted February 14, 2009 Wow...sorry to hear it Joey! I've had back pain like that. The pain shooting down his legs likely means pressure on his sciatic nerve. Don't mess around with this. Not everyone thinks chiropractors work, but I find it does wonders for me. Could have a misalignment of vertabrae, pinching the nerve. Some doctors will prescribe just anti inflammatories and muscle relaxants, but they just treat the symptoms...not necessarily the cause. The first few sessions I went, I thought things got worse...but after a while I realized that it really works. I've only been as bad as Paul once...but believe me, you remember it! If it's not corrected soon and there is pressure on that nerve and discs in the back that is not corrected, it could turn chronic. I've had it that bad once...didn't get treatment right away and now I'm prone to them if I don't watch it. Guys like fishindevil lives with chronic back issues...hopefully he'll see this thread and chime in.
Greencoachdog Posted February 14, 2009 Report Posted February 14, 2009 (edited) Yeah, I've been there with that back pain! It is pure agony!!! I spent 2 weeks laying in bed one time because of a back injury. He needs to take the meds the doc gave him. A hot Epsom Salts bath will help some, I use at least 2 big cupfulls of the Epsom Salts. Bed rest is about the only way to get better, the worst thing to do would be riding/driving in a vehicle. Tell him I hope he gets well soon and I know his agony! Edited to say: The adhesive menthol back patches will also help, like the Icy Hot brand... if he isn't already using them you need to go out and get him some as soon as you can! Edited February 14, 2009 by GCD
Joey Posted February 14, 2009 Author Report Posted February 14, 2009 ccmt said: Wow...sorry to hear it Joey! I've had back pain like that. The pain shooting down his legs likely means pressure on his sciatic nerve. Don't mess around with this. Not everyone thinks chiropractors work, but I find it does wonders for me. Could have a misalignment of vertabrae, pinching the nerve. Some doctors will prescribe just anti inflammatories and muscle relaxants, but they just treat the symptoms...not necessarily the cause. The first few sessions I went, I thought things got worse...but after a while I realized that it really works. I've only been as bad as Paul once...but believe me, you remember it! If it's not corrected soon and there is pressure on that nerve and discs in the back that is not corrected, it could turn chronic. I've had it that bad once...didn't get treatment right away and now I'm prone to them if I don't watch it. Guys like fishindevil lives with chronic back issues...hopefully he'll see this thread and chime in. Thanks Cliff, this is what I was afraid of. I mentioned the chiropractor but he's not really a believer in them, but at this point, I may be able to persuade him. I do believe each day has gotten a bit worse, which can't be good. I'll see if he'll go today, I know one who is close. And Simcoebob has PM'd me so he can have the tickets. Joey
Sinker Posted February 14, 2009 Report Posted February 14, 2009 I can second what cliff said. I had the same sort of thing happen to me. Just out of the blue.........I didnt' do anything out of the ordinary, my back just gave out on me. Shooting pain down my legs, couldn't straighten sucked!! Did all the hospital/doctor things with no results. I was given muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatory........then decided on my own to go to the chiropractor. At first I thought he was making it worse, but like cliff said, after a couple sessions, it got better...........MUCH better!! I feel for ya Tybo, its not a nice thing to deal with. Sinker
mbac31 Posted February 14, 2009 Report Posted February 14, 2009 Hope his back gets better. I have been through every type of stuff know for my back until I found this guy in Markham. Dr William Webber (Chriopractor) He fixed by back avoiding surgery. One of the best out there and have very flexible hours and will even do it on the weekends from his home office rather than his office in Markham. Not trying to market Dr's but my back was to the point where I could not walk. Now I'm back to normal and avoided surgery. Not very expensive either. Very nice guy and explains everything to you as well. I have not had to go in a while but still tend to go sometimes just to get my back alligned, feels great.
icefisherman Posted February 14, 2009 Report Posted February 14, 2009 Joey, I've had same problem sure looks and feel bad but it'll get better....what to do - make sure he goes and sees GOOD chiripractor AND massage therapist....often they work from the same office so you can do it at the same time. I can send you to a very good couple in downtown Toronto. Few sessions will do miracles. PM me if you need to. Once he gets fixed REGULAR straching will keep things normal. As for the tickets - hmmmm....haven't planned to go but if you still have them I could take the whole family (wife and two kids). Let me know please. Cheeers, Ice Fisherman
steve_paul Posted February 14, 2009 Report Posted February 14, 2009 Joey, hope Paul is feeling better and I will agree with most. If the pain is shooting down the legs likely sciatic nerve. I have had it twice and it is hell. Good massage, chiro and muscle relaxer and hopefully whatever is pressuring the nerve will ease off and the recovery can begin.
Joey Posted February 14, 2009 Author Report Posted February 14, 2009 Great replies here. Thanks everyone. I'll mention the chiro as you have all said and maybe it will make him think about it and then I can make him an appt. Getting him there might be tricky. I'll also go out and get that heat wrap, thanks GCD. As I said above, sorry Emil, Simcoebob PM'd me and so he can have the tickets. Joey
lew Posted February 14, 2009 Report Posted February 14, 2009 Really sorry to hear that Joey and hopefully it isn't too serious. No offence to anyone on this board who are offering advice Joey, but I'd wait and see what the doctor recccomends before you start making appointments with anyone. I herniated a disc at work back in 99 and it sounds very similar to what Paul is going thru with the leg pains and was caused by the disc compressing the sciatic nerve. The doc tried a few meds 1st but that didn't help, so we then tried therapy, massages and then chiropractor, but none of it worked and I was in agony for months. Finally the doctor decided that the only thing that would work would be surgury and I wish now I'd gone that route much earlier. I had the surgury on Friday, was up walking on Saturday and home on Sunday and within a week I was back to 100% and totally pain free. Always lots of good advice offered here on any subject, but for something serious like an injury, I'd let the doctor make the decision.
Spiel Posted February 14, 2009 Report Posted February 14, 2009 Been there many times Joey and I know the agony Paul is in. Rest has always done it for me but it takes time. I was a non Chiro type till I started having neck issues and went to see one who practices A.R.T. and have been a convert ever since. I have had low back adjustments a few times when needed in the last couple of years with good results.
BillM Posted February 14, 2009 Report Posted February 14, 2009 If he has shooting pains down his legs, he's pinched his sciatic nerve. Happened to me back in my motocross days when I was landing on bent foot pegs.. Worst pain ever.. He needs to get to a chiro and get the muscles around the sciatic loosened up.
Headhunter Posted February 14, 2009 Report Posted February 14, 2009 (edited) Joey, I had a similar experience as Lew, herniated disk...I think we had the same operation Lew! Paul's symptoms sound similar. I would not put heat on it until the swelling goes down... I would be iceing his back every two hours for 20 minutes with a nice bag of frozen peas! Exrays only show bones, not soft tissue, ie disc material... he may need a C.T. scan. The doctors will really give you the run around as they have a protocol for dealing with back problems, unfortunatly for those whose problems fall outside of the numbers, it can be a drawn out, painful process. I feel for him! Pm me if I can be of any help! HH PS... while he's lying around, I highly recommend a book called "The Back Doctor". One of the formost experts on backs in the world and he's from right here in Toronto! Started a place called, The Candian Back Institue I believe. Edited February 14, 2009 by Headhunter
bigugli Posted February 15, 2009 Report Posted February 15, 2009 Hamilton Hall's book, "The Back Doctor" is a good reference to learn from. It teaches the basics of managing your back care. I relied on the text for 15 years. If the muscles are in spasm, get him to an emerg. Get the muscle spasms under control then look at the treatment options. The sciatic nerve is but one of the nerves than can be affected in your lower back. The problem can extend to bladder and kidneys. The severe sciatica can merely be a sign and symptom of far deeper problems. If the legs are moving involuntarily. If there is a bladder or bowel control issue. If he can find no relief in any position. He will need some type of immediate treatment.
Big Cliff Posted February 15, 2009 Report Posted February 15, 2009 (edited) I hope Paul is feeling some relief by now. I spent a year wearing a back brace so I have some idea what he is going through. I tend to agree with HH & Lew. Be careful about adding heat, it could actually cause inflamation to be worse, cold packs might actually be better, it will help to reduce swelling, try both, see which one helps. Get medical help! I am not a fan of chiro. Had a very bad experience with it when I buggered up my back (part of the reason I was in a brace for so long). Whatever he decides, hope he is feeling better really soon! Edited February 15, 2009 by Big Cliff
DT10Sam Posted February 15, 2009 Report Posted February 15, 2009 Hi Joey, I would hate to see the tickets not used so I am willing to take you to the show Joey and I am confident that Tybo would make a quick recovery and come after us.............all kidding aside back pains and problems can be a huge issue. As Lew mentioned seek professional advice from a doctor. My father had chronic back pains for years and I watched him suffer through many back surgeries and he went to his grave with all the pain. I remember he wished that he dealt with it in the early stages. I know you will take care of Paul and hopefully he does not become stubborn and seek professional advice. Paul I am thinking of you buddy, I know how painful back pains are as I have also experienced many. I am confident you will do what is right. Best regards, Sam
TroutnMuskieHunter Posted February 15, 2009 Report Posted February 15, 2009 I would also seek medical advice first as well Joey!!....What was Paul doing at work when this happened??....I ruptured one of my lower discs many, many moons ago at work trying to lift a 300lb piece of equipment....the equipment won the battle and I ended up being out of commission for 6 weeks....
Handlebarz Posted February 15, 2009 Report Posted February 15, 2009 Dang Joey I thought that would give you a easy out that way Paul could not catch ya. Serious side I hope that they get Paul fixed up right away not much more painful then the dang back. Take it easy on him Mike
Beans Posted February 15, 2009 Report Posted February 15, 2009 (edited) I am with Lew on this issue Joey...get professional help...If you remember I had an operation on the protruding disk on my back three years ago and had to miss that years Tyler Event... As soon as I got up from my bed I damn near dropped to my knees from the pain shooting down both legs...I still remember hanging on to the kitchen counter while making a coffee... We tried months of physical therapy etc. to no avail...Percocets gave the only relief... Finally they sent me to a back specialist in the Shoppr's Drug Mart Plaza just above the Blinds to Go store on Yonge Street above Weldrick... He had me have an MRI at York Central and then finally got me booked in for an operation...I remember him saying that no amount of excersise or physical therapy will cure my problem and that an operation was the only answer in my case...and he was right...a month later I was fine as far as that area was concerned... The MRI also showed some degeneration of the discs in my lower back along with arthritis in the vertebrae I fractured in a car accident back in the late '60s... Sure hope Paul seeks professional help ASAP and the acute pain now doesn't become chronic for years to come... Edited February 15, 2009 by Beans
Greencoachdog Posted February 15, 2009 Report Posted February 15, 2009 (edited) Were you able to find the menthol back patches Joey?... they really will help! Sometimes I'll have Ol' Yeller plaster me up with 4-6 of them on my lower back... it looks like she's startin' to Mummify me on a bad day. Edited February 15, 2009 by GCD
lew Posted February 15, 2009 Report Posted February 15, 2009 Beans said: As soon as I got up from my bed I damn near dropped to my knees from the pain shooting down both legs...I still remember hanging on to the kitchen counter while making a coffee... I herniated my disc while trying to lift a large generator off a truck by myself, but it was really strange, because I never really had any pain in my back at all and it actually started in my hip but over the course of a couple weeks I could feel it gradually working it's way down my leg and it finally settled in the shin on my right leg, and if nobody has experienced the feeling, it's hard to describe how incredibly painfull it can be. Before my surgery I had to start walking with a cane to try and relieve some of the pain, but I vividly remember one day at the trailer and I was out very early in the morning trying to go for a bit of a walk for the excercise and the pain became so absolutely incredibly bad I couldn't move anymore and actually had tears in my eyes and had to lean on the cane to stop from falling down. I stood there in agony for 5 minutes before somebody saw me and was able to help me back to my place. Thankfully my operation was a total success and I owe it all to a fantastic surgeon and I've never had a re-occurance or any more associated pain since then, but I have so much sympathy for anyone going thru a similar injury.
Greencoachdog Posted February 15, 2009 Report Posted February 15, 2009 lew said: I herniated my disc while trying to lift a large generator off a truck by myself, but it was really strange, because I never really had any pain in my back at all and it actually started in my hip but over the course of a couple weeks I could feel it gradually working it's way down my leg and it finally settled in the shin on my right leg, and if nobody has experienced the feeling, it's hard to describe how incredibly painfull it can be. Before my surgery I had to start walking with a cane to try and relieve some of the pain, but I vividly remember one day at the trailer and I was out very early in the morning trying to go for a bit of a walk for the excercise and the pain became so absolutely incredibly bad I couldn't move anymore and actually had tears in my eyes and had to lean on the cane to stop from falling down. I stood there in agony for 5 minutes before somebody saw me and was able to help me back to my place. Thankfully my operation was a total success and I owe it all to a fantastic surgeon and I've never had a re-occurance or any more associated pain since then, but I have so much sympathy for anyone going thru a similar injury. It is a horrible agony, and I feel for anyone going thru it to... if you've never had it, you just don't know!!!
motv8tr Posted February 15, 2009 Report Posted February 15, 2009 Joey, I'm sorry to hear about Paul, I have had pain similar to what you have described, and it's agony. For me it was my Sciatic nerve...or so they guessed. I did some physical therapy but it didn't help comes back from time to time, but not aas intese as one time when I could barely walk for more than two weeks. I hope Paul is able to get some help for it, and gets some kind of relief soon. Maureen
bigugli Posted February 15, 2009 Report Posted February 15, 2009 Before I finally had surgery, I had reached the point where pills did not work any more. The legs would do their own kind of writhing and squirming and I had lost some bladder control. The sciatica was only a symptom of a bigger problem. I had caused some actual damage to the spinal nerve tissues ( for which there is some residual effect). It took a year, post-op, to regain most of the feeling back in my feet. No amount of chiro, massage or ointments will help when there are more serious problems. You need the doctor to rule out the more serious possibilities.
Joey Posted February 15, 2009 Author Report Posted February 15, 2009 Well I managed to get ahold of the doctor's office and we have an appointment on Tuesday, as Monday is a holiday. His symptoms are the same and he is getting no relief at all. I didn't even leave the house yesterday for fear he'd fall down and not be able to get up. I'm going to brave it today and get some of the heat wraps and also a bag of frozen peas and see if either gives him any relief. He does alot of heavy lifting at work, but this time, he was under a machine and when he had finished working on it, he rolled to get out from under it and heard something snap and that is when the pain started. So he must have twisted his spinal column or tore a nerve or tendon or something. With all this great advice I'm tending to think it is the sciatic nerve. I googled it and he has all the symptoms described. So I guess we'll have no further info until Tuesday, when I'm guessing they'll send him for an MRI. The T3's he was prescribed are doing nothing for him. Maybe I should just get him drunk All kidding aside, thanks so much for the advice, and Paul thanks you for all the well wishes. Joey
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