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GSP vs Penn


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Guest CaptainSpaulding
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Try not to lose too much sleep Captain.


That's all just PR bullcrap. Of course, they would deny anything this soon into the game... Basically, one of two things are going to happen:


1) Money is exchanged. This scandal just goes away...


2) BJ gets a re-match and their fight result is nullified.

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Guest CaptainSpaulding
Welcome to the Captain. He has posted nine times on OFC, AND THEY'RE ALL ON THIS THREAD.


That's just SuperDoo.

Do I detect some hostility, Dougers? What's the problem, my man? Gotta give me time, son... I just got access to the forum about 4 hours ago and I just got back from doing some shoppin' during that time!


If you wanna swap fishin' tales I'll gladly chime in with ya, lad! Geez, its been a busy day...

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Guest CaptainSpaulding
that was sweet. I have never seen Penn Be dominated like that.

Is Penn's skin the same skin found on Sharks? That dude does not cut easily.


No, man... he's just been hit so few times that his face 'is fresh'... if that makes any sort of sense. Its a testament to his skill...


Most fighters have been hit and cut so many times that their cuts either re-open or the 'friction or jarring' of the scar tissue increases the pressure on the skin and a new cut forms.


Either that or his skin is the same as a shark... shark skin is rough though isn`t it?

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Did I miss the part where GSP's cornerman grabbed hand fulls of vaseline and started to rub it all over GSP?


I gotta admit man, you are one funny dude. This conspiracy stuff is great!!!!


Maybe BJ should have done a few more under the water rock walking exercises.

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Captain, maybe it's just me, but when I try something new, with new folks, I just sorta lay back and try to get the lay of the land so to speak. First impressions are lasting, and I always try to help out where I can, I want to leave a good impression so I get invited back.


Best of luck to you in your future endeavors. Dinner.


Fresh roasted troll


1 medium sized troll

1 cup minced garlic

1/3 cup olive oil


Mix the oil and garlic. Rub the mixture over the troll. Roast over an open flame until crispy brown. Serve immediately. (serves 4-6)

Edited by douG
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Guest CaptainSpaulding
Captain, maybe it's just me, but when I try something new, with new folks, I just sorta lay back and try to get the lay of the land so to speak. First impressions are lasting, and I always try to help out where I can, I want to leave a good impression so I get invited back.


Best of luck to you in your future endeavors. Dinner.


Fresh roasted troll


1 medium sized troll

1 cup minced garlic

1/3 cup olive oil


Mix the oil and garlic. Rub the mixture over the troll. Roast over an open flame until crispy brown. Serve immediately. (serves 4-6)


That's fine, buddy. I do understand why you wrote that and I do understand the 'internet troll' concept. That's where you and I differ I guess... I don't lay back and consider '1st impressions'. I just got access literally a few hours ago. I saw the GSP thread, I am a huge MMA fan and it is in fact my hobby although I only practice Judo (hell yeah!). This fight was huge and so I naturally chimed in with my views of which most people disagree with and usually laugh at.


I do have to wonder though how you feel that you have the right to judge me and right derogatory messages about me based upon 10 or so messages...


Man! Its been like 4 hours since I got access and I was out shopping for half of that! what the heck?!


Don't worry buddy, I'll get the fishing posts up there asap! Sorry it wasn't fast enough for you boss!

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CaptainSpaulding, I don't know anything about you, so judging you would just make me look silly. I didn't make any remarks about you at all, but I did comment on what you said - there is a big difference. I just wondered if that was the best way to make an introduction.


You can try again, or not, your call.

Edited by douG
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Guest CaptainSpaulding

CaptainSpaulding, I don't know anything about you, so judging you would just make me look silly. I didn't make any remarks about you at all, but I did comment on what you said - there is a big difference. I just wondered if that was the best way to make an introduction.


You can try again, or not, your call.



Who are you Man? Man, you're making me confused. What am I trying for?



"I didn't make any remarks about you at all, but I did comment on what you said - there is a big difference."


You said or 'implied' that I was an internet troll. You commented that I had made a bunch of posts about the UFC... That's true... and what your problem with that is beyond me... Internet forum members are supposed to comment on the topic. (UFC was the topic)


You also commented that my posts were "only" concerning the UFC. Man, I have said this before... buddy, I just got access to this forum about 5-4 hours ago... and I also went shopping in this time. So... what? I should have covered all subjects in this time? Man, I was shopping... what the heck? MAN, if anything I'm the best poster ever in the least amount of time! You're really starting to bother me...

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Guest CaptainSpaulding
CaptainSpaulding, I don't know anything about you, so judging you would just make me look silly. I didn't make any remarks about you at all, but I did comment on what you said - there is a big difference. I just wondered if that was the best way to make an introduction.


You can try again, or not, your call.


Please spell it out for me as to why you are involved and can give a judgement like that?

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I was there! In Vegas! 8 rows from the ring, center seat! It was awesome! I have been to vegas several times and have yet to see it as packed as Saturday Night. Even though it was Super Bowl Sunday the next day, everyone split! The entire crowd was in Vegas for one reason only...the fastest growing sport in the world.


Super cool! Shook hands with Rashad Evans, Michael Bisbain, Dan Henderson, Matt Brown, Clay the Carpenter and out of no where The lead singer for the Red Hot Chilli Peppers! What a great weekend!



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While BJ almost beat the best in a bigger weight class if GSP was to move up he would be absolutely destroyed. So GSP beat up a much smaller guy, not really that impressive


If you watch the game as you say,you would of seen the part where BJ challanged GSP.Right after his win.Show boating sorta speak.

Whos the dumb one there? He asked for it,he got it.

As for GSP dropping down and being dominated??????????????? I strongly believe GSP was be even more dominating.


This of course, is just my opinion.

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No, man... he's just been hit so few times that his face 'is fresh'... if that makes any sort of sense. Its a testament to his skill...


Most fighters have been hit and cut so many times that their cuts either re-open or the 'friction or jarring' of the scar tissue increases the pressure on the skin and a new cut forms.


Either that or his skin is the same as a shark... shark skin is rough though isn`t it?

Yeah you are right. BJ has crazy skills. GSP was just too much for him on that night. That is what is great about MMA anyone can win. BJ will come back and be a very good LW fighter for some time. He needs to stay there because GSP is too big and strong for him right now. Even if BJ has the better boxing skills and jujitsu, GSP's strength and insane wrestling overwhelmed even the very talented Penn.

Edited by Cudz
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Guest CaptainSpaulding
MMA fans make me laugh, because they all know everything about everything.


Still better than you though since you know nothing about anything.

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Guest CaptainSpaulding
I was there! In Vegas! 8 rows from the ring, center seat! It was awesome! I have been to vegas several times and have yet to see it as packed as Saturday Night. Even though it was Super Bowl Sunday the next day, everyone split! The entire crowd was in Vegas for one reason only...the fastest growing sport in the world.


Super cool! Shook hands with Rashad Evans, Michael Bisbain, Dan Henderson, Matt Brown, Clay the Carpenter and out of no where The lead singer for the Red Hot Chilli Peppers! What a great weekend!




How much was your ticket?


Guida's the best!

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CaptainSpaulding, you may want to check out the names of some of the people you are arguing with before you look real silly, hobby for you job for others here


try Rowbotham and MMA in google you just told him you know more then him

and a few other names on this board and see how many family members here fight in MMAs some of the guys do know what they are talking about

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