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Political Correctness Gone Mad (NF)


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Out of the gate this is not a post to agitate or inflame, or get the mods to shut down..if you do not agree please just skip it.


Watching "A" Channel out of Ottawa this morning and the report went like this...


Canada Post workers from Cornwall, Otario are being disciplined and could be dismissed if they continue a custom they have done for time and eternity.


This is pretty bad you know---they're guilty of when starting their route saying in their language (French)


"Thank you Lord for this beautiful day" and off to work they go.


Now I've never really asked on this board for anything---but if you kinda get ticked at something like this--maybe you could tell somebody.


My next letter is going to Canada Post HQ


Like I mentioned at the start if you disagree please just skip this---it's information not an opening for Religous or not debate.


Thanks for This Time



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Since Canada Post is a federal institution, I sort of assume this has something to do with the seperation of church and state which is a key tenet of liberal democracies and intended to limit the influence of the once very powerful churches.


I'm guessing its just some moron, bully boy at Can Post who only got through half of pol sci 101 and missed out on the section regarding charter rights below of which are are the first two sections. Notice unlike Canada Post, they must have thought the religion thing was pretty important, b/c they put religiopn at #2a which is the first fundamental right cited / freedom of speech is #2b:


1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.


2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

a) freedom of conscience and religion;

B) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;

c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and

d) freedom of association.

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Since Canada Post is a federal institution, I sort of assume this has something to do with the seperation of church and state which is a key tenet of liberal democracies and intended to limit the influence of the once very powerful churches.



Give that man a Cigar!!!



It's ok to say it, as long as it doesn't offend anyone.


... truth to be known, they were probably trying to pressure someone into saying their little prayer that didn't want to say it... nobody likes a pushy fanatic!!!

Edited by GCD
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Unbelievable political correctness, I bet if another religion needed to pray so many times a day or need to wear religious garb then they would bend over backward to accommodate them. I'm not religious but I find it wrong that you can attack christianity and mock them and it's perfectly fine but you have to be so sensitive to all the other religions. Too bad there wasn't only one, that way we wouldn't have so many people running around killing and fighting because their religion is "better".

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Unbelievable political correctness, I bet if another religion needed to pray so many times a day or need to wear religious garb then they would bend over backward to accommodate them. I'm not religious but I find it wrong that you can attack christianity and mock them and it's perfectly fine but you have to be so sensitive to all the other religions. Too bad there wasn't only one, that way we wouldn't have so many people running around killing and fighting because their religion is "better".



And I'm attempting to keep this away from Christianity is better than say Scientology, but it looks like drive down your throat change....these workers have wanted to do this ---and obviously felt better overall for doing this and now big bro says no---Heaven forbid we have a content workforce.



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And I'm attempting to keep this away from Christianity is better than say Scientology,



but it looks like drive down your throat change....I can't help but think this might have been a "drive down your throat" custom/tradition with some of the workers... maybe only one, but that's all it takes.


these workers have wanted to do this ---again, I can't help but think there might have been a minority that didn't... but felt pressured to do it


and obviously felt better overall for doing this... maybe a moment for silent personal prayer may have been a better choice... but even that can make some people uncomfortable.


and now big bro says no---Heaven forbid we have a content workforce...evidently, not all were content.





If you want to pray, go to the Church of your choice!


I don't know about your work place, but mine never paid me to pray... they paid me to work!!!

Edited by GCD
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Dude i'm as close to being Atheist as they come, but if a group of religious budd's from work wanted to say a quick prayer before heading out for the day GO NUTS! As long as it's done within' reason. If you're supposed to be on the clock at 9 a.m. - get there early and do it at 8:15 a.m. Although I think religion is a total load of crap, I still find it interesting from time to time, and respect other people's beliefs.

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If you want to pray, go to the Church of your choice!


I don't know about your work place, but mine never paid me to pray... they paid me to work!!!



Yep, keep yer bible thumpin' in church where it belongs!!!!!


Now if you will excuse me I must go summon my Master Satan and tell thim about this!!!!!!!



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The idea of people taking offence to prayer is actually pretty sad IMO...


Its a different story altogether if the workers were soliciting someone to join in the prayer.

But the Article says "some mail carriers have been saying the prayer for 25 years"

So I'd be inclined to say there is more then likely just a trouble maker taking offence....


What ever happened to just minding ones own business?, what happened to Tolerance?

Or on the flip side and you were being solicited why not just say hey...I'm not interested?, or tell them to F&*! Off...its your call.

I can see were a persistant person trying to "recruit" you could be worthy of a complaint

But the article doesn't make it sound that way?

I guess its kinda Subjective to a train of thought, until they release more information.


Its Just Kinda Sad that this would even be considered a news worthy issue when really its only news worthy now because the human rights/religious freedom card was played.

But if you take a step back and think about it Its no different then talking Politics right?

Issuing opinions, trying to sway opinions....but they wouldn't ban that at work would they?


Either way this issue is situational...And the Banning of a prayer could very well be a Knee Jerk reaction, and more then likely will be overturned. If these workers were indeed attempting to force someone to say a prayer that made them uncomfortable then discipline the workers for that...fair enough

But you cannot make a blanket rule banning prayer at work based on the idea that hearing someone proclaim their own faith is offensive.

Be it any religion...that makes no sense.


If I want to say "thanks for the great day lord" while at work and people want to join me....its totally legal and likewise very much illegal for my employer to tell me other wise.

There are of course technicalities such as times & Places specific to each job were it could be deemed inappropriate such as when dealing with clients, or around individuals whom have complained...

But there are always ways around these situations be it a designated area or time.


Its about Tolerance people...not tyranny

Peace out.

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The idea of people taking offence to prayer is actually pretty sad IMO...


Its a different story altogether if the workers were soliciting someone to join in the prayer.

But the Article says "some mail carriers have been saying the prayer for 25 years"

So I'd be inclined to say there is more then likely just a trouble maker taking offence....


What ever happened to just minding ones own business?, what happened to Tolerance?

Or on the flip side and you were being solicited why not just say hey...I'm not interested?, or tell them to F&*! Off...its your call.

I can see were a persistant person trying to "recruit" you could be worthy of a complaint

But the article doesn't make it sound that way?

I guess its kinda Subjective to a train of thought, until they release more information.


Its Just Kinda Sad that this would even be considered a news worthy issue when really its only news worthy now because the human rights/religious freedom card was played.

But if you take a step back and think about it Its no different then talking Politics right?

Issuing opinions, trying to sway opinions....but they wouldn't ban that at work would they?


Either way this issue is situational...And the Banning of a prayer could very well be a Knee Jerk reaction, and more then likely will be overturned. If these workers were indeed attempting to force someone to say a prayer that made them uncomfortable then discipline the workers for that...fair enough

But you cannot make a blanket rule banning prayer at work based on the idea that hearing someone proclaim their own faith is offensive.

Be it any religion...that makes no sense.


If I want to say "thanks for the great day lord" while at work and people want to join me....its totally legal and likewise very much illegal for my employer to tell me other wise.

There are of course technicalities such as times & Places specific to each job were it could be deemed inappropriate such as when dealing with clients, or around individuals whom have complained...

But there are always ways around these situations be it a designated area or time.


Its about Tolerance people...not tyranny

Peace out.


Finally some common sense--unlike some of the last drive by trolls that have occured



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I'm guessing its just some moron, bully boy at Can Post who only got through half of pol sci 101 and missed out on the section regarding charter rights below of which are are the first two sections. Notice unlike Canada Post, they must have thought the religion thing was pretty important, b/c they put religiopn at #2a which is the first fundamental right cited / freedom of speech is #2b:


1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.


2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

a) freedom of conscience and religion;

B) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;

c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and

d) freedom of association.


You beat me to it. I didn't see the news story that the original poster references, however if he is accurate in his portrayal of the story, then this is a clear cut charter violation.


If this is the case why are all these people wearing turbans and pajamas to work, I can't wear a hat to work but they can wear a towel?


I was drinking a glass of water when I read this and now my monitor and keyboard are wet! :lol: LMAO


(That's funny because it's so true. The same holds true if you've ever stepped into a Canadian court room. You cannot wear a hat unless it's a turban, religious head garb, etc... I wonder what would happen if a Satan worshiper wore a Satan hat into court or to work. Would his rights also be upheld?)


It seems that 2 a) of the Canadian Charter of Rights does not apply to all people. In this case, Christians.

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Dude i'm as close to being Atheist as they come, but if a group of religious budd's from work wanted to say a quick prayer before heading out for the day GO NUTS! As long as it's done within' reason. If you're supposed to be on the clock at 9 a.m. - get there early and do it at 8:15 a.m. Although I think religion is a total load of crap, I still find it interesting from time to time, and respect other people's beliefs.


I agree.


What I find irksome in all of this is that we have to appologise for being Canadians and having our own traditions.


This makes me sound intolerant, but I'm the farthest thing from it: I'm proud of Canada's multi-cultural history.


But Confederation was brought about by two founding nations - both christian and european; not by any other (the aboriginals were here first, but that's beside the issue at the moment). So it follows that we would have christian values, traditions, celebrations, christian cultures etc... Why should this surprise anyone?


For example: why do we say "Happy Holidays"? I don't know that anyone in the world would think that this phrase could stand in for Hannukah or Ramadan or Chinese New Year... I'm very doubtful about religious institutions in general, but what's so bad about calling it "Christmas"? That's what I call it, because that's what it is. It's not "Holiday": it's "Ramadan" or it's "Hannukah" etc... or it's "Christmas."


So I think it's a mistake to let our traditions be put into question, even in the manner that Canada Post has done. At the end of the day, are you Canadian? And what does that mean to you? Does it have ANY meaning whatsoever???



Edited by Paulus
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Really dude?

You actually wonder why he refered to your remarks as "trolling" ???


You don't think you might be cruising a bit with a remark such as this?

Yep, keep yer bible thumpin' in church where it belongs!!!!!


Now if you will excuse me I must go summon my Master Satan and tell thim about this!!!!!!!



C'mon man you were totally poking at him...

Let it go or contribute...

But to come back with a PERSONALIZED flaming remark non the less?

Dude your not making yourself look very good....


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So for 25 yrs it was OK, now it is not?? WHY?

Oh, and if you don't want to be a "Christian" find your own holidays and work during Christmas, Easter and Good Friday.









In Florida , an atheist created a case against the Easter & Passover holy days. He hired an attorney to bring a discrimination case against Christians, Jews & observances of their holy days.


The argument was, it was unfair that atheists had no such recognized day(s).


The case was brought before a judge. After listening to the passionate presentation by the lawyer, the judge banged his gavel declaring, 'Case dismissed.'


The lawyer immediately stood objecting to the ruling saying, 'Your honor, how can you possibly dismiss this case? The Christians have Christmas, Easter & others. The Jews have Passover, Yom Kippur & Hanukkah. Yet my client & all other atheists have no such holidays.'


The judge leaned forward in his chair saying, 'But you do. Your client, counsel, is woefully ignorant. '


The lawyer said, 'Your Honor, we are unaware of any special observance or holiday for atheists.'


The judge said, 'The calendar says April 1st is 'April Fools Day.' Psalm 14:1 states, 'The fool says in his heart, there is no God.' Thus, it is the opinion of this court, that if your client says there is no God, then he is a fool. Therefore, April 1st is his day. Court is adjourned.

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