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Inauguration day


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I am looking forward to see what he does. He is a very intelligent man, and he seems to see things without the blurred vision of power. No one could ever live up to this type of hype, but if you sit back as a realistic observer I think you will see great changes. North America had a bustling booming yet unhealthy economy and now that it has fallen flat on it's face, it is a great time to rebuild it properly. I think Obama will make great strides in doing this.

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I just watched the mall speech with my six year old son. I feel like my parents must have felt when watching Kennedy speak. I found it moving.

My son asked if all of the people in America are dark skinned, then said that the new president was cute.

At our school today, the principal moved exams out of the library so that the students would have a place to watch the inauguration.

All in all, a very cool day to witness.


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Those that don't see this as a monumental event for our American neighbours, have no knowledge of history, or appreciation of our shared heritage. They also do not understand how the US, the most powerful nation in history, affects the world.


Some can argue that Barack has achieved nothing, yet. The American people have already achieved something important.

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we got an early and longer lunch to watch the whole thing at work so i was getting paid to watch part of it haha. one thing though, alot of movies these days they have some major disaster like an astroid or something and kills alot of ppl and then they got a black president giving the speech. i can just see obama saying the speak that life will go on and we will slowly rebuild.

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Our nation hasn't been hit since September 11, 2001. Keeping that streak going will be a huge undertaking. Keep us safe. I can handle the rest of my problems.


It might be that your 'nation hasn't been hit', in spite of W, rather than because. There has been more fear, more war, more people across the world that are not quite so happy about the finger that keeps poking them in the eye. Y'all gotta stop that, or you will get a bruise. Sort of instant feedback on how am I doing?


I think that Obama gets this better than most.


Keep us safe must mean keep everyone safe. That is the only way that we can proceed. Any objection to this leads to the death of your son, your niece, or someone's uncle or Gramma. We don't forget that event, and neither should any other mother or father. A loss of a son is the same for you as it is for Ahmal, or Duc, or Avi, or Snehal, or Slavomir, or Chiddi. My kid can not be loved more than yours is loved, I think.


I eliminate my enemies every day, and I do that by proving that we have the same goal, and then achieving that goal. I don't do it by destroying them. Figger out that part right some quick dere b'y. Put everyone on your side and make sure that everyone, all people, win. If you do that, you will win too. Isn't that what your Gramma taught you?


When you think about it, your problems are the least of your problems.

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Those that don't see this as a monumental event for our American neighbours, have no knowledge of history, or appreciation of our shared heritage. They also do not understand how the US, the most powerful nation in history, affects the world.


Some can argue that Barack has achieved nothing, yet. The American people have already achieved something important.


Maybe saying it isn't a historic event was a little overboard, but the fact is, he's only %50 black, and should be seen as AMERICAN, not black or white.


I have full knowledge of history, of both countries, and am very proud to be Canadian. (something that lack's in our country these days) I'm also proud of our neighbors to the south for electing a HALF-black president, but the US, and WORLD has a LLLLLOOOONNNGGGGG way to go when it comes to seeing people as equals. Yes ,this is a step in the right direction, but if Obama had been born with a lighter complexion, and strait hair, I doubt there would have been so much hype. Imagine the headlines " USA elects Black President" but he'd inherited more white physical traits. lol


I watched his speech on youtube last night, and thoroughly enjoyed it. I liked how he mentioned that his own father couldn't ride on a public bus some 60 years ago. It makes you realize how far we've come in just 6 decades, but I think the American people should stop patting themselves on the back so much and take a look around. When I cross the US border with my best friend (who has a Lebanese background) guess who get's pulled aside? But when I cross with another one of my good friends who's black, noooo problemo.


The fact of the matter is, racism is still very much a part of today's society. Hopefully Obama will step up the plate and make his mark on history. Being elected means squat unless you do something while you're in office.




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Maybe saying it isn't a historic event was a little overboard, but the fact is, he's only %50 black, and should be seen as AMERICAN, not black or white.


I have full knowledge of history, of both countries, and am very proud to be Canadian. (something that lack's in our country these days) I'm also proud of our neighbors to the south for electing a HALF-black president, but the US, and WORLD has a LLLLLOOOONNNGGGGG way to go when it comes to seeing people as equals. Yes ,this is a step in the right direction, but if Obama had been born with a lighter complexion, and strait hair, I doubt there would have been so much hype. Imagine the headlines " USA elects Black President" but he'd inherited more white physical traits. lol


I watched his speech on youtube last night, and thoroughly enjoyed it. I liked how he mentioned that his own father couldn't ride on a public bus some 60 years ago. It makes you realize how far we've come in just 6 decades, but I think the American people should stop patting themselves on the back so much and take a look around. When I cross the US border with my best friend (who has a Lebanese background) guess who get's pulled aside? But when I cross with another one of my good friends who's black, noooo problemo.


The fact of the matter is, racism is still very much a part of today's society. Hopefully Obama will step up the plate and make his mark on history. Being elected means squat unless you do something while you're in office.





OK OK, for some they may call me a Racist for these Remarks here. Quote... Everybody is making Obama to be Jesus Christ. Well guess what people, he ain't. Whats going on now is that anything you say contradictory to Obama, people are starting to pull the race cards out. Just listen to any talk show with viewers calling in. Obamasism is spreading like a Cancer. The guy is human if anybody cares to know. Also, he cant run unless he listens to his Aids. As far as I'm concerned, Bushes downfall was that he did listen to his aids and actually stuck to them with incredible loyalty. Too bad they screwed him. What I like about Obama, he is quite close to what the Harper Government is doing. They are quite close to having the same Agenda which despite the Liberal news casts. They will get along. Just check on what he has to say about environmentalism. Almost the same but actually our Governments is a little bit more aggressive. Urban Fisherman, you are quite right about most of what you said, but the fact to the matter is your Lebanese friends will go through a tighter security screening than lets say your average white people. Its life and if we didnt do the same thing we would be complacent and it would be dangerous. It would be like me going through the border with tons of Tattoos and security not checking me a little bit more than your average Joe if they were checking for Neo Nazi terrorists.


Of note. There are 250 Klu Klux clan in Saskatchewan here and the Grand Dragon was quoted on the radio as saying that he hopes Obama will do well because it will only help Canada for the better. That I find very surprising.

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Barrack is 50% white, true. That must mean that You are very proud, good job.


For nine minutes I watched a man being tortured and I laughed. Does this make me bad?


That was beautiful, I got a little verklempt.


I think what we see there is the last of the Mohicans, the extinction of the dinosaurs; the climate changed so that they could no longer survive. Maybe it's more like the last case of smallpox or polio. Biodiversity and freedom of expression are important, but at least make the vaccinations freely available.

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Guest lundboy

We'll all find out soon enough what he is all about.


Google obama NLP to get the idea about his public speaking abilities.


Then Google obama brzezinski to find out who his policy adviser is.


Then Google brzezinski to find out what this socialist has been doing for the last 40 years, and if you are really interested to see what's coming, read his books "Between Two Ages : America's Role in the Technetronic Era" and "The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives".


Don't kid yourselves, Obama's reign is going to be history making alright.

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Christian Waters is another species on the downturn. Gandhi said that he was ok with Christ, it was the Christians he had trouble with, because 'Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." Waters is a good example. Bummer first name in that line of work.

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We'll all find out soon enough what he is all about.


Google obama NLP to get the idea about his public speaking abilities.


Then Google obama brzezinski to find out who his policy adviser is.


Then Google brzezinski to find out what this socialist has been doing for the last 40 years, and if you are really interested to see what's coming, read his books "Between Two Ages : America's Role in the Technetronic Era" and "The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives".


Don't kid yourselves, Obama's reign is going to be history making alright.


Dude....you are always so terrified. Quit worrying -- the world is not out to get you.

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Gotta love politics,




The right has failed to produce credible dirt on Obama.


The Bush administration produced a plethora of deceit prior, present and likely, post office.


I have studied Obama as much as time allows.

and I'll be shocked if he comes close to W's failings.


I'll never understand why Cheney and puppet boy weren't impeached?


Watch some Bush interviews before he gained office and you'll be horrified by blatant ignorance.

Juxtapose it with Obama and you'll feel relieved.


I'm critical to the max.


I abhor right/left, left/right.


Centre is key.




In addition. The race issue is moot. A perk historically, but secondary.

Should've happened a long time ago.



The Democrats may drool and the Republicans make lemmings look optimistic.




The intelligent man got the job.





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Guest lundboy
Dude....you are always so terrified. Quit worrying -- the world is not out to get you.


Not terrified, actually exactly the opposite.


I've taken the time to study history, and what the powers that be write about their plans for the future, they hide nothing. They don't have to, barely anyone pays attention. So much so that people can't even see the tyranny being implemented all around them on a yearly basis let alone a weekly basis. Most won't even read their official documents, books etc. that I've referenced (like the two above). You would rather not look and think I'm paranoid than prove to yourself that the world may not be what you think.


Everyone in this thread that says that they back Obama or "have studied" him enough... have not dug deep enough. Have not investigated the histories and policies of the people he has stacked his administration with, or the citizenship of some. They also haven't looked into the history of his mother, whom she associated with in the 60s, or what foundations she is/was involved with. No, they let the media tell them what to think, and what opinions should be theirs. Do any of you actually notice yourself parroting the same talking points around the water cooler at work that you just heard on TV the night before? Hmmm...


So, for those that refuse to look at the past and backgrounds of the "new" administration to form their own opinions by all means, celebrate the crowning of the appointed one, and go back to hoping for "change".


Maybe if more people faced what is happening around them and quit living in denial, the world would be a better place today, because we truly have let it become what it is and what it will soon be. The time for hiding in happy land is just about over.

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