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Happy Holidays to you misfish.

The "Buy Out" can't help me now. My employer closed one of two plants here in Kitchener. Cost cutting. About a dozen of us hit the street just before we would be eligible for our x-mas holiday pay. I could heat treat more engine blocks in 2 shifts than Ford could sell in a week. I don't blame anyone (union, government, U.S. head office, buyers of better quality vehicles). Change is coming for many so we might as well get comfortable with it. Looking forward to new challenges in 2009.

Happy New Year to all of the OFC community, and the "Lurkers" too.

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Change is coming for many so we might as well get comfortable with it. Looking forward to new challenges in 2009.


I am sorry to hear about your job loss (at this or any time of the year). You have a fantastic attitude and I am looking forward to hearing about your future successes.

May the force be with you!


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Will be fishing or hunting related.

Til then,all those that will be effected by this buy out,I would like to say "god help us",but we all know the only ones that can help ya all is yourself.


With that said.

See ya when. :canadian::canadian:


Happy holidays. :canadian:


Don't sweat it. We're all affected somehow by this latest screwup. Natcherly nobody wants to wear the horns for it, but we're really all responsible, if only cuz we voted for the jackasses who brought us to this sorry state, whether they be corporate leaders (and in a way we even voted for them by buying the products and the stocks), union leaders (who may have done too good a job for their constituents, or perhaps were just smarter than their corporate counterparts), and we can't forget the politicians who led us all happily down this sorry path we've taken, blowing enuf smoke to convince us there's no day of reckoning, that we can have it all, etc., and finally ourselves for being self-indulgent suckers, following whomever made the most appealing promises even when we knew deep down it was all a crock of fishguts.


It's a sensitive issue, and will prolly get worse before it gets better. Unless we all start to talk about it at work, at home, even here, it ain't gonna get better. Left to their own devices those leaders who put us in this mess will simply take us deeper into it. Time for us all to stand up and be counted. Eventually we may shame those leaders with a modicum of common sense at all the various levels to actually address the problems with the idea of solving them, not just sweeping them under the rug.


Those who have taken offence at anything said in these threads about the auto industry etc need to take a deep breath, step back and look at the world without the rose coloured glasses or the tunnel vision. It's not just your own comfy lifestyle that's threatened at the moment. There is hardly a person in North America, and probably in the industrial world who isn't going to feel a little pain over the next while. I doubt there's anyone who can honestly claim not to be part of the problem, and those who do are either uninformed, unaware or just foolish. There won't likely be a resolution to this until everyone has tightened the belt a little bit, in some way.


So Brian, don't feel bad about pointing out the obvious to us. You shouldn't need to have done it, but the reaction proves it needed doing, and will need more doing before it gets better. One could say this is the wrong forum for it but it's the biggest thing that's hit us in years and we'd be fools to ignore it. I say by addressing it, even with our limited understanding of what it's really about or why it happened, we're showing that we're more than just a bunch of shallow thinking fisherpersons. We're responsible members of a great society. Now we'll see if the message sinks in.


The best of the season to your and yours. Let's all do our best to make it merry, for ourselves and those less fortunate.



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I am sorry to hear about your job loss (at this or any time of the year). You have a fantastic attitude and I am looking forward to hearing about your future successes.

May the force be with you!



I second that. Jedi's attitude is one that a lot of folks could learn something from. That's what will bring us out the other end of this crap in one piece.



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Guest lundboy

I don't know if this will help anyone affected by the mess in the auto industry, but if anyone can take advantage of it, here is something to look into:




Also, here is a company that is looking for people. Mostly in telecom construction. They aren't picky about the skillset as long as you are eager to learn work:



Edited by lundboy
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Sure. We've learned from the master:


Go buy a fresh looking fish at the supermarket, take off yer shirt, pose for camera et voila - fishing report. :whistling:




hahahaha project chaos. Sounds like a dare!

There has got to be an OFC hat available for a stunt like that!



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