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People can be such slobs.


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Went down to the Notty today to give the steelies another try. No luck after 2hrs so I decided to pack it in.. I noticed the area where I was standing was just littered with fishing line. I filled 3 XL Tim Horton cups with rolled up mono.. Not 4, 6 or 8lb mono but 20lb crap that could easily tangle and kill wildlife. The next time I see someone toss fishing line on the bank, I'm throwing them in the river!


This is EXACTLY why the township of Essa is charging $40 to fish within their municipality.. Completely avoidable.... Hell it would be easier to roll up the line and put it in your vest then pull it through the guides, off the reel and onto the ground.


Back to the UFC and more MGD's!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Yes, life is sad and there are many slobs on the water. Many also do strange things to the point that sometimes they scare me – one does not know what some are capable of doing.


About 25 years ago on a very warm Saturday in September I was sitting on the west bank of Bronte Creek watching people fish. A fellow came close to me and he must have been frustrated cause he had no fish. His next move was “dumb” cause he cast out with his rod as far as he could. He cast out a marshmallow. We all know what ducks do – they make a quick straight line to what has been thrown in the water. Well, a duck got hooked and went berserk. Fortunately a 16-18 foot tinnie was coming in and the guy grabbed the line and pulled the duck in. He was able to release the lucky duck.


As far as the mono – Orvis has this gadget onto which you roll up your mono so that you can take it home for disposal. I would not pay $11.95 for the gadget because a Zip Lock bag is just as good and neither would the idiots on the water.




I took the next 2 PICS on September 30, 2007 on Bronte Creek at Petro Can. One shows the garbage left behind. The second PIC shows a small tree that was cut down. The trees in this area are the ones at the north side of the soccer field (Petro Can). I remember helping the people from CRAA plant the trees in this area about 6 years ago. And some jack a$$ destroys the trees. Well done, I guess.






The next 2 PICS are from Scotland. One shows the size of a trout creek. Try to see what you can see in the second PIC – it is sad what you will find.


Here is what the poster stated about the 2nd PIC in his thread. He had other PICS of the creek and fish.


“On the way upstream to the trib we stopped to fish one last pool of the river we were on and saw one of the saddest sights I've seen onstream this year. A big length of maybe 10-15lb crap nylon hanging from a tree branch, dead and tangled up in it... an Owl... beautiful bird and a sad sad sight to see it meet it's end that way. You've seen the size of this river and the size of the fish in it too.. I ask you, 10-15lb nylon???... it was like rope.”








All I can say is that it is a lot easier to train a dog than it is to train a moron and the evolution of “MAN” is going in the wrong direction.



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Kudos to you Bill for cleaning up after those pigs.


I fish Chemong Lake quite a bit and there's a free boat ramp on the west end of the causeway. It's an excellent concrete ramp too, with a good dock beside it and a big parking lot, but everytime I go there I feel like I'm in the town dump. It's unbelievable the amount of crap that people throw on the ground, both from their cars when they arrive, to the stuff from their boats at the end of the day before they head home.


I arrived there at sunrise a couple years back and there were 3 guys who I assumed had been fishing from shore all night. They had garbage on the ground all around them, plus a bunch of junk on the roof of the car. They loaded their gear in the car as they were getting ready to leave and just knocked all the stuff from the roof of the car to add to the pile on the ground.


I walked over and suggested they pick up their mess, cause neither myself or anyone else wanted to look at it. They said they had no choice cause there weren't any garbage cans around. I said that seeing as they didn't mind transporting the stuff from home, they shouldn't mind transporting it BACK home again.


They mumbled something about me minding my own business but they eventually threw all the crap in the trunk and left, but that's the attitude that far too many people have lately.


I'm not sure who maintains that ramp and collects all the crap everyday........maybe Bridgenorth ??.........but I'm guessing one of these days I'm gonna arrive at the ramp and find out I have to pay $$$$ to use it now and I won't be the least bit surprised. Somebody has to be payed to pick up the mess and I'm pretty sure ALL fishermen will be footing the bill because of the slobs.


I just hope the pigs that caused the trouble will understand too.


It's funny too cause I actually posted a question here on this board a few years back and asked for any of our members who throw their crap on the ground to please explain to the rest of us why they do it, but surprisingly not a single pig responded.

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I do a lot of shoreline and back pack fishing throughout the Niagara region, and the amount of filth there is disgusting along the trails and waterways. I pick up a few bags full every week, although I usually leave the paper stuff behind (it will eventually break down).

Unlike the Niagara rednecks, I will not blame the so called "Toronto Trash" , although some garbage is tourist generated. The problem is that people don't think and don't care any more. Somebody else will clean up after them (Mommy?). Unfortunately, we will continue to lose more shoreline and public areas. For a politician it is far easier, and cheaper, to close an area and post a sign than it is to try and clean up the mess.

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good on ya for taking care of the slobs garbage. i used to take a garbage bag with me to fill with other peoples mess when sea fishing in England......i really hate that! I saw something that really shocked me last winter on the ice. Went to a local spot and bumped into some real hardcore , local born and bred icefishermen. They shared a lot of tips/tactics with me, were really helpful. I left before them but went back the next day to try out some of the tricks they showed me......only to find all the beer/pop cans they had the night before, food wrappers/ tin cans....you name it...strewn all over the ice!!!!!! They had left 100 of yards of tangled line all over the ice, and tossed the minnows and fish guts all over....perfect to get the eagle to land and get snagged up. Could not believe that people who claim to 'love' the outdoors would show such contempt for the very thing they claim to love.

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I'm thinking of making up a little sign and pounding it into the sand with a little reminder message. Hell, I'd even bring down MY OWN garbage can for these idiots to use, pick it up once a week and drop it off at the Essa municipal works department which is 5 mins down the road.


I don't mind stuff like banana peels or apple cores or anything that is bio-degradable. Fishing line is the absolute worst. Why do people think we are losing more and more land to private land owners that are just ticked off at people not respecting their property?


(btw, thanks to the mod who edited my title, I was a bit peaved lastnight)

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First line of action is to file a complaint with city council and get others to do the same it may seem useless but if the city did send a bylaw officer down there and lay charges then the message would spread quickly enough. Even if they say that it's too costly to clean up the mess they know it costs much more when the river flushes it over a wide area.

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very sad indeed but whats even worse is that it will never stop,if they only knew the hazards of there actions not only to wild life and mother nature but to our boat motors,cost me a few $ for repair last year.


Hawg Hunter

Edited by Hawg Hunter
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but to our boat motors,cost me a few $ for repair last year.


Hawg Hunter


Good point too Hawg Hunter


For those of you that don't know, it's a good idea to pull the prop off your motors, both gas & electric once in awhile and check for fishing line wrapped around the prop shaft.


These pigs throw throw their old line in the water and if it wraps around your prop shaft it can tear the seals and and let water into the lower units and cause all kinds of problems......$$$$$$

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First line of action is to file a complaint with city council and get others to do the same it may seem useless but if the city did send a bylaw officer down there and lay charges then the message would spread quickly enough. Even if they say that it's too costly to clean up the mess they know it costs much more when the river flushes it over a wide area.


If there were bylaw officers who did work prime fishing hours it would more than pay for the officers time in most places.... The spot I fished today was actually fairly clean for a change. I really think that one of the biggest problems is disposable containers of every kind. It seems the more convience we get the more we as a society litter. When I was a kid we NEVER left returnables anywhere because it was a great supplement to our meager allowance. Maybe we just need to "tax" disposable containers to death before leaving them lying around kills us all? I am sure a .50¢ deposit on any can, cup, or bottle would go a long way to making people think before they just drop it where they finish it, and if it didn't I know a few kids who would spent time cleaning them up for the money got by cashing them in.

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I think just about everytime i go down to the river i end up picking up some arseholes fishing line I can't even figure out why some people have such a hard time keeping the stuff on their spools! I usually like to have a timmies coffee in the morning too and i don't find it very hard to put the empty cup in my pocket. Anyways just my two cents worth.

Edited by 12footspringbok
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I think just about everytime i go down to the river i end up picking up some arseholes fishing line I can't even figure out why some people have such a hard time keeping the stuff on their spools! I usually like to have a timmies coffee in the morning too and i don't find it very hard to put the empty cup in my pocket. Anyways just my two cents worth.


Timmies cups have got to be the biggest eyesore these days. I try to not buy my coffee in the paper cup and use a travel mug instead. When we were younger I remember only too well the smack across the head for dumping crap on the ground or in the water. I used to hate cleaning out the bottom of the boat after the weekend. Especially the soggy cig butts :blink:

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If there were bylaw officers who did work prime fishing hours it would more than pay for the officers time in most places.... The spot I fished today was actually fairly clean for a change. I really think that one of the biggest problems is disposable containers of every kind. It seems the more convience we get the more we as a society litter. When I was a kid we NEVER left returnables anywhere because it was a great supplement to our meager allowance. Maybe we just need to "tax" disposable containers to death before leaving them lying around kills us all? I am sure a .50¢ deposit on any can, cup, or bottle would go a long way to making people think before they just drop it where they finish it, and if it didn't I know a few kids who would spent time cleaning them up for the money got by cashing them in.


I am beginning to think that the LCBO deposit charge should be extended. From seeing the thousands +++ of cigarette butts littered all over the place including highway off ramps I am starting to think that an environmental fee should be slapped on the ass of smokers too. <_<

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Wild, problem is there are a few responsible smokers out there that don't throw their butts out the window (Although, everyone that I've seen smoke while driving has tossed a butt out the window)


Responsible smokers Bill? :lol:

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