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Gulp alive?


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Going out to crappy tire thinking bout getting some gulp live need feedback on it.Does it work well?When using the minnows or leeches which fish will be attracted most. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


-Little Angler

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Get the Alive minnows !! have used Gulp sinking minnows myself, was actually very impressed with the results. Btw, Rick Mercer this morning around 11am (I think on TSN or maybe Sportsnet) nailing small-mouth after small-mouth on those Alive minnows. The amount of scent they off give is sooooo strong, that the fish will litterally go after that bait over the real thing lol. The other day, was at a bass pond, my good fishing buddy was using YUM sticks and a few senkos (which are the usual norm), I had this leftover pack of "cherry seed" gulp sinking minnows, never used it cause I never liked the color, the baits are red w/ black glitter (I prefer watermelon or hot pink).. I decided as an experiment to see how it would do against my buddy that was using the good colored senkos & YUMs loaded with salt..


Lets put it this way, I outfished him like 12-3 :D & I was using cherryseed (not my favorite color, watermelon w/ red flake) Gulp sinking minnows wacky rigged with a 3/0 ultrapoint hook. Eventually I had to give him some when he caught on lol.. ;) Also after a while we would even switch back to the YUM & reg senkos, dipp em in the gulp juice, and the fish would start hitting the other baits just like that lol, try it ! We also tried dipping them back in the salt aswell for added attraction, it worked well, but the gulp scent/bait was reigned surpreme for the day. :)

Edited by Snypa
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As said before i have not used them enough to find out for sure, however the minnows would most likely work better. Just a thought.


Wait jest a danged minute here! Haven't you two got a bet on? Mebbe he should be thinking twice about any advice he takes from you.



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I have never tried the minnows but in my bass spot I broke down and tried the leeches. I can say despite my serious misgivings that the leeches do work, not as well as live leeches and because the freaking container leaks are more of a pain in the butt to deal with than live leeches but I have caught over 50 bass on them in 3 trips. People using the minnows there 0 real bass but lots of rock bass...


I do have agree if you want eyes as well as bass leeches would be my choice.


WHATEVER you do as soon as pick either up and get them home put them in something else other than the pail they come with that is watertight/airtight and ENJOY.

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I recieved a free bucket. Gave it to my pop, as I like what I use and it works just fine for me.

There are way, so many new baits out there to try these days.

If I had to pick one between the minnow and the leech,I would go with the LEECH.

Best of luck with your choice.

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I haven't used Gulp Alive baits yet but my buddy swears by them. I uses the small silver minnows. He tried these minnows for brook trout through the ice last spring and caught brook trout with them. He didn't even have to move the jig for the fish to bite. However, I caught just as many brookies using nightcrawlers.


My buddy also had excellent walleye fishing with his Gulp Alive minnows but I got just as good results with just a night crawler on my jigs.


So, it's pretty safe to say that the Gulp Alive baits are just as good as live nightcrawlers so I guess having one of the buckets of Gulp Alive baits is a good idea.


I would most definately buy the Gulp Alive 3 inch silver minnows (smelt imitation) before buying leeches.

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I'd like to know people's reasoning as to why minnows should work better than leeches?


I know of no better bait for smallies or largies than a live leech. I don't use them, it's like cheating. But I have. 50x more bass on a live leech than a minnow.


Or are we just strictly talking about that Gulp stuff? Maybe the Gulp minnows are better than the Gulp leeches.. I wouldn't know. I used one of those Gulp Alive minnows and ended up switching to tube jigs and having better results.

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I'm with Rich on that...LEECHES ARE KILLER FOR BASS...the smallies up here love 'em, just toss one into weed on a small jig and BAM! i have not used them but a fishing buddy of mine does all the time...i just prefer topwater lures for bassin'. As for Gulp Leeches outfishing live leeches, well i know its not a scientific experiment, but me and my buddy were out a couple weeks back for 2 hours in the evening for walleye, he had Gulp leeches and i was using live Leeches, i outfished him 10-1.....would have to repeat that a few times to be fair to gulp...but did not make me wanna run out and spend $22. He lost three of them too, and my live leeches i used 5.

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I spent a week up about 5 hours north of Toronto on a small, clear lake that was absolutely filled with smallmouth bass, and walleye. I was eager to test out some of my berkley artificial baits. Needless to say, berkley gulp smelt 4" minnow was the clear winner. I caught most of my fish on these baits, on a white jig. The leeches weren't getting much attention, except for rock bass. After a while, I gave up fishing with tubes, worms, grubs, and leeches and just kept using the 3 and 4 inch minnows. They were far superior then anything else used on that lake.

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  • 5 months later...

Match the hatch, also depends what you are fishing for. As an example, if I was ice fishing for walleyes, I'd use the minnows. Leeches are not a very good cold water bait, at least thats my experience. Late spring through summer I'd try both and see what produced better. I think you will find the minnows a more versatile choice all around.

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I bought both. The minnows worked great, the leeches not so good. To be fair I do not think I was fishing the leeches properly or in the areas they would be most effective.


I do think that live leeches would kick gulp leeches though because action on a live leeches is amazing. Unfortunately the live leech would have every tiny fish that saw it tear it apart, Gulp would survive the little fish onslaught and stay on the hook.



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