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Big Sand Lake


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Last October I had just stepped through the door after a week of moose hunting when the phone rang. It was my long time fishing buddy all excited. He just got off the phone from Facts of Fishing and he'd won their 2007 photo contest. First prize was a trip for 2 to Big Sand Lake Lodge in northern Manitoba and a ton of other fishing stuff. After explaining to my wife it was my duty as a friend to go otherwise my buddy would have to spend a week with someone who just did not have the same interests and passion for fishing she said it was OK and we started planning the very next day.


All winter we ran through what rods, tackle and set ups we would take and found that we each had just 50 lbs of luggage allowed and that includes all clothing. We got booked in for the 3rd week in June and with the late ice out weren't sure what to expect. We settled on a line counter system for lake trout and a couple medium heavy baitcasting outfits for pike. Walleye were supposed to be everywhere so a medium light spinning rod would suit us fine.




We flew into Winnipeg June 16th and found our way immediately to Cabelas (formerly SIR) to snoop around. We really didn't need anything but it was pretty cool to wander through the hunting section and see all the mounts. Bright and early the next morning found us at the airport waiting to board the charter plane and head 2 hours straight north by plane.


Now on to the fishing. A fresh walleye breakfast was waiting for us and should of had Rob and I all smiles but we couldn't wait to get on the water. We loaded the boat much to the suprise of our rookie guide. This was his second year at the lodge and I guess he wasn't used to too many guests having 5 rods each and a big tackle bag with 6 tray loaded with non-typical northern type lures.


The view of the lodge from the lake



Our first stop was called Buster bay, a 45 minute boat ride. I figured we must have passed about 100 other good spots but our guide said we should get lots of walleye and maybe some big pike. First few hook ups ended in big pike busting up our tackle. 2 breakoffs on 60 lb Flouro leaders was really frustrating. Took a few minutes to re-tie and regroup and then it was non stop action on smaller walleye and pike



That evening we did hit paydirt lake trout fishing. Different from the typical spoons and plugs, we ran frozen herring rigs like for salmon on planer boards and my buddy nails a 45.5" Laker. Must have been 35-40 pounds. Picture is on his camera so I will promise to post later. This was big fish for the week at camp.


Next 2 days were pretty much the same, we would hit a number of back bays in the morning catching all kinds of walleye and pike but no "trophy's". Saw 7 moose along the waters edge including this momma



The last day we started to figure this pike thing out. Water was warming up to mid 50's and we found the big females laying in the first section of grass channels off the main bays. A quick stop on a beaver lodge and a lesson on "bass poling" for our guide and we were off to were we spotted a bunch of bigger fish the previous day. Our guide would pole the boat into the main channel and then hold us in one spot while we fan casted to very slow cruising pike. They were still very sluggish and we had go with small 4" Gulp minnows. First good fish was a 43" er and on the skinny side.



Action slowed and we saw too many fish just swim slowly by our offerings. I had an idea of taking one of the frozen herring that was for lake trout fishing and start pitching these on a single big worm hook. Didn't take long to see that was the ticket. In the next 3 hours we boated over a dozen big pike 36" or more. We stopped counting the 30-35" fish. Last fish before we noticed we had a dead starting battery was my big one for the week 43" but very thick. Could not grab it behind the head.



We spent the rest of the day trout fishing and picked up some additional Manitoba Master Angler fish

A 36" that hit a frozen herring. Picked up another 38" but left it in the water for the release.



I wish I had my buddies camera to show some of his big fish. We were told that a good week at Big Sand Lake is to get 1 or 2 Master Angler fish for each boat. At the end of our week we had a total of 7, 4 lake trout and 3 pike.


We both hit our pike and lake trout and came so close all week on walleye but missed out by less than an inch several times. This place was truly a fish factory and we gave it hard all week. I honestly think we broke our fishing guide by the end because he could not stay awake driving the boat and was so thankful we gave him the last night off. To be honest we didn't have anything left in our gas tank.


Big Sand Lake is definetly a trip of a lifetime


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Hard to beat a free fly in fishing trip with your best bud!! Looks like ya's put a hurt on the fish. That one pic of with your guide....LOL.....he doesn't look too impressed.


thanks for the report!



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Big Sand Lake Lodge makes the list for one of the best lodges in the country, and, it's excellent to see the local Band in the area operating it, and doing well. They're a great example for other Bands planning development and business with their own government funding for such projects. In Ontario I'm hoping our local Band here does well maintaining the excellence Kesagami Lake Lodge is known for, and taking pointers from Big Sand could help.


I have to say... three thumbs up with this one Fang. :thumbsup_anim: +1. Pretty sick fishing, I bet now you're spoiled for awhile. :D

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Defintiely a spoiler for fishing down here. At the end of the week a 35" pike was a bit disappointing. The band does a fantastic job up there manning the lodge. If it was not so much money I'd plan another trip there in a few years.


Have to start planning next years trip now. Road trip out to for Atlantics and sea run trout on the Mirimichi river for the Warren Duncan memorial. Get to fish with Warren's son John and some other top guides at Tuckaway lodge in May. Start counting the days.

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