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Something to consider about the meaning of life

Marc Thorpe

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It's no picnic facing death from cancer . . . . about a month ago my third bout with it was declared a success . . . . I hope he doesn't give up till his last breath has been drawn . . . . there are THOUSANDS of us out here who have been in a very bad way too . . . . and beat it . . . . although his cancer (pancreatic & liver) ALMOST a sure death sentence . . . . miracles DO happen . . . . that man certainly deserves one!

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I watched his original lecture based on this subject... Quite moving and comical. While the reprise version on Oprah is special... it does not hold a candle to the original lecture.


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Interesting video for sure, and it does put things into perspective.


Over the past few years I have witnessed many situations that made me really start to think about my plan in life. I realized that anything can happen at any time...some examples...


A hard working individual who spent his entire working life sacrificing the nicer wants in life and saving and ensuring that he would have a comfortable retirement for his family. But when he retires, he is diagnosed with an illness that gives him 6 months to live.


A woman at 30 years old being diagnosed with an agressive form of breast cancer, less than 3 months to live...


Someone's parents, uncle, brother, sister dies in a tragic accident or sudden freak health problem like a heart attack...


It impacts you...anyone who says that they have no regrets about how much time they spent with close friends and relatives while they were alive is either very lucky or lying. So I altered the path that I had always envisioned my life to take, and instead of putting off things that I pictured happening years away, I am doing it now. Instead of calling a friend next weekend, or visiting with family another time, I do it now!


And when work starts to interfere with life how I see it, it is time to stop and think about what you might be thinking about on your deathbed...I can gaurantee that you won't be saying you wish you worked more overtime at XYZ company!


Live life now - TODAY - so you won't regret it later.



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This man certainly holds alot of Christian values. I certainly hope he has a real relationship with God because I would love to meet him in heaven, unfortunately works without faith is dead.


I think it is very sad for people that simply have no clue as to their reason here and simply waste their life. I have a mother in law that everytime she gets sick she thinks the worst and she is very fearful of death, it is sad and so unnecessary, it's like a form of bondage when she and so many others could be free from this fear.


Thanks for posting this video!

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l recomend a Book Called -- tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom. l know what its like to get cought up in the crap of life that l have been missing the truth. We have been programed by our suroundings but it is our hearts that should be our priorities. This man has courage and dignity he will fight it with his last breath but he will not have any bagage.


Peace Ken

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Quality, not quantity.

Funny thing nowadays, most are so afraid of death that every time one occurs, they want to do everything possible to save anyone else from it, but in the process, they take away the quality of everyone else.

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