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RADAR TRAPS on the 404..AGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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This is no different than a parking ticket. I don't see any difference between ticketing the owner of a car when they don't know who parked it and ticketing the owner for speeding or running a red light without knowing who was driving. It would be different if demerit points were involved.


The HTA makes the registered owner of the vehicle responsible regardless of whoever is driving. In some cases, the RO can be charged for the offence.


Not sure if points are involved. But if the fine is $180, thats the price for Red Light - fail to stop


Anyway, for those interested.....our radar/lazer trap caught over 80 speeders and ALL of them going at least 20 KM over the limit in the city...some where doing as much as 70 in a 40.....not cool....but fun to catch 'em

Edited by FishnNAutographs
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All I can tell you is I have the souvenir photo sequence print out and the cancelled cheque, for $180, from when my daugher was 0.18 seconds late entering the intersection of Bronson/Carling Ave at 3:52 AM


Same corner that a week ago three Carlton Students where killed in a Yukon that nailed an OC transpo bus doing the same thing. More than glad all I had to do was pay $180 and add it to her tab.

Edited by irishfield
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I got my first ticket in over 20 years in Bradford on hyw 88 last April after coming out from the Tims on 88. They had just dropped the limit to 50 from 80 between Bradford and 400 and an OPP nailed me at 85. I did not see the sign (actually was blocked by a construction sign) and I have driven that stretch off an on for 10 years when it was 80. I asked him how long has it been 50km and he told me it was as long as he could remember. (I wasn't going to call him a liar) I asked a local about 15 min later and they said it was changed about 2 weeks earlier. I couldnt believe he did not cut me some slack. 4pts and $200 plus. I am taking it to trial on principle. Not every officer has common sense.

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Well, without jinxing myself... I have NEVER had a ticket for driving/speeding, actually, I've never been pulled over and wouldn't know what to do if I did!LOL

I drive "like an old woman" as my wife says, but my insurance rating is excellent, I don't have to pay tickets and I arrive at my destination a couple of minutes behind the folks that go rippin by me. I guess sencond place is alright by me! :whistling:


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Yup, like headhunter, I leave a little early, take my time, laugh at those who get pulled over, and save a little money on fuel....oh and I arrive safely ;) To me it's simple, but then I'm a simple person so I need to keep things simple :P



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Yup, like headhunter, I leave a little early, take my time, laugh at those who get pulled over, and save a little money on fuel....oh and I arrive safely ;) To me it's simple, but then I'm a simple person so I need to keep things simple :P





That's me too. Life in the slow lane. B)

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Does anyone know how far away the radar can clock you?

Id also like to know, when fighting a ticket, how long do the courts have in order to set a trial date??

(I have been waiting for 14 months already!)


Thanks in advance guys!



Hey Diss....in regards to the length of time, 14 mths...if i were you i'd check real quick because there could have been a mistake and the ticket may have been voided, etc....and hopefully you licence isn't suspended...if you're ticket is from York Region 14 months is about how long you're waiting lol...tickets i gave last June aren't in court until this coming August/September.....or you could fight the fact that you've haven't received your court date in a reasonable amount of time which will lead to your ticket being canned.....charter or rights says that everyone is entitled to a date in court within a reasonable amount of time....includes traffic court



radar is infinite.....works on Doppler effect, sends a radio wave until it hits a moving object and bounces back with a signal...but most models are about 500 meters....lazer, i've been able to get readings from as far as 2km away...checked today but it was hilly....1500m was the farthest i got, but i wasn't using the scope because i don't like it......

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Hey Dave......


Do those newer radar detectors work?


Also, if I happen to have one and it works and the cop turns around to bust my arse....What happens if I whip that sucker out the window before he spots me?

Will he take my car in for the tear down? What if they dont find it because its in the ditch?

Do I still have to pay to get my car searched by a mechanic if they dont recover anything?


All hypothetical mind you LOL

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Hey Dave......


Do those newer radar detectors work?


Also, if I happen to have one and it works and the cop turns around to bust my arse....What happens if I whip that sucker out the window before he spots me?

Will he take my car in for the tear down? What if they dont find it because its in the ditch?

Do I still have to pay to get my car searched by a mechanic if they dont recover anything?


All hypothetical mind you LOL



AND THEN????????????????????? NO AND THEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yup, Yup........nope.....don't know lol.....just don't have one lol.....btw...most high end european cars have radar detectors built in and the Chief doesn't want the bill for the damage to the car lol.....

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By a radar detector working I mean, can you detect it in my vehicle.


The only way I can speed is if I cruize in N down a hill.



I loved the drive out west....getting passed by fully loaded transports going up hills.

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The only way they found radar detectors was to drive BEHIND people and flick the gun on and off.. waiting for people to hit their brakes!


The hand held radar unit that we use has a function to detect a Radar detector. But the people who have them in their car have it for a reason and they all get caught at some point.

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The only non-detectable radar detector out there atm is a Bell STi. Everything else they will know what you have and they WILL tear your car apart to find it and take it out. Even if you're not speeding you WILL be stopped and you will not be let go until they have it. Any built in system will simply have parts snipped off it until it is no longer serviceable (eye in the grille, control head, nice quick way to lose $1k).


Laser jammers are quasi legal, they are illegal to import, but not illegal to use (yeah I know, you figure it out).


Radar jammers are totally illegal, user beware.


A Bell STi will run you around $500-$600US, but if you put on alot of km in a year and the exorbitant fines we have in Ontario (highest in North America) they pay for themselves in one avoided stop.

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