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Cursing and garbage talk on the water


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The best thing goober could do is to go fishing where there isn't anyone else around if he doesn't like rough talk.!!


We do not live in a Puritanical society and most of us Heathens take a pretty dim view of them trying to ram their beliefs down our throat.


Kids are gonna hear it and they're gonna say it too! I don't speak much different now than when I was a kid, all my friends and the other kids in school spoke that way too.


Sure I got my mouth washed out with soap when I was a kid, and it taught me a lesson... never cuss when grown-ups can hear you.


What do you think kids are looking for today on the internet? A fishing message board where they might see a cuus word? I don't think so. I'll bet big money they're lookin' at lots worse stuff than that!!!... they're on Youtube watchin South Park and Jay and Silent Bob clips


Walt Disney is dead.

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well its a long topic for sure,im a well educated man with a university degree BUT i do swear alot BUT i don't in front of kids and i don't in front of the girls,but ill tell ya when i get with a few buds fishing boy does it come out.

i have 3 girls at home and im sad to say they have heard every word in the book from school as im 100% sure your young one has too,(don't matter what school)im for sure not saying it was ok for them to keep it up but its everywhere.


Hawg Hunter

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im 100% sure your young one has too,(don't matter what school)im for sure not saying it was ok for them to keep it up but its everywhere.

Hawg Hunter


....Oh of that I'm absolutely certain.


But when they don't hear it from me, ever, then I've set the example I expect them to follow. And for what it's worth my kids love Disney.

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You've got that right Chris.. and Leah used to wash my mouth out with soap...with all three kids watching... so they knew what was to come if it came out of their mouth ! Any that have fished with me know what my mouth is like... but you won't hear it in the house (and my youngest is turning 20), public places, etc.

Edited by irishfield
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I wasn't gonna bring that up!How have you been?Haven't seen you here for ages.




I'm fine, thanks for asking. Was here a couple days ago but my post didn't stick around for long :rolleyes:




Edit: Thanks again for the creative edits to my posts mods....I like the link above you added. Of course it still doesn't have my post in it to Roy where I told him what I thought of his comments and how he should follow the rules.


asshats. :asshat:

Edited by Cory
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"Swearing is not permitted! Neither is usage of creative text to get around the swear filters. We have children on the site, so behave accordingly"[/b]


Creative text is only vulgar to people with vulgar minds. How many times have you seen the acronym "LOL" on this board?... and what do you think it stands for???


Please don't tell me laugh out loud... because thats not it... it stands for "Lasciviously Ogled Lesbian"!... and there's hundreds more!!!


So for Purity's sake, I think this board should ban all acronyms... because they're all filthy and foul!!!



Just my 2 cents, and just tryin' to help...



Edited by Greencoachdog
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HAHAHAHAH Maybe write in to Dr Phill and whine ,or pack up and move your gear and youngen where no ones talking and saying those bad bad things,or maybe write a letter to a member of parliment maybe they can pass a bill to the extent if anyone uses those words they will be required to give a nickle no a quarter to charity or a church or

ya and tax us for it dont get em started ... lol...

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Some of the ladies I work with can turn the air pretty blue themselves. But outside of work they are still ladies. I tend to talk like a trucker at work, but watch it around my sons. The oldest is pretty quick to point out bad words. I don't get too wound up if people drop a couple bad words around my kids, it happens and the oldest knows adults swear sometimes.

We were in a restaurant one day and the kids behind us were very loud and very profane, dropping the dreaded C word about some girls they knew. I asked them to have a little respect for the fact that I was sitting there with my family, and they did, grudgingly.

I'm no angel either, I dropped the F bomb in front of my sergeants young daughters at work one day, that can make for a bad day.

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Although most people kinda know what to expect around areas where a lot of anglers congregate in the wee hours, like an hour BEFORE daylight . . boat ramps, access points to the ice etc., and if they're offended, they can just avoid it! BUT, there are certain groups who CANNOT avoid it . . . . . that DO have some clout if the foul language (and OTHER boorish behavior) prevails every Saturday & Sunday morning at the end of their driveways . . . . . they're called RESIDENTS . . . . . when this finally gets to a point where a whole neighbourhood is woken up to this, every weekend, they band together & have bylaws passed . . . 'NO PARKING,' 'NO STOPPING,' 'NO FISHING,' etc., that generally takes care of the problem. I know it's not ONLY the loud & obnoxious language (guys just wanna have fun, eh?) it also the litter & yellow snowbanks at the end of their driveways too . . . . Lake Simcoe, Cook Bay & Couchiching are areas where less & less parking or access is being allowed every year . . ... people being loud, rude & vulgar, and upsetting those who live there have a lot of bearing on this. If I pinch MY cold fingers or poke myself with a hook, when trying to get things organized in the dark, I've been known to express myself quite loudly, (and not too politely) so I'm not claiming to be any saint either!

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on the other hand...


most access points to the lakes have had loud angles using them long before the houses were built in the area''

but typical Canadian action...built a subdivision beside a chicken farm, then complain about the smell after they have owned their house for 2 years....


if you buy a house beside a strip bar, you shoukd know what to expect

buy a house beside a lake access and expect people there having a good time night and day..


not that it makes it all right to be loud...but it should be expected

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Tired, excited or into the booze and my yap spews a little crap. Try and keep a lid on it sometimes, but, it's not something to seek therapy for.


When women swear in casual conversation for some reason it bothers me more than when guys do it. Wierd, or does anyone else feel that way too???

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When women swear in casual conversation for some reason it bothers me more than when guys do it. Wierd, or does anyone else feel that way too???


Complete turn off. If you think that's weird...

I was also turned off by women walking and smoking - way back when smoking was acceptable!


Back to the language issue...

Anyone that knows me can probably atest to me stringing together a sentance that would make George Carlin blush. If I'm in mixed company or around youngins/teens, I turn off the language instictivley.


My wife and I run a pretty strict house regarding language and kids (girls 12&9). Most acceptable language doesn't fly in our house....

"Shoot, damn, fudge, crap etc." - NOT ACCEPTABLE! These are just replacements for foul language.

"Stupid, idiot, shut-up, etc." - NOT ACCEPTABLE! These are demeaning and disrespectful.


I'm not so naive to think I've sheltered my kids from inappropriate language and frankly, I don't care what language they use around thier friends. I just want them to know that it's inappropriate to use that language around us, elders and in public.


The real payoff for us is when we hear "your kids are so... polite ...respectful...well behaved etc." from teachers, family members or complete strangers. They do us proud.


While in public, I think it's reasonable to expect good behaviour/language especially from adults. It's not always observed and when faced with poor behaviour I'll either remove ourselves from the situation or explain to my kids that people like that have little respect for those around them.



I have a question for those responding in the thread... not to single anyone out but I'll use the example of "if I'm fishing a spot and someone pulls up beside us..."


If you are in line at a coffee shop with a buddy or co-worker and you're telling a story with explicit situations or language and a family comes in and is waiting inline behind you, what would you do?


a ) stop talking about it "I'll tell you later"

b ) lower your voice

c ) continue expressing your right to speek freely

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"Shoot, damn, fudge, crap etc." - NOT ACCEPTABLE! These are just replacements for foul language."

"Stupid, idiot, shut-up, etc." - NOT ACCEPTABLE! These are demeaning and disrespectful."


I agree with this. I even pulled out a Thesaurus, to give them other options.

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