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From Parkas to T-Shirts - January Carp Action!


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This was the scene 2 nights ago at our favourite pond:




And this was the scene today during our January warm spell:




Notice the difference in apparel, and the lack of ice beneath her feet. Bet ya didn't catch that. Good thing I wrote it for you. Ha.


Splenda and I were going to have a man's day out, livin' off the land and the water, slaying big carp and chubs.. when suddenly from behind I heard a gust of wind. But wait, this was no ordinary gust of wind. A bird? A plane? No. It was Supermom!




She had to get in on the action. Being that she had super-powers, she gave me the handicap for the day. For every 30 fish she caught, she allowed me one courtesy point. It's not fair when your competition has X-ray vision after all.


So we started out at a more public, urban spot casting spoons and playing around. Actually I think we were more trying to catch sticks on the surface and practice our casting more than actually try to catch a fish.




5 more feet and we woulda had fresh swan for dinner. :lol:


So we made our way down to our favourite local spot where the carp and koi frequent, and to our delight it was full, and they were hungry (except for the koi.. must have wanted fish flakes).


After Sugarpacket casted a hair jig for the halibut she connected with a scrappy white sucker. At least we think it was a sucker.. could have been a chub. But it was spry of course so off it went.


Soon enough Sugarpacket turned to her book of tactics and found tactic # 32, jigheads with corn and it wasn't too long before she used that in combination with X-Ray vision and super-casting to connect with carp #1. I caught the end of this fight because I had to make an emergency run to the dollar store to buy balloons and wood screws. :lol:




After that, she got up and dusted the goose poopie off her pants and away she went.


After much of my intricate negotiation skills (whining like a baby) I convinced her to change out of her superhero clothing and into civilian attire. Now we were on a level playing field. Of course it obviously wasn't level enough, I think she was using her powers behind my back because she hooked into yet another Simcoe salmon - aka carp.




A healthy little football. I decided to also use Sugarpacket tactic #32 after much consideration (and being sick of getting outfished) and it wasn't long before I hooked into a BIG carp. It ran from one end of the river to the other, behind an island. This fish was pushing 20 pounds, no word of a lie, the biggest I've ever seen in there. Of course, there's no proof to that statement since Sugarpacket was making a Tim Hortons run. As she got back I was into another one, a shaker, which also spit the hook. This is the point (after tossing my rod around angrily) that I realized my drag was too loose, hence the lost fish. Hey, gimme a break, it's been a while since I fished open water.


As the sun started to set I finally connected with a fish. Upon setting the hook our words were "holy, good one!" .. and up came the best fight I've ever had in January open water. I ran up and down the river bank fighting Mr. Carp. Finally he reared his head and Sugarpacket got an action shot.




What a tank. Finally I subdued the beast (without a net I might add) and after nearly snapping the rod and the line I had the fish on the shore.




That is the biggest we have ever landed out of that spot. The fact that it was caught in January is just the icing on the cake.


I was content after that, Splenda was starting to fuss and it was getting dark. We decided it was time to head home. Normally Sugarpacket would have just flown us home in her arms, but y'know, we had the stroller and stuff so we just did it the civilian way.


And that concludes a memorable Action Angling family adventure, hopefully there will be more winter carping to come!

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Whole bunch of great pictures along with an equally great report.


I know that spot, been there several times but not to fish. The Christmas display tells the tale.


Isn't amazing how the temperature has changed so much in just a few days? Last week 20F

in my backyard, yesterday afternoon 60F and all the snow had disappeared!

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Rich... Paris?


Nice report! Now if only I could get my wife to run when it comes to fishing!!




Nope Gerritt, not Paris. Though I'm sure the carp fishing on the Grand right now is excellent. These fish were caught locally on the Mighty Lynn River in Simcoe.


I think Sugarpacket was merely running because she assumed I was kidnapping the boy, and teaching him the renegade shore lunch dance.

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