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Can anyone tell me what the best/safest sweetener is other than sugar. Is Splenda Ok?


I have been hearing all kinds of things.....Nutra-sweet, Aspartame yadda yadda...


Always thought Splenda was sugar derived and safe.....any thoughts?


May have to revert back to good ole fashioned honey !!


Just a question.......


TNX Meely

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Hey Meely...I have slowly been weaning myself off sweeteners...maybe half a teaspoon of regular sugar on my cereal...I've never tried honey in coffee, only tea...I check my glucose level every morning and don't see any significant difference using a LITTLE sugar...same as reverting back to butter instead of Becel...Margarine is only one molucle away from plastic...


Be interesting to see what others have to say...

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I think Beans said it well. Reduce your intake of regular refined white sugar and stay away from the artificial sweeteners. Just gradually cut back a little bit, then a little more and a bit more and so on until you get down to about a 1/4 or an 1/8th of a teaspoon and you will probably be better off.


Stay away from diet soda pop too, it will cause more trouble than good. I'd rather have a bottle of water any day and occasionally have a can of regular good old Coke now and then or a Barqs Root Beer.

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Well being on the border of becoming a diabetic, I ended up finding a non sugar, not artificial product called Stevia The other white death powders and liquids are definitely not good for the body, but you just try and convince the big companies how much money they stand to loose. Even Coka cola is now trying to get approval to use Stevia as a natural sweetner inn soft drinks. This stuff is not sugar based, just tastes like sugar though, no caloric increase. One drop is about the same as a teaspoon of sugar/honey. Available at most healthfood stores. http://www.cbc.ca/consumers/market/files/food/stevia/

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Don't get me started on Splenda <_<


That stuff is poison. Everyone is different, but alot of people having problems with it. Enough to make you wonder if it really is safe.



I started take it on a Saturday in the powder form in my coffee, Monday and Tuesday I had to nap after work for about an hour I was so tired, and I felt sick to my stomach with a dull ache. By Wednesday I could barely get my jeans done up and my hands and feet were all swollen. Thursday the noises in my right ear started and scared the crap out of me. It was like Tinnitis and sounded like I had a cricket in my ear. I started Googling my symptoms and they all came back to the Splenda. I stopped taking it on the Friday, but noticed alot of the foods and drinks I liked had Sucralose (Splenda) in them - flavoured water, yoghurt, etc., so I had to cut them out too. The symptoms dissipated slowly over the next week and are gone now.


Good old sugar for me from now on.



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A buddy of mine at work and I go on a timmies run every morning and hes been getting Double Doubles made with Splenda for a long time now. I keep tellin him hes nuts, but hes had no immediate ill effects. We'll all see what todays alternatives will do to us in about 20 years.

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How bout just a little sugar or honey?? Too much of anything will kill you eventually (except fishing of course). Instead of sugary snacks, try a piece of fruit with the skin on except for oranges of course but with them make sure you eat the white pulpy membrane. If you are thirsty, mother nature has this great stuff for quenching your thirst, it's called............ you guessed it WATER!.

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I've gone to water for thirst, and very limited sweeteners. We have diabetes in the family, so staying away from any significant quantities seems to be best.


If I use sugar, I go for the sugar pacs so I know I am only putting in a small amount.


Stevia has a slight after taste for me, so I use it in coffee, but that is about it.


Cutting sugar out of coffee for anyone like myself that drinks more then a cup a day is a significant reduction in calories.



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Okay, somebody is going to have to explain the difference between all the different type of sugars out there, like glucose. fructose, bee puke, etc, and then come up with a final conclusion. I'll agree natural unpasturized honey is very good and has a lot of good qualities. Ever see moldy honey, nope, never goes bad, but in esence, it's sugar.

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If necessary, I use raw sugar which is ground sugar cane. I only use this sugar when I make BBQ spice rubs, otherwise I do not use any. You can buy this groud sugar and is sold as Turbinado Sugar.


Our society has been brainwashed into thinking our food must have all these additives.


Foods taste much better when you can illiminate white sugar and salts and other preservatives, and you will be healthier for it.


I did try Stevia once, it left a horrible aftertaste, much like the artificial sweeteners.



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