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Fishing Etiquette


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What ever happened to first come first serve, this also applies to boats, If your working an area someone is already in the area move on to a fresh area or give some space.


Boats are great but still had large body of water to have someone come right in front of me to fish the same spot :)


Respect people thats what its all about ... lots of water, lots of space, love they neighbour blah blah blah..


Nate, use PM's if you feel offended.. private words sometimes get better results.

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Wish i had that problem around here, sadly water is too low, tribs are closed and it's a 2hr drive to the nearest spot that's open and a whole new learning curve on that trib and not even knowing where to start makes it more fun... dying to break in my new float reel, but may be into Jan before that happens if the tribs state side ever start flowing.... love the amounts of fish and only seeing a person or 2 all day long!!

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Sorry but the river is not the place for first come first served, I only get one day every 3 weeks to fish and I can't help it if someone is in the same stretch of water. You can get too close and nobody has the right to grease someone out of the stretch of water that they want to fish. first come or not..

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I have a whole box of measuring tapes in my van. If you want I can pull one out and settle this pi**ing contest.

Obviously everyone feels strongly about his/her stance on the matter, however there comes a time when one simply has to agree to disagree.

As well, think of the lurkers on this site, thay must be laughing at all the angry, upset posts in this tread. That is a reflection on the fishing community as a whole.

My 2 cents.

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Depends on where you fish Wayne.

I'd be happy to guide you for a day with lots of fish and no people :) .


In response to the thread, the lack of etiquette is a common problem on our crowded rivers and has been since long before the internet was around.

In fact, as far as Ontario rivers go I'll go so far as to say that if anything the crowds were worse back in the 70's when I started to fish steelhead.

Back then the crowds at places like Thornbury, Meaford, Southampton and Port Hope were utterly ridiculous (and I've got the pic's to prove it :) ).

Hey, there's nothing more annoying than getting greased out of a spot you're fishing but what can you do? :dunno:

The only answer is drive a little further and put in the footwork and walk a little further to escape the pressure.


I would take a little of that guiding action,..no fish at my haunts yet,..if your up for it,..PM with your $$price

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That's not the only answer. Do as my buddy Float does and bark at 'em, throw 'em in the river, cut their lines and threaten to call the MNR if they're doing anything like snaggin'. My first experience on the Ganny in the "Biway hole" 3 dirt munching greasy bizitches were weighted rig treble hooking and snagging shlamo's amongst a handful of float fishers and me fly fishing. Kev gave them one warning on a foul hooked fish they were playing while I was working a legal fish on the fly. They had no control on the fish and didn't listen to Kev so he cut their line, then threatened to call the MNR or snap their rod if they did it again. He was instantly me hero. :w00t:


Here's a thought... in the off season spend it lifting weights everyday. Then the next time someone get's too close move right into him. I mean right into him so you're pretty much on him. If he moves, move with him. If he casts, stand right in front of his rod and him... like 6 inches from his body not touching him. Grease him like he's never been greased before. Maybe he'll take a swing so be ready to dodge that then rip him apart.


The days of manners are fast slipping by. Boaters are in your boat if they see you catch a fish, and shore anglers are on your shoes if you're in a spot first and catching fish. It's a big fishing planet but it's being over run with impolite weekend warriors that gotta get theirs, get it quick, and those be damned who step in the way. No MNR to help people need to arm themselves with wit, bigger muscles. ;)



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What ever happened to first come first serve, this also applies to boats, If your working an area someone is already in the area move on to a fresh area or give some space.


Boats are great but still had large body of water to have someone come right in front of me to fish the same spot :)


Respect people thats what its all about ... lots of water, lots of space, love they neighbour blah blah blah..


Nate, use PM's if you feel offended.. private words sometimes get better results.


Absolutely nothing wrong with asking,...If the anglers know what they are doing,..you join the rythm,..thats how i learned how to steelhead with 2 other guys 5 ' from me,...its really not difficult,...anyone that is going to potentially invade someone elses drift who got there first should defintaely ask,..Ive never been turned down,..not once. if someone shows up and starts screwing up the rythm,..its not hard to get rid of them.


those plastic roe bags look mint....Honestly I have been toying with doing something like that myself over the winter,..fantastic idea if they work, if you could impregnate them with the right scent,..your into gold,..then we can have a roe ban and a 1 steelie limit,..giddy up,..get them made and start sellin them!!!!

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Last month I was fishing for salmon in BC. For most of the trip we were pretty spread out but on the last day we headed up to the "Limit Hole" which was the last fishable pool before the sanctuary.


Anyway, I've never seen anything crazier. There were fisherman every 5 feet or less casting into this pool. It was like a war zone. You'd see 10 casts fire out at the same time and as they floated down, another 10 would go right over them.


For a while, FISH ON would get everyone to bring in their lines but as the light started to wane, people just kept firing their casts over everything.


There was lines in the water, casts from both banks, triple headers, huge fish randomly jumping through the whole mess, tangled lines, fish being landed, gutted, cooked, guys going, more guys coming, etc. It was a total zoo.


And the best part was, maybe there was 50+ guys there, and not only locals but tourists as well, from all points on the globe and with all the tangled lines, casting over someone else's line, etc. in five hours or more, I did not see one person get the least bit upset. They'd just untangle you, or you would untangle them and keep casting.


The salmon (maybe three species of them and HUGE) were stacked 10 deep in this pool and it was smiles all around.


As much as its hard to believe, it was about as much fun as I have had fishing in years.



Been there, Done that. Yup BC is Crazy. I fished the Vedder River in Chiliwack a few times and as big or long as it is, word gets out pretty fast. All the tackle shops will give the Int on which hole to fish. Especially the worlds most famous small tackle shop called Helmers. I HATE STREAM FISHING BECAUSE OF THE WAY IT IS FISHED THERE. I seen a great fist fight across from where I was standing ( I was on DND Property). A Guy caught a beauty salmon as he brought it up on the bank someone took his spot. The fight was on. Two big boys fighting and it was nasty. When I did fish a hole, I usually ended up fishing down stream. But a missed cast and a cross line or two brought a lot of commotion. Now that's what I know about stream fishing. As far as edicate ask a BC fisherman. Don't cross lines, if someone hooks a fish immediately, I say immediately bring your line in till Buddie's fish is landed. And don't step on Buddies feet, but don't take his spot till he leaves otherwise it could get physical. Its all public property. That's what I learned in BC. I'm sure around GTA, its going to get crowded sooner or later. If you don't like it, move on....

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Wow great advice Bunk. Just beat up whoever annoys you. That would make the fishing community look even better wouldn't it. Jesus christ.


Did you miss all the other important things you should do first Rich.


First "wit" (go to school, read, get yer thinkings all in order and stuff)


Second, Workout (you know... exercise, get healthy... for you that means 6 less Simswiches a day and only half a case of Wildcat)


if and when all your joints are lined up in order, your floaters are all aligned and the rabbit ears on your B&W are getting your favorite TV show "Size Small" on the UHF well....


then grease, grease, grease... pause, see if they swing, then pounce and beat. OK, first try being polite, then do everything I said. ;)



Together we'll win the war on fishing terrorism.

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Did you miss all the other important things you should do first Rich.


First "wit" (go to school, read, get yer thinkings all in order and stuff)


Second, Workout (you know... exercise, get healthy... for you that means 6 less Simswiches a day and only half a case of Wildcat)


if and when all your joints are lined up in order, your floaters are all aligned and the rabbit ears on your B&W are getting your favorite TV show "Size Small" on the UHF well....


then grease, grease, grease... pause, see if they swing, then pounce and beat. OK, first try being polite, then do everything I said. ;)

Together we'll win the war on fishing terrorism.



I vote this for funniest post of the YEAR! LOL! :D

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Did you miss all the other important things you should do first Rich.


First "wit" (go to school, read, get yer thinkings all in order and stuff)


Second, Workout (you know... exercise, get healthy... for you that means 6 less Simswiches a day and only half a case of Wildcat)


if and when all your joints are lined up in order, your floaters are all aligned and the rabbit ears on your B&W are getting your favorite TV show "Size Small" on the UHF well....


then grease, grease, grease... pause, see if they swing, then pounce and beat. OK, first try being polite, then do everything I said. ;)

Together we'll win the war on fishing terrorism.


You are a funny funny man bud! :D:D

(Best laugh I've had in a long time)

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Rich...come on man... relax... it is in jest...


Besides were you not the one having angry fishermen driving by your house screaming obscenities not too long ago?? did you wanna throw down then?


come on man lighten up.


No need to act any different then the norm now that your sweetie is a member.....



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then grease, grease, grease... pause, see if they swing, then pounce and beat.


thats all fine and dandy until you get your ass handed to you....then what? you look like a moron for trying to be a tough guy :clapping: :clapping:


we all hate being crowded but sometimes you just gotta put up with it and keep on fishin. if the shore restricts access to prime waters then we gotta share whatever space we can get.

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If you are a Steelheader or not... you should know what I call "THE ROUTINE".


If guys are crowded up in a pool and they are 5' or so away from eachother it wouldn't be a bad situation at all. You just simply cast in order from the guy at the bottom of the run to the one who is at the top. I remember fishing in a crowded area with 7 experienced steelheaders along the rock wall at the icebreakers (guess the river) and none of us got into a tangle for 2 straight hours of fishing. I noticed that those who don't know 'the routine' and come into a crowd really screw up drifting time until they leave.


Have respect for others. I normally go up to someone kindly and I ask if I could join them in fishing a pool or a run. When they do say yes we usually get caught up in a conversation and we just drift casually.


Show some respect on the riverbank and you'll earn your spot on a drift.

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