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Blackberry (NF)


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If you think your email is important enough to pay the data fee, get one. Blackberries are cool, but a pain in the ass at the same time. People seem to expect immediate responses from you if you have a Blackberry. I got rid of mine for that reason. They are great for the first little bit, but then they get kind of boring. I say get a nice phone and a text messaging plan for a lot less than a blackberry data plan and poop chat with all your friends that way... SMS is $10 a month tops, data plans start at $25 and only go up from there.




edit: how does this thing let me say ass, but make chitchat into poopchat?

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I agree with Corey. Not worth the extra fees for the data plan. If you need your email ALL the time and you people email a lot then it's worth it.


Admittedly, I'm rather jaded as I've used Blackberry's since they were introduced in 99. It was another way for the boss to have constant, unrestricted access to me. Maybe it wouldn't feel like such a burden if it's your own toy and not your boss's leash. :(


But it seems to me they're really geared toward instantaneous business communication. No music, no camera, nothing fun, just work stuff really. I'd say go to a cell phone store and look around. Every cell phone today will do emails and SMS - but they're also a lot more fun than Blackberries, imo.

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I hate it ... but couldnt live without it ... all 3800 contacts ... all email ...calendar ...phone... I can literally get my work done from the middle of a river if need be :)


Just DONT even look at it while you are in the car ... period ! ... you WILL rear end somebody.. or worse

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They call them Crackberries Roy. I travel a lot and see all of these "Lemmings" in airports thumbs going a mile a minute.......I have a basic cell phone that I travel with. I pick up my e-mails 2-3 times a day and figure that if it's important enough, someone will call me.


If you don't mind me prying, what the *$%@ do you want it for.......... ?

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Why the heck would you want something like that, O Little Furry One? I might think that administering this board is the only reason you might do such a foolish thing.


I don't have one, and do not wish to be that available to anyone.

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People seem to expect immediate responses from you if you have a Blackberry. I got rid of mine for that reason.



the sole reason i refused one from my company.. if its important enough they can call my cell phone.. just cant imagine being tied to email/work like that while i'm not at the office..

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Might help Roy if you let us know what your expected use is going to be and what features you desire.


Agree with most here that they are an awful chain to email. BUT if you feel lost when away from the computer they are a blessing. They don't call them crackberries for nothing you know.


Comparable email devices from Palm, Motorola and HTC (using Windows Mobile OS) just don't get the same battery life as the Blackberry. Recent models are slimming down and have pretty good text recognition (keypad assigns two letters per).


If you have any specific questions just let me (us) know.




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i have a crack berry. Saves me a ton of time! I am in sales and i used to make calls during the day and then have to come home and do after hours emails at home. Now i have that extra time to hang with my 1 1/2 old son. or spend it on here lol.


It is a great tool for business as well. Often have answers for customers in minutes rather then hours or days the old fashioned way.


For those that think its a pain in the butt always going off......they have a great button on them that turns it off!



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When people know you have a crackberry they begin to expect an instant response. If the unit is turned off (and they don't get the immediate response) they assume that their message is being ignored. Can't go half way!

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I use one for business and I love it and as a phone it has very good reception far better than any other phone I have had.


Being in sales it is important to me that I look after my customers right away because if I don`t my competitor is just dying for a shot at my customers.


Congrats to you guys who can afford to ignore your customers or hope they call back.

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I was thinking of getting one. Does anyone here have any insight on them? Good or bad?


I just don't understand why anyone would text message somebody from a phone, when you have a phone right in your hand.

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I just don't understand why anyone would text message somebody from a phone, when you have a phone right in your hand.


If you need to tell someone something at a place you can't talk on the phone... ummm work, movie, restaurant, etc.


As for other comments, blackberry's with camera's, removable storage, mp3, etc are available.


As for why send SMS when you have a phone in your hand... SMS is cheap, airtime is not.


As for whether it's important to get back to your customer's ASAP? How many customers does Roy have? Not everyone is a travelling carpet salesman.


There are lots of phones with qwerty keyboards making SMS easy. Saving $15 a month minimum for a 3 year contract may just be worth it to someone who doesn't need full time email.


I've been using blackberries for a long time, I manage a number of BES servers, I have written blackberry applications, I am RIM certified on both handhelds and BES. I also know that blackberries aren't for everybody.



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No cell phone, no laptop, no blackberry. Still get the great perf evaluations, even without.


If you need to discuss, leave me a voicemail or page me, and I'll be right there so we can work this out.

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