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Back Lake Shore Lunch


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Headed up to the cabin last Thursday with my dad in tow to close it up for the season and

do a bit of fishing.

It was just amazing to me how many parties were headed north for the moose hunt starting

on Saturday. Seemed like every vehicle on the hwy. was filled with hunters...

Anyhow, Thursday was a perfect day: sunny, warm, light s/w wind and the boat ride over to

the cabin was beautiful.

We figured we had the full day on Friday to fish and Saturday to get all the chores done so after

arriving we just relaxed and chilled out on the deck.

Friday morning bright and early we took the squareback into a nearby back lake hoping for some

walleyes, it was another picture perfect day...



Well perhaps a better man than me could figure out where the walleyes were. On

the other hand we had absolutely no problem catching hammer handle pike at will :D .



It was seriously crazy fun, in fact I lost count of the number of doubles.

Amidst all the frenzy of catching and releasing snotrockets, I had a "wee" bit of an

accident. First time this has ever happened to me actually....I guess the law of averages

finally caught up....


The hook was burried right to the bend in the top of my finger. I tried to wiggle it out

past the barb, but it was impossible. Finally I was getting tired of the whole ordeal so

just ripped it out with my pliers.

If there were any moose in the immediate area I'm fairly sure my blood curdling shriek

sent them packing :P .

Shortly after that episode, getting hungry and tiring of the search for the ellusive walleye,

we roped a couple of small pike and headed over to an island to fillet them up and have a

shore lunch.




Here's the final product. Believe me when I tell you pike is just as tasty as walleye if filleted



My dad contemplating the mysteries of life.


After lunch we were back at it :)




Honestly I wouldn't even want to hazzard a guess how many of those things we caught,

but it was basically non stop action the entire day we were in there. It's definitely a great

lake for kids as there's lots of action. That'll be on the agenda sometime next year

with my little ones for sure.

It was a faubulous day spent with my dad though, something we definitely don't do enough of.

For those that are interested I was quite surprised to see a veritable armada of ministry personel

including 2 C.O.'s set up on the gravel road out of the bush. They had a roadside checkpoint set

up, checking hunters as they accessed the area north of there for the moose hunt.

The fellow I spoke with was a very decent guy, in fact we chatted about some of the back lakes

that I havn't fished yet and apparantly a couple are very good. Something to look forward to next

year for sure!

That's about it, Saturday was close up day, no fishing. Good thing too 'cause the weather went from

sunny, calm and a high of 22 on Friday, to a high of 6 with wind and driving rain on Saturday.

Not a pleasant day, and pretty much the mother of all cold fronts :P .

That's it for the cottage trips this year, next trip up will be in May.

Damn I hate closing! :)



cheers, Mike

Edited by solopaddler
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Another stellar report Mike and another outing shared with your Dad..can't beat that!


I too hate the dreaded cottage closing...I'm off to do that tomorrow or Wednesday, solo it appears. Maybe I needed to steal your handle!


Good luck closing on your own Wayne. Honestly if I had the time I'd be happy to offer my assistance..

As far as the name thing goes why don't we switch:

You can be "solofield", and I'll be "irishpaddler" :D

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LOL Mike ! I've got closing down pat. I replumbed the whole place so everything is down hill to a low spot drain - hot and cold - so while that's doin it's thing I go around and pick up all Leah's solar lights, drawbridge and tie off our floater docks and then put the air compressor on the outside tap and blow out the pipes for good measure. Just hate that "it's all over" feeling as I pull away in the boat! :(

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Great report. Welcome to the 'hook in finger' club. I made my first one a double - good times.


Couldn't agree with you more - done right, fried pike is just as good as fried walleye. Most people couldn't tell the difference and if they say they can then they've never had pike done up right.

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"blood curdling shriek sent them packing"


You sure it wasn't shrieking like a school girl?? Oh wait...TJ has that department.


Great report and pics Mike...they are always a pleasure to read and view.


The cottage is now closed up for the season, the fall and winter is upon us, but spring will be here soon enough, with the promise of more great memories for next year.

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Sooooo Mike, that's it eh??? That's all? Primetime piking is ahead and you're bailing. :P


It was a good summer for ya up at the cabin. Enjoyed all the reports.


Pike.... Mmmmmm. For awhile I've been walleye'd out. Pike has become the new fish of choice for me. Favorite way is to cook a medium to bigger pike (30-35") BBQ'd smoked on the cedar plank and just before it's done pour some melted garlic butter to it.


Looking ahead to good stuff in 08. :D

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Good report Mike except for the hook in the finger.

Good to see you get out with your dad and your are correct about the pike, although it is better when they come out of the colder waters from up north.

I know your not done fishing for the season which will take the sting out of not being at your cabin, like dk says nice looking place you have there! :thumbsup_anim:


Thanks for sharing!



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Sooooo Mike, that's it eh??? That's all? Primetime piking is ahead and you're bailing. :P


It was a good summer for ya up at the cabin. Enjoyed all the reports.


Pike.... Mmmmmm. For awhile I've been walleye'd out. Pike has become the new fish of choice for me. Favorite way is to cook a medium to bigger pike (30-35") BBQ'd smoked on the cedar plank and just before it's done pour some melted garlic butter to it.


Looking ahead to good stuff in 08. :D


Hey bud you're right about the prime pike fishing, but then the prime steelheading is just starting too, can't do it all ;) .

Your recipe sounds interesting you'll have to show it to me sometime.


Thank's for the comments guys...

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