2lakeigo Posted October 1, 2007 Report Posted October 1, 2007 I would like to take the time and share my story with everyone in the fishing community. The story is about how a small issue which i believe is some what racially motivated has now become a big problem effecting many in the Asian-Canadian community. I'd like to ask the reply s be constructive instead of a tool to throw cheap shots and eventually have the mods delete this thread. This is to inform and hopefully do its little part in fixing the problem. While fishing with my father in Coboconk over the weekend. I too now have become a victim of violence while fishing. A family consisting of a father and his two sons while intoxicated started harassing everyone fishing at the bridge and government dock. The first son started approaching the group next to me and identified himself as a MNR officer. He requested everyone to show their fishing license. The group refused and tried to get on with their business. The kid started to become aggressive and explained that the crappies (which was the only species biting) were in the slot and could not be kept (we all know that is Bull). The father and younger brother then joined into the now heated argument. Aggression was used and a tug of war ensued over the basket of crappies. Once all the crappies were dumped back in the river the group decided to pack up and leave. While packing you can only imagine the treatment they received by a bunch of ignorant drunks fingering through thier personal belongings. I was next to be approached by the first son. Again he identified himself as a MNR officer and requested to see my license. I refused and asked to be left alone. While having his face close enough that i can smell the alcohol, threats were made but they fell upon deaf ears. Unlike the other group, I held my ground and did not get intimidated that easily. When aggression was used on my father who came over to see what the commotion was about, we then thought it would be best if we just left. (the bite was slow anyways) We packed and while driving away, a half full beer can was whipped and it hit my driver side. Enraged, I jumped out of the vehicle, picked up the can and threw it back at their parked boat. Words were exchanged and when the three approached the vehicle the words: "you better get out of here before you get killed" came out of the fathers mouth. I got into the car, put the vehicle in gear and then out of no where the father throws a sucker punch which impacts my upper lip. Can we all say COWARD. It was a good thing my father was around to keep me grounded. Afterwards OPP showed up and the dumb ass son kept telling the officer that all he wanted to do was see everyones license. The father told the officer they "got caught up in the heat of the moment". The son was charged with impersonation of an officer. The father was charged with assault and uttering death threats. I believe they will appear in Lindsay court on the 8th of November. Two other locals also involved in what I call the verbal assault claimed they showed up afterwards. The girl with some nerves and a scared look on her face whispers to me "please don't involve me". I didn't..but maybe i should have (more witnesses to the assault). With everything going on in the news. I never thought chance would pick me and make me a victim of something like this. Sure, racial slurs have now become the norm to me while fishing in any area outside of the bigger cities like Toronto, Hamilton, and Belleville. But all this coming from A FAMILY! I guess in this case the apple didn't fall far from the tree. Things must change and it should start here on there message boards. "White bucket" comments should cease because they too are a form of stereotyping. I use a bucket in both ice and summer fishing seasons and just because I do (and my ethnic background) I now am a target. Here we are saying we need to stop and educate the ones that take too much fish when the real cowboys are out practicing racism and violence. Is it really worth it? Taking the law into your own hands? I know alcohol made this family become brave ones and help them do the things they did. Imagine the targeted groups decide to bear some weapons and defend themselves or even become the aggressor. From there the problems only escalate and all for what? Last I remember you shouldn't get in trouble if you havn't done anything wrong. There are no excuses for these recent incidents. It boils down to black and white, no grays. You either condone or condemn. It has to stop so that no community has to fish in fear when they try to enjoy what they are rightfully entitled to. As for those charged in all incidents. Lets hope the law will be upheld and these clowns are made examples of. I know if I was to assault a local while fishing, I'd have the book thrown at me. For the record. I myself am south east Asian. Owned a sporting license since the age of 16, have a boat slipped on a kawathra lake, invested thousands into equipment, follow the regulations when harvesting, practice catch and release, mind my own business, and through the years met some great people on the lake. Oh ya, I probably catch more fish then most people too! Its my passion and no one will EVER take that away from me. 2lakeigo
Jer Posted October 1, 2007 Report Posted October 1, 2007 This seems to be getting seriously out-of-hand... I hope the OPP officers involved throw the book at these yahoos and make an example. I'm glad you stood your ground and got the cops involved...scary to think how much goes on un-reported.
Canoe2fish Posted October 1, 2007 Report Posted October 1, 2007 (edited) What a shame people have to be that way. Perhaps they are lucky you were so cool headed. If a guy tried to punch me though an open window, I would likely lose it right there...suicide or not. Edited October 2, 2007 by Spiel
Squid Posted October 1, 2007 Report Posted October 1, 2007 I do feel for you. There definitley needs to be some education-discipline handed out to the peoples that target asian fishermen. Enough is enough eh. On the flip side to this, the asian community needs to step up and manage the fishery also. There are plenty of asian fishermen that are law abiding, like yourself. The asian peoples need to step up and start educating the "un-educated" fishermen that do break the law. How many asian fishermen are approached by their fellow nationals to tell them that they are breaking the law, if that is the case?? As long as stories circulate around the fishing community that asian fishermen are taking all the fish they catch home, over the limit and under legal size, this type of behaviour will continue.
Entropy Posted October 1, 2007 Report Posted October 1, 2007 So that's why they call it Coco-bonks. I'm sorry to hear what happened, but glad the OPP were involved. Entropy
gforce Posted October 1, 2007 Report Posted October 1, 2007 You should consider getting a different colour bucket. There are always a few bad apples out there no matter where you go... "Sure, racial slurs have now become the norm to me while fishing in any area outside of the bigger cities like Toronto, Hamilton, and Belleville." I am surprised that you always have problems outside the metro areas. I find fishing a great way to talk to others ( different race incl. ) not a medium for aggression and tension. I always wondered why people get ticked at the "white buckets"? I guess they do no like people keeping tons of smaller fish? Who knows. The only time I get upset at any angler is if they are breaking the law and continue to do so after being told. I would not let these bullies get you down, their behaviour is clearly wrong.
misfish Posted October 1, 2007 Report Posted October 1, 2007 I had a whole rant typed up, but sat back and ,,,,,,,DELETE.
misfish Posted October 1, 2007 Report Posted October 1, 2007 Quote I do feel for you. There definitley needs to be some education-discipline handed out to the peoples that target asian fishermen. Enough is enough eh. On the flip side to this, the asian community needs to step up and manage the fishery also. There are plenty of asian fishermen that are law abiding, like yourself. The asian peoples need to step up and start educating the "un-educated" fishermen that do break the law. How many asian fishermen are approached by their fellow nationals to tell them that they are breaking the law, if that is the case?? As long as stories circulate around the fishing community that asian fishermen are taking all the fish they catch home, over the limit and under legal size, this type of behaviour will continue. Pete That was well said.
Headhunter Posted October 1, 2007 Report Posted October 1, 2007 Unfortunately, my feelings are that this will not stop, but only continue to get worse, until something drastic takes place. By drastic, I mean someone really getting hurt or, god forbid, someone gets killed. As a society, it appears we have to be pushed to the extreme, before we actually become pro-active and do something about it. It saddens me that some peoples first impressions of fishing in this province, could be tarnished in this way. I hope I'm wrong, but I suspect in the long run, I will be right. HH
misfish Posted October 1, 2007 Report Posted October 1, 2007 (edited) Quote There are always a few bad apples out there no matter where you go... That comment should be meant for bothsides?????????????? I have a number of Asian friends and they fish by the laws provided,then again, I see others that dont,but dont go to the extream of punching them out.Kick thier buck over,yes,but then Im being the A S S then. Not right but again when you say something to them,you know what you get,and I know there are some hear that dont like it,I no speaka da english. I like the Asian educating the Asian part of the post. Edited October 1, 2007 by misfish
Terry Posted October 1, 2007 Report Posted October 1, 2007 man, it sure has to stop I am still not sure if it's racially motivated or just "a holes" being "a holes" I would hope if the cops see it has hate crimes that they nail these guys to the wall but either way we need to band together and put a stop to it.... I thought the white bucket people meant people who don't live in the community, don't contribute to the local business and take everything they catch.. ..I didn't think it meant a certain racial group and that may be why they are attacking..... they should also be charged with interfering with you fishing, I think that law is now on the books.... that really sucks no matter how you look at it...
frozen-fire Posted October 1, 2007 Report Posted October 1, 2007 that's unbelievable...getting dang' out of hand here. i do visit the coboconk area once in a while, i do shore-fish, and i am asian.... should i be scared to fish now? reason why i don't fish port perry causeway anymore is cause whenever I'm there, locals would scream out racial slurs while driving by. My friend and I got extremely irritated by this.
wuchikubo Posted October 1, 2007 Report Posted October 1, 2007 (edited) 2lakeigo, I really feel it was a shame that happened to you. I just glad that it didn't end up worse and that the police were called appropriately. Squid said: ... The asian peoples need to step up and start educating the "un-educated" fishermen that do break the law. How many asian fishermen are approached by their fellow nationals to tell them that they are breaking the law, if that is the case?? ... Well said, I'm of Asian decent, and I do my part to the best of my concerns as I will approach other asian anglers and will tell them if there is any issue with any of their fish. Any OOS fish I find will have me taking out the cell phone and calling the MNR while I leave but stay within ear shot and eyesight just so that they know too. I've been criticized by some of my family members for being too "white" or being a "banana" (yellow outside and white inside) for not leaving some people alone, but my response which is usually accepted is that what their keeping is preventing us from our good legal fishing when the season opens. Personally, I'd like to see a slot limit on all fish including panfish; something like: any fish under 6" would have a small 2 fish limit (per angling party vehicle) and any fish over 12" would be a 1 fish limit (per angling party vehicle), within the slot: well I think the MNR needs to consider what would be appropriate. All this info should be provided in all ethnic fishing shows on the television. (if there isn't one in Chinese, would anyone like to sponsor me? LOL) Am I being too extreme? If so, my apologies. Stan Edited October 1, 2007 by HearingFish
misfish Posted October 1, 2007 Report Posted October 1, 2007 Like I said,I have Asian friends. Well said Stan
Corey Posted October 2, 2007 Report Posted October 2, 2007 (edited) It's getting pretty retarded out there... If there is anyone in the Niagara area who is concerned about something like this happening to them, let me know and if I can sneak out to fish for a bit I'll offer my big fat intimidating white arse as a fishing partner and someone to help look out for you. It's amazing how some people think that they are better than someone who is not the same race as they are. This goes all ways no matter what race you are. Wouldn't it be nice if people would just let people be? OK... so who wants to go fishing? cd. Edited October 2, 2007 by Corey
ra95 Posted October 2, 2007 Report Posted October 2, 2007 You are the man and you do the right thing. God bless you.
Dozer Posted October 2, 2007 Report Posted October 2, 2007 Holy crap. This is getting really outta hand... I do hope they bump into me, that'll be a few more ignorants who would never do that again.
solopaddler Posted October 2, 2007 Report Posted October 2, 2007 Unbelievable! You did the right thing though, glad to hear these people will be held accountable.
redfin Posted October 2, 2007 Report Posted October 2, 2007 2Lakeigo, I’m sorry to hear about the incident, and I feel for you. Yes you did the right thing, and we just have to see how the court is going to justify this incident. I came to this country from Hong Kong almost 30 years ago and sport fishing was introduced to me by one of my uncles and one of my high school History Teachers. Like yourself, I follow the guidelines, regulations, and mind my own business when I’m out fishing…But that didn’t stop me from being harassed and threatened. Once you’re outside of the city (metropolis), a lot of folks just look at you as an outsider/foreigner. I’m glad your dad was there to keep you grounded. There are couple of incidents happened to me which involved some bruised ribs and black eyes. My brother (a non-angler) is lucky enough to retire at the age of 49, and he had just bought a house on the water only a few minutes away from the “ground zero” (I guess that makes him a “Co Co Bonk LOL). Last week, one of his neighbours asked him to go check out what the folks are doing at the dam with him in the late hours of the evening, and my brother asked him why? He said to my brother that they might speak the same language, and that they are probably conducting some illegally activities like poaching, smoking drugs, or getting “bombed”. My brother then told him he didn’t want to go with him, because like most Asians, he didn’t want any trouble. So the neighbour went with his wife to investigate. The next day my brother asked the neigbour what the finding was, and he told my brother that they are just fishing, catching small fish and putting them in the white buckets and creels…just being “annoying”. My brother is still wondering how annoying one could be sitting by the dam with a fishing rod. As Asian Canadians, what can we do to help to educate our fella Asians anglers? I think a lot of us are trying our very best, and still at it. I have been on FM88.9 to encourage new immigrants not to leave garbage behind, practice c & c, not to make too much noise…etc…but most importantly, we have to talk to them in the field, tell them to earn the respect from the locals, perhaps to use the local restaurants, gas stations, or tackle shops, to help out the local economy. There was one time I started to pick up garbage at a popular fishing spot, and little that I noticed there were at least 4 or 5 people start doing the same. Most of the folks that I talked to were very understanding, and majority of them agreed on that some anglers are simply just “pigs” "bad apples" to make us Asians look bad. I am also very please to see the Chinese media trying to look at the whole situation in Kingston in a broader view, and trying not to exaggerate the issues of racism. As She promised, this country of OURS had given me what I expected and more…with the law, the media, and the efforts of the follow Asian Canadians, I think the situations could only improve, time will tell. Until then, there will always be a small group of folks trying to find someone to hate. Best Regards, Larry P.S. If you and your dad still want to fish the area, please let me know, perhaps we can hook up and maybe I can introduce you to some better folks who live there.
fishinfool Posted October 2, 2007 Report Posted October 2, 2007 2lakeigo My family has had a cottage on Balsam Lake for 36 yrs now and I had to cringe when I heard your story. I have heard no less than 5 stories about problems in Coboconk in the past two seasons. The problems have all stemmed from the Red Neck Rowdies that live in Coboconk and have all occurred in town. My Nephew who is 21 and a really soft spoken kid was in the Pattie House in Coby with a few friends and a few of the town Red Neck Bullies decided to take some shots, not a smart idea considering two of my nephew's friends are heavily into Kick Boxing and one of them is a Junior Golden Gloves boxer. Needless to say, a little arse kickin went down. It seems that they have got the group marked for trouble now every time they go for a beer or even show up in town in the boats to get gas etc. I would like to think that this incident is not racially motivated but more just a bunch of Hicks that have nothing better to do. Growing up frequenting Coboconk my whole life, I can honestly say that for the first 20 yrs I did not see an OPP officer between Fenelon Falls and Coboconk more than a few times but in the past 15 yrs or so, I have noticed their presence more and more. I was told that some years ago, a well known Bike Group bought a fair chunk of land in the Coboconk area and at that time things started to go down the hill in the area. I have been told that they have since sold but the Police presence is still there. Let's hope that this is an isolated incident with just a few individuals involved from the area and that things get back to the way they used to be up there. The world seems to be going to Hell in a Hen Basket so to speak and it is pretty scary. SS
fishindevil Posted October 3, 2007 Report Posted October 3, 2007 Well this is getting out of control now,and someone will get killed before this gets stopped...I THINK THEY SHOULD HAVE UNDERCOVER OFFICERS POSING AS FISHERMEN....that will stop it,and it would sure get the point across...there is alot of attention on this now,media coverage and everything so something is going to happen i just have this feeling.....i know for a fact there is alot of resentment to these asian fisherman,but as long as everybody followes the rules i dont think this would happen anymore....ignorance of the law is no excuse !!!!!! i wish everyone could just get along
ch312 Posted October 3, 2007 Report Posted October 3, 2007 you do realize that you can defend yourself enough to stop the attack without getting charged with assault and with witnesses to back you up about how they were acting you could have threw in a few extra thumps its quite sad really. immigrants come to this country and have no clue that there are even regulations. due to the language barrier its very unlikely they will learn about the regs until they have been here for some time. canadians get sick of it and take matters into their own hands because there are definitely not enough CO's to keep an eye on all water bodies. its something that will never end and with so many people having the "who gives a rats ass" attitude the violence will continue. maybe if morontario actually had some stiff penalties stuff like this wouldnt happen. knock someone out and you get charged and in most cases only have to do community service which would be fine except you get up to a year to complete the required hours. i guess the norm is 40-80 hours of community service. this is one of the main reasons why people dont really care if they get charged with assault. the way i see it is an eye for an eye. you hit me and you better be ready to catch a right hook in the chops. the attitude so many people have makes me sick.
Terry Posted October 3, 2007 Report Posted October 3, 2007 not completely true, if I am not mistaken the fishing regs. do infact come out in chinese each year regs in chinese here it seems in every community there is an immigrant support group, that are more then willing to help in your own language. I know when I go to another country, province whatever I do research to make sure I do things within the law...whether it's Cuba Mexico Quebec or Florida I know the rules going in, and I don't think they would say "oh well you did not speak the language or know the rules or your culture is different so go ahead and break our laws
pigeonfisher Posted October 3, 2007 Report Posted October 3, 2007 ch312 said: its quite sad really. immigrants come to this country and have no clue that there are even regulations. due to the language barrier its very unlikely they will learn about the regs until they have been here for some time. canadians get sick of it and take matters into their own hands because there are definitely not enough CO's to keep an eye on all water bodies. how did you get back in here?
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