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First of I would like to say, if you dont like fishing for salmon this time a year THEN DON'T


As far of a guide and where he takes his clients, that is up to the guide. MOST CLIENTS want fish and you have to produce..... Its up to the individul person on how to show that person how to fish...


As far as saying that I dont respect conservation and our resources then you should know that I am


1) a VERY active member with Trout Unlimted,

2) I volunteer 30 + hours every fall to count brown REDDS on the bronte and upper credit

3) I am one of the original STREAM GARDUIAN for Bowmanville, and the WILMONT

4) I started 2 years ago a program to take out kids that dont get to fish for Salmon, so that they can experience what I love to do and respect. PERSONALLY (26 kids myself)

5) I have been a registered guide for the past 7 years and I have turned down many guided day due to water conditions.

6) I have been donated thousands of fliesand tons of hrs to Duck Unlimited, Trout Unlimited and the restoration of the Atlantic Federation



As far as sponsorships go, its not as easy as people think... I do alot more than I get in return.. They just dont hand out things to people because they are good fisher people... you have to have a reputation and know what you are doing... On the river and OFF And if you know me then you would understand...


I am the first person out there to give the guy on the river that snags, or has the red and white bobbers or the big hooks lesson on how to catch fish, by giving out flies, floats, jigs roe whatever...


If you have ever meet me and alot of people from this board have you knows first hand I am very curtious, I respect other people fishing and I always talk to every one..


anyway thats my 2 cents worth



Now the report


Milty's fish






Yelow14's fish And first Salmon





And unfortunately Bowshep had about 5 fish on but lost them Next time Ken


and finally myself







There are some more pics but this thread is large enough, I hope you enjoyed the pics and sorry about the rant as well



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Dmasse great work I dont think I have to get into the work I do as but you should know exactly what I do


SO if I can ask 1 simple question

With a list of inpressive conservation work and your obvious statement of passion for a fishery, why not take a client to an estuary, or even better with some of the best cold water fisheries in the head waters of lots of those rivers fish for resident fish populations instead of taking them to fish in a highly stressed fish environment....a simple they wanted nooks doesnt make sense...as we all know what fishing the rape pool this time of yr with 10 guys in the pool is about



If you worked on those rivers you know that within 50 miles you posess nice brook trout and certainly some great resident brown opportunities


Not questioning ethics at all just curious

maybe we should leave this alone and let sleeping dogs lie as the guys that dirft these rivers big time understand exactly what Im talking about

Edited by aniceguy
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A nice guy...


I do alot of head water fishing but you know as much as I do, you take a group of people fishing in headwaters like upper bowmanville, or northern rivers like the madd, rocky Suageen, pine and even the boyne. you will not have those water to fish alone again..


So i have to make a choice, do I fish small water like whitevale, Welcome, etc etc or do I take them to well known rivers like the credit, oshawa or even bowmanville..


How would anyone feel if one day yousee a guide on some of your personal water and then the next time they are back with out the guide, probally with 4 more friends. I am sure you know where I am going with this


By the way didnt we meet last week on Bowmanville. I was fishing that deep pool and you walked and fished right beside me. We talked for a few minutes That was you right, he introduced himself as ANICE GUY


anyway Have fun out there where ever you fish



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Dmasse great work I dont think I have to get into the work I do as but you should know exactly what I do


SO if I can ask 1 simple question

With a list of inpressive conservation work and your obvious statement of passion for a fishery, why not take a client to an estuary, or even better with some of the best cold water fisheries in the head waters of lots of those rivers fish for resident fish populations instead of taking them to fish in a highly stressed fish environment....a simple they wanted nooks doesnt make sense...as we all know what fishing the rape pool this time of yr with 10 guys in the pool is about

If you worked on those rivers you know that within 50 miles you posess nice brook trout and certainly some great resident brown opportunities


Not questioning ethics at all just curious

maybe we should leave this alone and let sleeping dogs lie as the guys that dirft these rivers big time understand exactly what Im talking about


If more people went Muskie fishin' there wouldn't be these kind of problems!

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If more people went Muskie fishin' there wouldn't be these kind of problems!
Exactly I at one time was a die hard steelheader. Would miss school, work, sex with the wife at the words Uncle Terry says be here tommorow. Right after I figured steelhead out to the point that I was never going fishless, I discovered Musky fishing. Now I go out in the fall right till the closer in Dec and If its a bad day I'll see another boat out on the lake and chances are their buddies. That being said I want to keep it that way so keep fishin the tribs y'all.
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I remember the first time we fished the spot you're posting here... That's only one of the reasons why I've stopped fishing for salmon in the rivers when they're running.


With all due respect, look where you're fishing. It's nothing more than a small creek, a trickle... Even if the fish you and you're clients are hooking are legally hooked, the dorsals on those fish are breaching the surface when they're being lined. There's no if and or buts about it. Those fish are pretty easy pickings.


IS THIS SPORT?? Some people say yes, but I beg to differ. Fish entering that creek only want to spawn, but instead are harrassed by would be anglers... Fish in that stage should be given a break, even if I know for a fact that the return from that creek is NILL.


Personnaly, I think you should be donating your time to improving the flow and riparian vegetation of that creek, and guide your clients in the bigger water, where hooking fish would a little bit more legit...


From one conservationist to another, wouldn't you think so??


just MY 2 cents


Edited by Highdrifter
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I honestly find it hard to believe that folks are giving you a hard time for fishin Salmon that are hours from dying! It's obvious that the folks who went out with him had a desire to catch fish and for some, I'm guessing it's their first kick at chasing "spotted carp"! :whistling:

As long as it's legal, go for it! I just don't get why all the "spotted capr guys get their knikkers in a knot about fishin well within the regs. Don't like it... talk to the MNR!


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I honestly find it hard to believe that folks are giving you a hard time for fishin Salmon that are hours from dying!


Just another reason to give the fish a break. They're living things for god sakes. Meaning they live and breath and feel, just like humans do. All fish species, no matter the state that they're in, merit our respect.


Why involve the MNR in this. Forget legality, the ETHICALLY is a bit more on the line for this report.

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Ethics are personal and subjective... that's why I mentioned the regs. Some peoples "ethics" would not allow them to wet a line... ever! It's a non-native species that's about to die and is only there as a result of human efforts.

If other peoples ethics got in the way every time I sat down at the dinner table... I'd be munchin on Tofu 7 days a week! :wallbash:

Is it any more ethical to chase a Steelie in a creek in November? Pull a Brownie out of a hole in December? I don't get the difference!


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Ethics are personal and subjective... that's why I mentioned the regs. Some peoples "ethics" would not allow them to wet a line... ever! It's a non-native species that's about to die and is only there as a result of human efforts.

If other peoples ethics got in the way every time I sat down at the dinner table... I'd be munchin on Tofu 7 days a week! :wallbash:

Is it any more ethical to chase a Steelie in a creek in November? Pull a Brownie out of a hole in December? I don't get the difference!



I have to agree with HH.


Highdrifter said...."They're living things for god sakes. Meaning they live and breath and feel, just like humans do. All fish species, no matter the state that they're in, merit our respect."


If that's how you truly feel then why fish at all? There's always the risk of killing a fish after hooking it.

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I have to agree with HH.


Highdrifter said...."They're living things for god sakes. Meaning they live and breath and feel, just like humans do. All fish species, no matter the state that they're in, merit our respect."


If that's how you truly feel then why fish at all? There's always the risk of killing a fish after hooking it.



I'd invite all consciencious and ethical anglers to put their 2 cents in here. I fish because it's my in blood, and I grew up around the outdoors. However, I was also taught respect. You wanna get down to the nitty gritty of laws and ethics, COs and P3TA members would agree on the same thing. There's a time and a place for everything. This report's got neither. PERIOD.

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Interesting response given the pic in your avatar... certainly doesn't look like that Steelie (Non native fish) was caught 15 miles out on Lake O or Huron...

What exactly is it that makes it ok to fish Trout in streams and not Salmon? I'm sure that trout, a beauty by the way, was just minding it's own business, lookin for a female to do it's business with and the next thing it knows, it's "feelings" are being ruffled!

I guess I just don't get it! :wallbash:


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Is there an echo in here??


Look at my folder and avatar, then look over to the shots taken on the thread. Don't tell me you can't see the difference. Bows will strike legit while they're upriver. That shot was taken in November, and the fish was released with nothing more than a sore jaw. Released, to do whatever it wanted. Some people don't get it, I call those people SIMPLE.

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Being the simple minded fool that I am, the only difference I see in catchin a trout in November, vs catchin a Salmon in September is that you will have most of the river/stream for your self! Otherwise, these a fish that are trying to do mother natures work, just a different times of the year!

I find it interesting that the trout guys say salmon don't bite when they are in rivers or streams, yet I see reports daily, that people are catching them... legally!

A trout is a fish and it has no more value than a rock bass or a musky for that matter. It's just a fish!

I guess that if I wasn't so simple, I'd give up on this! LOL


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the law states they can fish the river this time of year...so they are within the law...so you personal beliefs don't mean anything and really shouldn't be posted in someone elses thread..starting your own thread..fine jumping in to a thread asking for your opinion..... go for it...but there is no place here for people bashing people fishing within the law





hate the law not the fisherman

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So now we even attack people who post reports that are perfectly within the law?


Ya, theres lots of people snaggin salmon this time of year, but to me it looks like DMASSE is NOT one of them. I believe I met DMASSE one day on the Oshawa in the middle of the winter fishing for steel and if he is who I think he is, its a great guy and one who really knows his stuff.


Read the report and lay off if you dont like it, and if you dont like reading reports about september salmon THEN DONT READ THEM


Thanks for the report DMASSE

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