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Well, I believe the last report was about Bly's first ever shore Salmon. We went out a few more times over the week and here are the results.


With the piers and mouths of tribs so crowded these days, we decided to try a few different tactics. After our success on the tribs with Bly's Salmon, we tried again, and this time I hooked up with a nice Chinook....weighing in at 19 pounds and measuring 37.5 inches!! This one put up an awesome fight...took about 15 minutes to bring in.



The release....



We went out one other time and got skunked....went 0 for 2 in that time. Finally, we changed venues and headed out in our canoe....looking to hook up with our first big fish in it! It didn't take long...about 20 minutes into casting and retrieving, this very well fed male smashed my lure! It hit very close to the canoe and shot straight under it. ACK!!! Had to somehow manouvre myself around to face the other direction while fighting this fish without tipping the canoe...LOL. After about 10 minutes, with Bly ready with the net, he finally came into the boat.


This one wasn't as long as my other one, coming in at 34 inches, but it weighed the same....had some pretty good girth.


Anyhow, that was our rest of the week summary...hope you enjoyed!

Edited by ccmtcanada

Hmmmm, someone removed thier "I'm a walleye fisherman" signature!

Salmon in the canoe eh? Are you thinking of manual or electric downriggers for next summer?

Two great fish and congrats on your personal best(s)



Those are two sweet looking Salmons there Cliff. Man you got the touch for night fishing, wish I did. Any how, congrats on landing a first in the canoe. Keep up the great reports.

  SlowPoke said:
Hmmmm, someone removed thier "I'm a walleye fisherman" signature!

Salmon in the canoe eh? Are you thinking of manual or electric downriggers for next summer?

Two great fish and congrats on your personal best(s)



LOL Brian...I chose that back when Walleye was all I caught. I really do try to connect with the fish...imagining the line as my communications conduit. I talk to the fish I'm trying to catch (if you dont believe me, ask bly...LOL), so I figured since I seem to understand how they are feeling, I now consider myself a fish whisperer.

  ccmtcanada said:
We went out one other time and got skunked....went 0 for 2 in that time. Finally, we changed venues and headed out in our canoe....looking to hook up with our first big fish in it! It didn't take long...about 20 minutes into casting and retrieving, this very well fed male smashed my lure! It hit very close to the canoe and shot straight under it. ACK!!! Had to somehow manouvre myself around to face the other direction while fighting this fish without tipping the canoe...LOL. After about 10 minutes, with Bly ready with the net, he finally came into the boat.


This one wasn't as long as my other one, coming in at 34 inches, but it weighed the same....had some pretty good girth.


Jeez. I'da probably rolled the canoe just lifting that leviathan in. WTG.



  ccmtcanada said:
LOL Brian...I chose that back when Walleye was all I caught. I really do try to connect with the fish...imagining the line as my communications conduit. I talk to the fish I'm trying to catch (if you dont believe me, ask bly...LOL), so I figured since I seem to understand how they are feeling, I now consider myself a fish whisperer.


Nice job fish whisperer :clapping:


Congrats Cliff.


Great report Cliff. I was away for the week so a combined weekly report works for me :thumbsup_anim:


Getting some great Salmon action in this year eh! Great stuff.



  mikeymikey said:
All I want to know is...

Was the salmon able to pull your canoe?


It did pull us a little bit...definitely turned us as it tried to swim under the boat, but we weren't being towed around.


Great report and pics Cliff!!!... but what I want to know is what's wrong with Carole? Is she sick or something? She's usually beatin' yer eyes out with the fishin'. Keep on doin' whatever you're doin' because I've got a feeling she's gonna play catch up one of these days soon and it aint gonna be pretty for ya! :wallbash::thumbsup_anim::w00t:


Congratulations on some great fish - Salmon fishing from a canoe - now that sounds like one hell of a ride!



  Greencoachdog said:
Great report and pics Cliff!!!... but what I want to know is what's wrong with Carole? Is she sick or something? She's usually beatin' yer eyes out with the fishin'. Keep on doin' whatever you're doin' because I've got a feeling she's gonna play catch up one of these days soon and it aint gonna be pretty for ya! :wallbash::thumbsup_anim::w00t:


Oh yes....she'll catch up....and big time! This always happens....she'll kick my butt for a few weeks, then the tables turn...


Great report Cliff. Congrats on getting them from the canoe...Salmon fishing from a canoe is something I've always wanted to try with my own. Hopefully my dad is game for trying something like that.


Awesome job again! You are going to need a set of pontoons to stabilize that canoe if you are catching fish like that, and float bags to keep you above the water line! Congrats! I love fishing from the canoe. Very natural experience.

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