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Salmon derby fish-off


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Well after a few years fishing salmon I finally made it to the fish-off. Was worried It was gonna be cancelled with all the wind the day before and forcasted 35km northwesterlies. Got out pretty shallow(for salmon fishing) starting fishing worked my way after about 90 minutes out to about the 80 ft mark when the wind picked up pretty good. Out there we spotted a couple a guys that were bringing up there rods and riggers quickly and bailing the boat. So we trolled over to them and as I got closer he started his motor and I asked if he was O'K and they said the took on some water and they were going to head in where the waves were smaller. so they sorta sped off but I feeling that boat wasn't gonna make so I kept trolling towards him but he was half km from me when finally she capsized, so I pulled my things in the fastest I could and got over to them and the one guy was on the boat which was upside down and the other guy was holding the boat in the water. I was lucky and had 50 ft of rope all coiled and ready to toss, got the first fellow in the boat which was tough cause he was a pretty big guy(thank god for swim platform) than I threw the rope to the other fellow and he tied it to the Eye on front of the boat and then he swam over and tied it the back of my boat. He was a lot stronger and had no problem getting him in. Then proceeded to go in very slowly because of the waves and the upside down boat acted as a diver the faster I went and was very hard to steer with it in tow. After two and a half hours we finally made it in. I was glad to have a canopy with sides and my driver(my wife) brought a old but warm blanket and we had some coats were able to use keep the fellows warm. We tied our boats up at the marina and we all went to the cermony tent got some well deserved pizza and beer. Had a fun time at the ceromony seeing the mayor and the hopla that goes with one the largest fishing derby's. Collected my fishfider and a bag of lures.After the cermony went back to the marina to pack up and try and help buddy turn over his boat, when a pile of people got together to try and help this poor guy out after about a hour and half we finally righted his poor legend. At least he was insured cause a lot got damaged and loss during the whole dillemma. Oh well I guest I have to fish more next year and make the fish-off again. :thumbsup_anim:DSC01559.jpgDSC01565.jpgDSC01568.jpgDSC01594.jpgDSC01608.jpgDSC01610.jpg

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Nice work lending a hand and watching out for these poor fellows. Interesting flipside to the character of man given the post about the scum sucking dude that robbed a dying fisherman at Bronte. Very heroic IceGuy. You should be proud of yourself.


Corn Nug

Edited by Corn Nug
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Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.



oh yeah and thanks.


But seriously I am sorry that we messed up your derby.....but very grateful that you took the time to watch and help........oh and my wife is somewhat grateful as well.

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No worries Magnum,You didnt mess up my derby I'm just glad I could help and we all made to the award ceromony. I just hope you can get every thing back to normal so don't miss to much of the fall fishing and your not turned off on King fishing. we'll see you on the big water next year

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But seriously I am sorry that we messed up your derby.....but very grateful that you took the time to watch and help........oh and my wife is somewhat grateful as well.


We're all glad that you're around to express your gratitude. Sorry to hear about your misadventure and I hope repair/replacement goes smoothly.



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Iceguy I applaud you for everything you have done. As everyone else has said you are the true winner in yesterday's fishoff.


Magnum, I am also pleased that this has turned around to be an experience of learning and not a disastrous outcome. Property can always be replaced a valuable life can not.


Good to see both post on here.




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So Here is what happened......from my view......(I was facing backward and my friend was driving)........it is his boat after-all...........anyway we went out aiming for 120ft of water.......waves were about 1 and 1/2ft at the time, so we troll around for about 15 min.........then the wind picked up and 3fters one after the other.....still we figured we have been in worse.......then one big wave came over the bow........we took alot of water and as fast as we could (15sec) started to head back in.........bildge pump on but not enough.........a group of 3 waves came up.........1st wave soaked us.......2nd wave swamped us.........third wave lifted the front of the boat just high enough that all the water ran to the back of the boat, which was enough to get the engine submerged......end of story engine under = capsized........the whole process of the actual flipping took about 10 sec if that.


If it didn't happen to me I would not believe it possible........3ft waves 17ft boat........capsize???


water was warm.........the wind however was not.

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