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Another Family French River Trip


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We had planned to spend the long weekend in Rideau Ferry this year but some business issues with my brother prevented that. We decided to make the best of it, make some alternate plans and head back up to my aunts cottage on the French River (I am very lucky to have these choices of vacation spots to pick :thumbsup_anim: ). We loaded the truck and boat, hit the road at 2am Friday, were in Noelville to pick up groceries at 8am and on the island by 10am. Time to relax, fish, enjoy some beers and spend time with the family. Typical day: Get up, wake up kids, go fishing, come in and eat breakfast, go fishing, come in and eat lunch, go fishing, come and in and eat dinner, go fishing, come in and eat something (yes I am big and fluffy), lose at some type of game to the kids, go to bed. Next day - repeat. Sadly no big toothy critters to report but we did have an amazing time. Trip pretty much went like this:


I spend alot of time fishing with my son Ryan but also with my daughter Jess. This year things have really come together for her and I think for the 2nd trip in a row she outfished all of us. She has developed the patience to be a good fisherman, enjoys the time in the boat and is landing fish






Her first pike that she got her hands on and a picture of (she was very very proud)




Ryan again took his buddy Tyson with us and they landed some nice fish too


Ryan doing his best Johnny Bass (he has an incredible Lew ready for his first Muskie picture




Of course being 15 and self appointed King of the Fishing World, he still has his moments such as catching his hat




And, well, um, very nearly something else :stretcher: (His sister seems way too overjoyed at his misfortune)




He and Tyson with a nice shore lunch




He and I after him giving me another fishing lesson




The kids decided that they wanted to learn to clean fish this trip - was very nice to have the help


Jess just realizing what she volunteered for




Ryan getting right in there




Spent a ton of time in the boat just admiring the beauty of the French River, pictures don't fully capture it but it is truly amazing. It was great having the kids pointing things out and seeing them just sit and take it in. We are very lucky to live so close to such beauty.


Good to see other things thriving up there as well - here is a loon family out for a day on the water, momma, poppa and 2 little loons - looks like momma was getting ready to feed the kids with a little Bluegill lunch.




Finally we also had a little excitement on Sunday with our own private air show. There were 2 brush fires burning around our island so this fella made an appearance




He certainly made his presence felt as he went over the cottage 5 or 6 times, seemingly only about 10 feet above the roof (I don't know how to imbed a video but here is the link to him flying over - sorry about the rambling commentary)





Hard to capture the full effect of him flying that close over head but it was something to see, hear and feel.


Finally, tried to vary things up a bit and did some kayaking with Jess who had just returned from a 10 day kayaking trip around Georgian Bay. To sum up, I suck at kayaking and ended up, after leaving camera range, tipped right over and had to swim back to shore towing the kayak and carrying in my hat, sunglasses and pride (sorry for the language and yes those are my girly screams)



It went downhill after this, I tipped, I swam and towed, I kayaked back hauling about 100 gallons of water inside the kayak and I have vowed never ever to fish from one of those (I now have a much deeper admiration of those of you who do)


That is probably it for my trips up there this year (unless a last minute fall trip is thrown together :whistling:). Had another great time with the kids and wife Cindy and they should have some great memories of it like I do.

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Guest Johnny Bass

Excellant report! Looks like a great time spent with the family! Your son does a good Johnny Bass imitation but he needs to be more tanned.lol

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Excellant report! Looks like a great time spent with the family! Your son does a good Johnny Bass imitation but he needs to be more tanned.lol


We took him to the Dominican in January and he came back whiter than when he left so tanning is not his strong suit LOL

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WOW.!!!!!!! great report & pics, :w00t: man thats some real cool video footage of that canadair water-bomber,they sure know how to fly that plane you have to be the best of the best pilot to fly that plane....well looks like the kids had a great time and yes they outfished dad. :P:D ...you knew that was going to happen,sure is a nice spot for a cottage,and the fishing was pretty good as well...thanks for sharing cheers :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing:

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....well looks like the kids had a great time and yes they outfished dad. :P:D ..


LOL, yes. I have pretty much resigned myself to being outfished by them but still a great time anyways. Its fun now just sitting back and watching them do their stuff.

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Really great report.


That 'catching the lure in the pants' pic seems wayy too close for comfort. I'll bet it was one of those planes that knocked the hat into the water ... man they were close. Bet it was a really cool see.


A cabin on the French ... does your Aunt need another nephew ? (I can be available).


Thanks for putting up the report.

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