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Have all boaters gone insane ??


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I strongly agree Lew, too many idiots on the water, too many big powerful boats and there is a definite lack of consideration and safety consciousness. This type of problem is on almost every body of water I have boon on. The Trent Severn system is really bad. I have made posts before about our encounters around the Atherly Narrows And Couchiching, almost swamped in my old 12'r a few times.


True we don't own the water around our boat but people have to be more careful and smarter around smaller craft and those engaged in fishing. It's not a question of rights, it's a matter of safety and being considerate.


Just like the idiot that cut me off in a blue Dodge pickup this afternoon on Burloak Dr., just after that he almost completely lost control of it at the next turn which really made me happy. Of course if he had not brought it around and hit a pole rather than missing it I would have been happy happy happy :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

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Agreed with above - in more open water I never slow down, it throws more of a wake than a boat on plane. In fact, when I am fishing, I kinda wish others wouldn't slow down either.


But I do pass as wide as possible to give the wake as much time to settle as possible (and the fisherman time to brace himself).


Agree with Lew though, there are a lotta idiots out there, especially on the Long Weekends when you get the tourists.


No worries, September will sadly be here soon enough and the tourists will be long gone.

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Actually September will GRATEFULLY be here soon.Then we'll own the waters around our boats as most of the idiots will finally be gone.I might even get back on cooch.



Years ago when I lived in Port Carling my friends had an annual "goodbye tourist" party on labour day on their front lawn.

Sat there on lawn chairs drinking beer and waving bye bye to all the summer people :D

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Well lew i hear ya.. :dunno::glare: ....it pisses me off as well,and thats one reason i dont fish the kawartha lakes on the weekends,every idiot and guys with sea-doos,are out there trying to impress me grrrrrrrrrr.. :devil::angry: ..thats why i dont mind driving a little farther north to get away from these idiots,but yes they are like rabbitts and are breeding very fast and multiplying.......we need slingshots ya that would slow them down.. :o:huh: ....oh ya and dont think that the great lakes are much differnt,we have huge sailboats that come from nowhere and cut right in front or behind you while you are running 10colors of leadcore or copper running 500-600ft behind you,they dont care and always think they have the right away when they dam well dont...see they are everywhere......

Edited by fishindevil
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September cant come soon enough.Like said,then the waters are ours.Then people say "what are those crazy guys doing out there".That water is freezing,dont they know that. :P:thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing:


Then theres the ice time. Lew theres where you need to get out.NO BOATS OR JETSKIERS TO BE SEEN FOR MILES. L M A O.

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Then theres the ice time. Lew theres where you need to get out.NO BOATS OR JETSKIERS TO BE SEEN FOR MILES. L M A O.


I've tried the ice time Brian, but I always have trouble casting 10" baits into those itty bitty 6" holes :P

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On the Scugog river this past weekend we had a jetski come real close to us at full throttle, I don't think people realize what could happen if they hit something in the water at high speeds , chances are they would end up in your boat if they lost control.

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Like the old saying ; "Ignorance can be fixed, but stupid is forever." still holds true. On the waterways, highways, in the supermarket, in the rivers, it goes on and on. Sometimes I just wonder how some of these people have lived this long. The law of averages should catch up to them sooner or later.


Wher I live the road that has a very sharp turn in front of my house. The speed limit is 40 KMH. every winter at least a dozen cars slide off the road because of speeding. When they knock on the door and ask for help, I'm glad to call a tow truck and watch them pay for thier stupidity. What goes a round, comes around.




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I don't think there is much sense talking about the boater's license right now. Most of the idiot's I have seen on the water are in 14 footers or more and they don't even need a license at this time, so a license won't help them at all.


I think they have targeted the wrong size boat to license first. A cruiser almost made us submarine out on Georgian Bay. Not a good feeling for sure!


And guess what Lew??? He smiled and gave us a friendly wave as the nose of my friends boat went under. Lucky for us it didn't keep on going down. Only he knows why he had to come so close to us on a very windy day.


The OPP has to start targeting some of these guys.




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just for clarity sake... sailboats, when sailing, always have the right of way. unfortunately they cant just turn and start heading up-wind. but i definitely agree that there are some stupid boaters out there. just pure ignorance... but it only seems to be really bad on weekends. and if she's REAL bad, i head into the weeds... not too many waterskiers/jetskiers wanna venture in there.

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Gee Lew you might be right. This is what happened last weekend here.


Wake board boat is done for the day and heads into the local campground, coming in at the same time was a smaller boat and the guys in the small boat decide it would be cool to make like a pwc and jump the wakeboard boats wake.


Well they got tangled up in the wake and dumped everybody overboard, the boat circled around and ran over one of the guys and get this THE PROP CUTS THE LIFE JACKET OFF HIS BACK, he said he could feel the prop move down his back but it didn't cut him. I'm not sure if it was the wakeboarders or another boat but they rammed the unmanned boat to push it clear of the guys in the water and someone jumped into it and got it under control.

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I bet dollars to donuts... the guys that are on the 400 series cutting everybody off and weaving in and out of traffic in their BMW's... are the same morons you seeing on the lakes.... they drive like jackasses on the roads... they also think the lakes belong to them too.... How many Chevettes do you hear doing 200km+ on the 400??... nope notta one... BMW's, Mercedes, Porches (sp?) etc... Oppps.... forgot my boat keys!!! Complete Bull....


Time for Cam Wolley to be on the lakes... just as much as they are on the 400...


Perhaps it is time for the OPP to look at other forms of travel then just driving.... most of the time they (opp) are the causes of gridlock... everyone slowing down etc... when EVERYONE is traveling at the same speed...


they should be looking at the water alot more then they are... I have seen 2 OPP on the water in 7 Years!... but 70000 on the 400...


I understand some will disagree... but if you want rules on the water... then put the people that can enforce the rules on the water!



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I'll tell ya, there's a 27+ mile long man-made lake just over the mountain from me .. in less than an hour I can be on the water. Excellent Striper fishing from what I hear with many PA state records taken from there (I don't fish stripers). That place is such a freeking zoo in the summer, I won't even go over there. Jet Skis, Water Skiers, Boats just speding all over the place. Even if I would put in a try to fish, I'd be bounced all over the place. No thanks, I like to enjoy my fishing.

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This weekend was a real doozy with boat traffic. I was out pulling a tube on Saturday and the traffic was unreal. Really had to keep a look out for people paying no attention.


My buddy on Chemong was telling me about some lady that almost slammed her 10-year-old son into his boat on waterskis. He was fishing about 20 yards from shore when this lady drives by with a boat load of kids and one on skis behind her. She passes by within about 15' (apparently on the way to her dock) and drags the skier to within about a foot of his bow. When he confronted her on her stupidity, all she could say was he shouldn't be fishing there (so close to her dock).

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Hey Jer, we were fishing a favorite spot just west of you last Friday and we were driven off by all the jet-skis terrorizing the water and fishermen. I felt like I was being attacked by a swarm of giant yellow and red hornets.


You'd think with all the open water on that lake, those jack-asses could find somewhere else to play, other than 50' from a couple people trying to cast.


I think the guy that invented jet-skis should be tied to a floating raft and have 1000 of those morons spend an entire weekend screaming around him.


Maybe jet-skis are OK in the hands of normal people, but so far I haven't come across any yet.

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This same thread came up on a Fishing website from Quebec and some people posting said that it is bad in Quebec also but he mentioned that Ontarians were a lot better behaving than Quebecers were. So I can just imagine how bad it is around Montreal. Actually one guy posted that he was always wondering were those seadoo rider's and other idiots were when Duck season was open just to see if they would come as close when they saw somebody in the small boat with a shotgun in there lap. Nothing like a shot across the bow to make them think twice about it!!!!!!

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