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Everything posted by Grimace

  1. That is fantastic. I wish I had one.
  2. I love Quebec updates. Keep em coming.
  3. Two Mules for sister Sara. If that's the one where Clint has to shoot the Dynamite on the train bridge with the rifle. Great scene.
  4. Magnificent Seven!!!
  5. The gloves are pretty girly but you guys made up for it by eating the fish heads. Well played. Looks like a great trip.
  6. Maybe I am wrong. My Facebook app for iPhone still says 9 people like this. I prolly wasn't number 8 then.
  7. I think it is just rising that fast Wayne.
  8. I can't help you but it sounds like a blast. Good luck.
  9. I was driving south today past Copper Creek and saw they had the tripods out and a line up of cars pulled over going North. It was posted 60. I always thought that was an eighty zone. So that answers that question. Lol.
  10. Really interesting. Must have been cool.
  11. You old people have it way to easy nowadays. :-)
  12. My favourite part of the French as well. If your at Bears Den, read the French River history book they have kicking around. Great read, talks alot about Etienne Brûlée and the history of the river. Watch for Rocks!!! There are Smallmouth Bass everywhere. Search for the walleye deep. If you have the right gear there are some monstrous muskies in there. I saw one sunning itself that was in the 50 pound class, the bloody thing must have been on the high 50's in inches. We drifted right over top of him fishing a point. Lots of morning mist this time of year, you might find yourself having a nice big breakfast and waiting the fog out (that is how I came across the book). Edit: iPhone auto correct strikes again.
  13. I have not read this thread except the original post. I would lead it into my old lady's closet. As I am watching TV I would have a warm smile when I hear her shrieking. Lol. But that's just me.
  14. If it is such a small amount of money then sell it to them. Lol. Just busting your chops. :-p
  15. This is just the beginning of my favourite time of year.
  16. I love it!!
  17. It sure looks like an awesome trip. Looks like a great part of the Earth.
  18. There is only one reason that I would ever laugh at that - I would have one upped you by jigging a big ole octupus!!
  19. A fish doesn't give a crap if you have confidence in your lure or not. In certain situations, lures either work or they don't. Silly mind games with yourself are just that.
  20. What affected me the most, was people jumping. I remember it stirring enough emotions in me that I wept while watching them go bunches after bunches.
  21. I was just finishing up my crane apprenticeship doing a job at the Bruce Nuclear Power Plant. Horns went off, they threw us in busses, people were running around. No one knew what was going on except that all contractors were to be evacuated. I thought there was a meltdown as I was already apprehensive about working at a nuclear power plant in the first place. They bussed us out to our vehicles and we left. I turned the radio on and could not believe what I was hearing. I drove about a million miles an hour to our hotel room in Kincardine and turned on the T.V. and sat in disbelief with a few of my co-workers. Edited to add: They were going nuts at the power plant because they thought there might be a possibility of nuclear power plants being targets.
  22. I have a set of marathons on the boat trailer and they seem like a real nice tire. Three years in and looking like new. The first year they saw tons of road, not much the last two years. I am assuming they are the Chinese tires as they are three years old. Edit: Typo
  23. Beautiful collection of big ole Bass. Your reports are always a treat. You need to take more bird pictures. Lol.
  24. I fish, my wife doesn't. We have a kid, there are no quarrels. I know instinctively where the line is. I do not cross it. If you are having troubles trying to figure out what is acceptable and what us going overboard is then you should make a schedule ( I fish once a month ) type of thing. If you inherently know where the line is and cross it repeatedly then the problem is not fishing.
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