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Everything posted by Grimace

  1. Fantastic. A boxing day blow-out!!
  2. Merry Christmas Gerrit, it is a very emotional time of year for many people. That was very moving.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ws5Xeu3BEQk
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9FBQ1O5F8k
  5. Yesterday would have been Frank Zappa's 71st birthday. Happy Birthday Frank!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nQeYoYn03s
  6. That is just awful. Sorry.
  7. Awesome!! I haven't been able to get over there this year due to insane work schedule, so I am waiting for ice as well. Great shooting on those beauties!
  8. My sister in law is like that. Wins laptops, trips to Florida, caribbean and a bunch of other places. One time she won two trips at the same time and had to give one away. It really is quite remarkable. I say take her to the race track and ask her what horse she likes. Slap the works on it. Worse thing that could happen is that you would just have to go back to fire fighting. From what I gather, you like fire fighting anyways. :-)
  9. Get him back. After his house is rebuilt and cleaned up, blow up your house and get glass all over his driveway. That'll show the prick! I would try to clean it myself as dealing with the insurance companies will most likely be a nightmare. It sucks, but that's life.
  10. I don't personally have a problem with it but don't the boards rules specifically state that you should not post particular spots? I have always found my own spots. That is half the fun. Finding your own spots is what being an angler and an outdoorsman is all about. Again, I am not being critical, I don't and wouldn't fish any of those spots. I just guess that I have an idea of what an outdoorsman should be and asking strangers on the Internet for specific fishing spots isn't in it. What that is is instant gratification. Not earned.
  11. Yeah the checkout is a little wonky. Once you go forward a bit it starts to make sense, but initially it makes you scratch your head for a second or two.
  12. I renewed mine for another 3 years 2 or 3 weeks ago. I hope the card comes in before January 1st. My printer took a crap on me so I couldn't print the temperary.
  13. I am so jealous. Have a great season.
  14. Great tribute. As a crane operator I am constantly working with iron workers. They are salt of the Earth. Looks like you had a real good one there. I am sorry for your loss.
  15. Pretty sure they were just joking. If your house burns to the ground the concrete basement is unscathed and useless. Hence the joke, we saved the basement.
  16. Sums it up perfectly.
  17. Terry is absolutely right. LCD fish finders are real time. You jig and you see it jig at the same time. The real time is on the far right of the screen though. 1/16th of an inch maybe. I like the way the whole flashers communication with the user is for the exact moment your looking at it. Once you really know how to use a good flasher for still fishing through the ice it is my opinion that it is superior to a normal fish finder type screen. You can also use the other side of the flasher (the trail off) to look for inconsistencies that will tell you that a fish is super tight to the bottom. I have jigged up plenty of walleye and called my shot when they were not even on the screen. There are many tricks you can use with a flasher that you can't with the normal fish finder type screens. Edit: iPhone autocorrect strikes again.
  18. I lived in Camrose for a very short stint in 2008. Nice little town.
  19. Red Deer is South West of Camrose. I would use the same directions for either city. Have a safe drive man. I personally would go South to Georgia, West to California, then start working North. :-)
  20. Is that all you could come up with Terry? :-)
  21. If you are near Sleemans Brewery in Guelph keep your eyes peeled. There have been some sighted in the surrounding fields.
  22. Awesome!! There are few of them unusually south this year. My mother (huge birder) called me the other day to say that some had been sighted near the jobsite I was working on. I looked all day but didn't see them. They are daytime hunters so you should be able to catch a glimpse if they are around. I remember a few years ago when the Great Greys were down south because of the lack of voles up north for some reason. I took a trip with my parents and saw plenty. Wicked to see the Great Greys, I hope I can catch a glimpse of a Snowy this year.
  23. I have been around most of the units. The best one in my opinion is the Marcum LX-5. I have a Vexilar FL-18 and absolutely love it. Like others have said, all the flasher units right now are very good quality. If I was in the market for a new one, I would pick up the LX-5.
  24. That is heartbreaking. Thanks for posting it. Maybe someone who watches it will think of it at the last minute before they drive and change their mind.
  25. Hogs!! Beautiful fish. Looks like a good crew to me.
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