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Everything posted by Grimace

  1. I am in no way the grammar police and would have not brought the subject up but since the discussion was happening I chose to add my two cents. Your point is well made and I agree. The only posts that really bother me are the long ramblings with no punctuation and no sentence structure. Slang, emoticons and all that stuff do not bother me any way, shape, or form. Another pet peeve I suppose would be thread titles with simple words like `most` spelled `moost` for example and the OP does not bother to change it. Cookslav, I do not know much about dyslexia. I am guessing that it would be easier for you to disipher a well typed out statement than one that was poorly done. I would have also figured that since you take the time and determination to type your thoughts out in a very comprehensible manner, you would be a little more inclined to think that others should as well. Anyways, I certainly appreciate and to be frank, admire the way you challenge yourself to use proper grammar and sentence structure. Thumbs up. As for me, I just try my best and am often far from perfect but I hope I am always understood. Edited to add: Sorry, I guess the thread was pretty much done. Cheers!!
  2. I always drool at Starcraft boats.
  3. That, I guess could be the point here. If you take the time and try very hard then what is preventing someone without the same challenges from just taking a moment? It does not have to be perfect, none of us are. I feel that some of the posters are not even trying and some posts are incomprehensible. I love the English language and I feel that it makes perfect sense. It is our job to keep our language in good shape for generations to come. We do not want to be handing down some twisted version of 'Newspeak'. If we cheapen our language in this manner then we are cheapening the way in which we think.
  4. I did not read this whole thing but here is my dog that is no longer with us. Zoey is dead now for about 6 months. I love/loved that dog. RIP Zoey. Great dog!!!
  5. Square on the head. More like a bowl game I suppose.
  6. I couldn't agree more double H. Some posts are almost incomprehensible. We will just have to give you the benefit of the doubt on the title. Lol.
  7. I love the seeds. Cooked tastes great, or eat them raw and they are very good for you.
  8. I am just starting to mess around with the drop shot. I do not bass fish very often but I m trying to add it to my arsenal. I was using braid with a leader and lost lots of fish as well. Good tips thanks.
  9. So they will prepare to use more force because somebody registered their guns legally under the old system? They should wipe out the old records and treat every case on it's own merits. Even if that takes *Gasp* some actual police work.
  10. It all depends on speed. Take a few inches of lead out of the end of the leadcore and use the leadless line to make the knot. I use 50 feet of line from the lead to the lure and tie the lead to the mainline. That way the mainline is on the planer board. I use 3 or 4 colours of leadcore. On your 17's you will get away with 3 colours but you'll be better off using the bigger reels. I have an average depth speed chart for leadcore somewhere in my boat. I can't remember if it is in the big water edition or the normal addition of the trollers bible. I think it is the normal addition.
  11. You have no issues then. Your good to go. I am still interested in hearing what some of the other guys run for line. I think the mono is too stretchy and the fireline isn't stretchy enough. That's how I settled on the flouro main line. The Halo is flouro but it feels like mono as it is nice for knot tying and doesn't kink as bad as other flouro's.
  12. I put some cheap backing on and about 150 yards. You probably only need 100 to use with the footage back to the lure and the added footage to the planer board but I put on extra. The reel pictured is a convector 20. It adds up pretty good. If you have a bigger or smaller reel use less backing and keep the mainline length the same. If you are using baitcasters you might have to go with fire line as the diameter is smaller and you can fit more on your reel (it also takes less line to fish with). Just double wrap it in the planer boards.
  13. Here is what the P-Line Halo looks like on the reel. I love the stuff.
  14. I use P-Line Halo 12 pound to pull the offshore boards. No leader necessary. Great fishing line. I have used plenty of different types over the years and I like it the best so far.
  15. Well done. The sea looks pretty calm out there. It is always nice to put someone on their first fish of any type but especially a walleye.
  16. I am pretty sure Sleeman sold to Sapporro. Unless Molson owns them as well.
  17. This is an asinine statement.
  18. Yeah and the people in Mexico are losing their jobs to China because 4 bucks an hour is too much. Bloody greedy Mexicans. Why Can't they just be happy on a dollar a day? Greedy labour is destroying the Mexican economy. Why can't we all be more like the Chinese worker? Wouldn't that be great? Anyone who complains must be lazy. I feel sorry for the business interests on Mexico having to pay all that labour to greedy lazy workers. On a serious note, I just scored a great pair of Terra work boots made in Canada. They were no more expensive than the Terra's made in Indonesia, India, or China. They only made 50 bucks on me rather than 100. I am a label checker as well. Good on you people who do the same.
  19. I would do the GB thing. Less of a chance that you open your hut door to find a big triple coiler laying on the floor. Edit: Typo
  20. Fantastic. Well done old boy!!
  21. Those deep fish are not biters anyway. I have always found that the fish higher up are the biters.
  22. This one has been bouncing around in my head for a week or so. You just got to love Frank. A great song that turns into ear crack at 3:05 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObIxMqe5eFY
  23. Funny. I was just discussing this scene on Facebook not 5 minutes ago and now I see it on here. A beauty for sure.
  24. Indeed. Frustrated teams take many shots from low percentage areas because the shot are easy to take. Shot selection is key. Wilson was quoted many times over the last few years saying "I think we made the other goalie look good tonight".
  25. Always enjoy your Fish slash Pics posts. Pure excellence!
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