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Everything posted by Grimace

  1. Thanks for sharing that. Excellent!
  2. I can not wait for your Senators to come plummeting back to Earth, and when they do I will be like Newman at 0:50 of this clip. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zG_PN31YJU Having said that, MacLean is looking like the Jack Adams Trophy winner. Too bad. Everyone (including Eugene Melnick) had Ottawa finishing dead last this year and drafting # 1. I was really looking forward to watching Ottawa's #1 pick Nail Yakupov walk away from the Sens to play in the KHL. I guess it is good for the league though. Not having to play in Ottawa should be enough to keep Yakupov in the NHL. Bwahahahaha.
  3. That smoker looks like a really comfortable family boat. They are both great looking boats. I would give the edge to the Smoker. Either way you're going to be a very happy man. Congrats.
  4. I bought mine online in November. Arrived today.
  5. Congrats on your new boat. You must be thrilled. That is a very sharp looking unit. Get the drill out and make sure your measurements are right!
  6. I think all of them.
  7. Lowe. Awesome boat. The layout is impeccable. It cuts water brilliantly. It's sharp looking. It's really nice and wide compared to the other aluminums (just like the crestliner). The dealer I bought it from was fantastic. Having said all of that, it is still gut wrenching thinking about how two hulls got cracks. Anyways, good luck with your choice Mike. Smokercraft and Crestliner are both quality boats. I would take the riveted hull with all other things being equal.
  8. Larger fish have less predators, so they have less reason to school up. A 3-4 pound walleye eats in a different manner than a young walleye. They will be In different spots.
  9. All the boats under one roof. You can jump in and out of them and do a real good job of comparing them. It's better than driving all over the country and trying to remember how the boat you were in the other week compares with the one you are in now. That's what I liked about being a buyer at the boat show. Plus when I bought new they had done good deals. I picked up my boat for 28 and it would of been 32 outside the show. I have not seen very many good deals the last few years though. Now I just go for the fun of it. Its cheaper than going to the movies. Lol.
  10. Yup. That's why I am investing in an RESP. Now the little brat better use it or I will have a nervous break down and buy a Corvette. :-)
  11. I know. I think Roy was referring to the fact that if he bought it back then he would be groovin. Or maybe he was implying that the economy will get even worse and gold will be worth about 20 large for an ounce. Lol. Edit: Typo
  12. If I could do it over again I would buy a riveted hull. Unfortunately I can't do it over again.
  13. I am on my third welded hull. The first two cracked. The manufacturer (not Crestliner) and dealer I bought from were incredible. They gave me a new hull twice. The 2006 hull cracked, they gave me 2008 hull. It cracked, they gave me a 2010 hull. It seems so far that this one is holding up. Two seasons under it and dry as a bone. It better be anyway because the manufacturer has changed the transoms starting in the 2011 line-up and I would have to buy a long shaft to fit on it. They have pretty much said that this is the last one their giving me. Just for the record none of the cracks have been my fault. I would feel much better right now if my boat was threatening to pop a rivet or two, then I could just replace them. At least I didn't buy a Cracker, I would still be stuck with the leaking hull and they would blame me for 'rough trailering'. Either way, I hope you really enjoy your new boat. I will never forget how excited I was to buy mine.
  14. The price of gold has exploded in the last 10 years. Really exploded. When the economy goes to crap, gold and silver go through the roof.
  15. 4thgen, you rule!! Lol.
  16. Sounds like a death sentence!!! Lol.
  17. The institution you set this up with will figure out the government's end on the subject and take care of getting them to put it out. We use USC. I believe it has now changed the name to Knowledge First. It is a registered education savings plan. RESP. These folks are the way to go because instead of a bank stashing the profits from your investment, these folks are a non-profit organization that floods the profits back into the collective pool. All money made from the investments goes back to the kids in that particular year class. USC or Knowledge First as they are now called does the work on the government end (as would any bank I am sure). I will PM you some info. Hope this helps.
  18. In a very hard core case of espionage when Colonal Harland Sanders was at gun point he was told to release his secret recipe. With eyes full of tears and a soul emptied of self respect he gave in and uttered those three things. They didn't believe him. RIP Harland.
  19. You just ate cormorant!!
  20. That is very good to hear. When I think of young people with cancer I try to imagine but can not begin to fathom all the feelings that a journey like this would bring to a family. The elation of small victories to be crushed by small defeats, the joy of hope and darkness of helplessness. The fear. The small hurdles that were suppose to be easy ending in failure only to surpass milestones months earlier than expected. Crying until there are no more tears. Expecting yet another nurse to come through the door who is jaded and desensitized to the pain of it all, only to get a wonderful person who restores your sense of humanity. I guess what I am trying to say is it is very hard for all of us to understand fully the fact that your family and many families in your position in these hospitals all over the place are getting a lifetime's worth of humanity in a span from a few months to a few years. That is quite a dose. Thanks for sharing a drop of it with us. Although many of us can not imagine what it was like, we can now think about it with a little more clarity. My friend that I use to work with had a very young family member in the cancer ward at sick kid's. The next day at work after one of his visits he would tell us about how mentally excruciating it was to see all those little kids in there and the parents. The little fella didn't make it. Sometimes I think about when he told me. A kid I had never met. We were devastated and we didn't even know him. This is precisely why stories like your daughters need to be told. It is awesome that she is. I guess after all of this, you guys wouldn't have expected anything less of her.
  21. It is really uplifting to see this type of thing. This story should be documented and made available to the people who are nervous, scared, and sick sitting in Sick Kids and other hospitals. I would be willing to wager that reading about the progress of your daughter would be a great benefit to some people who are sitting in these hospitals scared and in some dark places emotionally.
  22. What a surprise, religion on the opposite side of science. Lol. Hey Galileo, you here that?
  23. As for the video, not enough evidence. If the passing sled was in the same party and they were just watching as they were taking turns bombing by, then the guy who moves in front is totally at fault as his buddy would have to assume his friends who were watching him buzz by would not jolt out in front of him. If they are a different party from the guy bombing down the trail then they are both at fault. The guy was going too fast and close to judge their intentions before a reasonable reaction time. The idiot that pulls out in front is at fault in both scenarios.
  24. Then let us skip point A and get right to point B then. You guys want to hunt cormorants because you think it would be fun and sustainable and have little negative effect. Okay then, talk about that possibility, but do not suggest that you guys want to hunt them to save the fish stocks if admittedly the hunt will have little effect on the population.
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